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  1. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Ken Tram in The Administration Thread   
    I’d guess Rooney’s contract terms will have been sorted between Stretford and CK in the context of the business plan discussions. Hefty promotion bonus perhaps. Hopefully Rooney will now be having a busy few days discussing terms with players 
  2. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    I wondered if this is why the (ambitious) closing date of 31/5 was included in the statement. A lot needs to happen by then (court orders in particular), so it’s bold. But it’s there in black and white and it’ll surely be used to ward off our players’ agents who are looking for new contracts, and to encourage incoming talent.
    Hope Wayne finds someone else to carry Colleen’s bag he needs to make some calls 
  3. COYR
    kevinhectoring reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Don't raise my hopes like this, Malcolm.
  4. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Its a shame as your profile pic is so cute
  5. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    I wondered if this is why the (ambitious) closing date of 31/5 was included in the statement. A lot needs to happen by then (court orders in particular), so it’s bold. But it’s there in black and white and it’ll surely be used to ward off our players’ agents who are looking for new contracts, and to encourage incoming talent.
    Hope Wayne finds someone else to carry Colleen’s bag he needs to make some calls 
  6. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    I withdrew my offer when on my 2nd visit I noticed the door hinges were loose, Surprised you bought it CB

  7. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    And he could announce himself and no leaks
  8. Cheers
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Yes but until the deal closes he will have an eye to where he would rank if something unmentionable were to occur. 
  9. Clap
    kevinhectoring reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
    Yes the conditions still remain, but CK presumably isn't a charity or an idiot. He wouldn't agree to start covering the clubs costs if this wasn't going through.
  10. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to SirBrian in The Administration Thread   
    For God's sake all you doom and gloom merchants and know alls give it a break, surley CK is not clueless and knows that the stadium will not be an issue or he would have walked away, not willingly take over the running of Derby County and paying the bills.
    Smile and be happy, think positive we have a great owner who loves sport and we also have a great manager who loves the club, it takes more muscles to frown than too smile, happy days are here again!!!
  11. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Wolfie20 in The Administration Thread   
    I see the doom-mongers are still scuttling around. The first bit of confirmed progress we've had in months yet they just can't resist putting in their pessimistic comments - you do have to wonder if everything else in their lives is surrounded in negativity.
    Most fans who have endured the last couple of years will probably agree that all is not now cut and dried but let's enjoy the fact that at last there is some light at the end of this dark tunnel and it doesn't automatically mean there's a train coming full pelt towards us.
    Today is a good day, we've not had many of them recently so for pity sake enjoy it!
  12. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    CK is no fool and would not express delight at becoming our new owner lightly. And he certainly would not agree to put cash in without a very very strong expectation the deal will close. 
  13. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Amanda Salloway
    “There has been a tremendous amount of discussions, meetings and correspondence, but there is no doubt that the part played by the fans, in joining the march to the Birmingham City game, voicing their support on social media and turning out to the games in such amazing - and vocal - support both home and away," Mrs Solloway said in a statement. "Their passion and their refusal to give up has been extraordinary and even though there are still some hurdles to be crossed, I hope that they can breathe a huge sigh of relief today and look to the future of Derby County Football Club.
    “It has been a pleasure to spend time with Chris. And he has paid tribute to the passion of the Derby fans - he is ( no doubt what the club means to the people in Derby and it's one of the reasons he was so keen to invest. "We are so pleased that this deal, which Team Derby and I have been working on for months, has now gone over the line. Finally, we have something to really celebrate!"
  14. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    I’d thought CK’s funding would be by loan to Q. Or that he’d put a cash deposit with MSD and they would lend. 
  15. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    CK is no fool and would not express delight at becoming our new owner lightly. And he certainly would not agree to put cash in without a very very strong expectation the deal will close. 
  16. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    CK is no fool and would not express delight at becoming our new owner lightly. And he certainly would not agree to put cash in without a very very strong expectation the deal will close. 
  17. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from DcfcMatt in The Administration Thread   
    Is anyone ‘pleasantly surprised’ at how quickly this has moved forward?
  18. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from derby8 in The Administration Thread   
    CK is no fool and would not express delight at becoming our new owner lightly. And he certainly would not agree to put cash in without a very very strong expectation the deal will close. 
  19. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Rambalin in The Administration Thread   
    On my way home from a 12 hour night shift, 


  20. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Steve How Hard? in The Administration Thread   
    What great news to wake up to. Will feel a whole lot better when the conditional parts of this deal are signed off though. After all we've been through it's ok to proceed with some caution, isn't it?
    For now though I'll know it's a done deal when this thread is locked. I'm off to find that transfer thread. Now where is it again?
  21. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to ramesses in The Administration Thread   
  22. COYR
    kevinhectoring reacted to EraniosSocks in The Administration Thread   
    Never doubted you CK………….. ?
    what news that is to wake up to the nightmare is nearly over and like any normal football fan I can dream of us winning the champions league again.. but in all seriousness this is for the city, the behind the scenes workers, the supporters and the  wider family. We can operate as normal and now set a plan to get us back where we belong. 
    COYR ?
  23. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to ossieram in The Administration Thread   
    Has he signed yet?
  24. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    I am more worried about "the small bits". I do have a complex about things like that.
  25. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    The geriatric ultras can be most persistent when they've got a bee in thier bonnet about something.
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