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  1. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    10k is more than a handful
    These prats make insulate Britain look like geniuses
    "We don't like lockdowns, let's do something that will make lockdowns more likely, by having a mass gathering in the epicentre of the pandemic"
  2. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to May Contain Nuts in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Oh they've listened to it, it regularly gets applied to every single aspect of the football club no matter who is in charge, no matter the year, the current league position or whatever  - there's always fault to be found, and find it some will!
    It's not exactly brave to predict that something in football will fail and end badly, you may as well just be predicting that the weather will mostly be rubbish again next year and then piping up whenever it rains to remind everyone.
    I'm sure there are Leeds fans who've looked at their last 2 results and used it as a springboard to tell people that they always knew Bielsa would get found out!
    Not one Derby fan thinks everything is all roses.
    There's a vast difference between 'having doubts' and taking every single available opportunity to pour scorn on the club and find every angle to slag it off.
    There's such thing as a healthy level of bias.
    It's not about being the 'best supporter' but some people so rarely voice any form of support, any optimism, any bias towards the club or anyone associated with it and then seem surprised that their level of support is brought into question! They can always fall back on "I told you so" though.
  3. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to jono in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I don’t think for a minute that any really would;  but there are those who express themselves in a kind of “my death wish / doom seer opinion will be proved right” kind of way, to the point that you begin to think being  right is more important to them  than actually surviving. .. A kind of Spike Milligan inscription of a headstone .. “I told you I was Ill”
  4. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Ram-Alf in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Do you ever get the feeling that some people ie Derby fans would love DCFC to go to the wall, I've never felt once would we find ourselves being liquidated or even exterminated, Being impatient will only exacerbate peoples blood pressure and anxiety...take that Chill Pill and let administration take it's course ?
  5. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Ramos in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I thought I was going mad. Saw the tweets last night and come on here this morning and seen so many negative comments. It took me 4 months to buy my house, it was a straightforward chain etc etc - I’m not sure why people seem to think this process would be quicker than it is. Not only is it complicated by admin but by us not owning the stadium etc so many spinning plates. I think the fact they’ve told the squad to expect a preferred bid to be announced next week and that talks with HMRC have been very positive - how are people then concluding liquidation it is?! 
  6. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Crewton in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Anyone who thinks you'd get full and honest answers from the Administrators in a live Facebook meeting is risibly deluded. They have no idea of how sensitive some of the negotiations are. The sense of entitlement I'm getting from some fans is staggering. The Administrators have no duty to engage with the fans whatsoever, other than in their position as minor individual unsecured creditors. We can argue about which supporters groups are valid or appropriate, but provided they're all being treated equally, I have no issue with how this is being done. 
  7. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Three bids on the table despite the position with HMRC. One of the bids involves Gadsby - like him or loathe him won’t let club go to the wall. Yet seen comments that we’re miles away from a takeover and it looks like liquidation. Honestly some people - get a grip! There is nothing in Jim’s post that Indicates they won’t name a preferred bidder next week and if things were so negative then why would they tell the whole squad and staff what’s happening as Rooney confirmed the other day?! Previous comms has just been with Rooney. 
    Honestly think people just see what they want to see rather than take what is said. 
  8. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to CBRammette in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Ah yes those singing Sharp songs etc would add a lot to proceedings. And only a few are putting pressure/stress on those invited. I appreciate the time those invited voluntarily give to the groups they represent to get credible info amongst all the social media garbage swirling around.  As many have posted over the last couple of days this is a complicated and probably finely balanced commercial deal, not a reality show. Dont get why people feel they would get detailed updates on a confidential process. Any transactions we are involved in at work are so careful and secretive and they are nothing compared to this. 
  9. Haha
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to sage in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Is it too late to change my wrist slasher of the year nomination? 
  10. Cheers
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to RamsfanJim in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    We're OK to share this - full minutes on Monday now.. 
    * There are 3 interested bidders that Quantuma are still negotiating with. Each bid is complicated and each is taking time for Quantuma to fully evaluate based on different elements in them.
    * Negotiations with HMRC have been extremely positive, but no deal is ever agreed with HMRC until the final proposal is on the table.
    * There are verbal agreements with Mel Morris and MSD Capital with regard to the ground.
    * Discussions with regard to transfers and contract extensions are being had, but no decisions will be made until the preferred bidder is announced to allow them to make their own decisions.
  11. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Day in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I never once felt personally privileged, and I know for sure @Boycie never, in fact they became that much of a pain in the arse to the point he wouldn't even go and I had to make a 6 hour round trip.
    Having to deal with comments like this just grinds you down and why I quit, what's the point, why bother?
    These are fans giving up their free time to provide a communication link between club and fans, all they get is crap for it. 
    Being called out for alienating other fans, claimed they are frightened to talk, just shows a real lack of understanding and appreciation for what these groups do for us all.
    If it wasn't for them it's unlikely any information would come out other than through the media. You can't expect the club to open the floor to the entire fanbase to ask questions that are then answered on the website, even if they did it would take a lot longer than the 48hrs you're already unwilling to wait for.
  12. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Crewton in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    The point is that what is said in meetings with the Administrators must be accurately reported, and commercially sensitive information may have to be excluded. 
    Sorry if you don't accept or believe this, but that's reality. 
  13. Like
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from Mihangel in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    And even more important to make sure they are all consistent and accurate when they’re being published on organisations websites, etc for anyone to read.
  14. Like
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from Crewton in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    And even more important to make sure they are all consistent and accurate when they’re being published on organisations websites, etc for anyone to read.
  15. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Mihangel in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Quite - It's entirely normal that the minutes would need to be agreed, I find it strange that people would think otherwise. Even in a run of the mill business meeting I may check with some of the attendees that I capture things correctly.
    Imagine the scenario where 4 groups released minutes and they were all slightly different in their understanding, there would be a meltdown!
  16. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Tamworthram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    It could be to ensure the minutes accurately reflect what was actually said. It is standard practice for minutes to be approved before being published in most walks of life.
  17. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Crewton in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    With negotiations with many different parties presumably at a delicate stage, I assume that the Administrators are simply being very, very careful that something isn't published that puts any of those negotiations in jeopardy. 
    Fans need to recognise that transparency in commercial negotiations, with potential legal implications, isn't without risks. The level of impatience being shown by some fans on SM is bordering on the infantile. 
  18. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Chester40 in Where Rooney ranks compared to other Rams managers   
    Rooney has managed for more games than everybody else below/around him. Obviously that record leads to a sacking generally...not saying he deserves that right now but some of the praise for him is OTT at times.
  19. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to CornwallRam in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I believe that Wigan went through 4 preferred bidders before finally exiting administration. The advantage we have though, is Appleby and Gadsby have both taken control of the club before, so history suggests they're not time wasters. Kirchner could be, but he's been very visible and is a prominent businessman. He's also got Cook and Rooney's agent on board, which suggests a high degree of credibility. 
    I don't want to count any chickens, but things are looking a lot less bleak imo.
  20. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to RoyMac5 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    "Asked about the ongoing takeover at his pre-match press conference, Rooney said: "It is very encouraging. The administrators spoke to all the staff yesterday. There are three bids gone in from three separate groups. The preferred bidder should be announced by Christmas, is the message we all got told. That is very encouraging.
    "Hopefully that's the case and whoever that preferred bidder is I can obviously have dialogue with and start planning and see what I can do in January."
  21. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    We don’t need the minutes to come out, Wazza has told everyone what’s happening on the takeover in his press conference. Three bids in and preferred bidder announced by Christmas. DET follow up with they believe one of the bids is Kirchner. 
    All sounds rather encouraging if you ask me.
  22. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to ilkleyram in Where Rooney ranks compared to other Rams managers   
    Lies, damn lies and statistics.  Context is all - are Arthur and Jim really only our 11th and 12th best managers?  I think most of us, even those not alive in those days, would have both in our top 4, for what they achieved over a long period of time.
    Whatever else our Wayne has done or not done I cannot recall a single Derby manager having to face all the on and off field issues that he has had to face, and not over a short period of time either.  That he has done so with some success (and I include staying up last season as success), with a commitment that I didn't believe he would show and a drive and determination that all of our younger players would do well to note and apply during their own careers and I have him way up the list.  Add some onfield success and he will be in the top 5.
  23. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Jimbo Ram in Where Rooney ranks compared to other Rams managers   
    This season has been very difficult but he certainly should have done better last season…..
  24. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to RAM1966 in Be prepared... Covid Pass required for matchdays...   
    I welcome this, its not about you, its the people you potentially infect, the elderly and vulnerable including your relatives.  People are still laughing at masks and not trusting vaccines, that fine, you have a choice, but so does DCFC and they have a duty of care to their fans!!!  Just as you have a right not to be vaccinated or want to wear a mask, DCFCs has a right to refuse you entry! 
    At least we are not at the point of compulsory vaccination like some countries in the EU.  You 'still' have a choice, life is full of choices, but, you need to accept your choices sometimes have consequences.  I've personally had 3 jabs and the flu jab, why to keep myself and my relative safe.
    Its simple if you want entry get jabbed, if your not exempt and don't want to get jabbed, you have to accept the consequences of not being allowed in, its a choice....
    An anti-vaxer and campaigner who attended lots of C19 anti-vaccination rallies who lived in Willington, is no longer with us, sadly, he endured a terrible fate on a ventilator which lasted for about 10 weeks and ultimately died. 
    Lets all stay as safe ae we can, be it by taking the vaccination or by respecting the rules by not attending the game, we all have a choice!   
  25. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Ghost of Clough in The young players from the academy who are coming into the first team..   
    The point being those players should have been there as emergency backup in their positions. Sort of like the roles Wes Brown, O'Shea, etc had at Man Utd. Capable of filling in, but not good enoigh as a regular starter - as evidenced when they eventually moved on.
    In 15/16, we had Pearce, Shotton and Buxton as 4th, 5th and 6th choice CBs, playing for a total of 261 minutes in the league. Rawson could easily have stepped in as 4th choice instead, and showed he was capable enough based on his loan out to Rotherham. Hanson didn't look out of place in the team yet hardly featured again in following seasons.
    16/17, Blackman, Camara and Weimann 4th, 5th and 6th choice wingers played for less than a combined 1000 minutes. Those should have been given to Bennett (who only played for 23). Lowe was exceptional when he came into the side in 16/17, including a memorable man of the match display vs Wolves. But, he had Forsyth and Olsson on senior player wages so shived down the pecking order.
    17/18, Shackell 0 minutes, Butterfield 157, Palmer 426 and Anya 302. Are you telling me Rawson, Hanson and Elsnik couldn't have played those roles and not been just as good? We owned Vydra, Martin, Jerome, Nugent and Bent plus Winnall on loan. We only needed 2 of them, with Jacobsen as backup.
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