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  1. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Danger Mouse in Warm-up music   
    What a bunch of miseries.
    To suggest the music prevents the atmosphere from building up pre game is rubbish - what prevents the atmosphere building up is the fact that two mins before kick off half the south stand are just coming up from the concourse. 
    As for SBW, it’s like the unofficial start to proceedings, gets the whole ground clapping and sets the south stand off. Keep it!! 
  2. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Warm-up music   
    What a bunch of miseries.
    To suggest the music prevents the atmosphere from building up pre game is rubbish - what prevents the atmosphere building up is the fact that two mins before kick off half the south stand are just coming up from the concourse. 
    As for SBW, it’s like the unofficial start to proceedings, gets the whole ground clapping and sets the south stand off. Keep it!! 
  3. COYR
    VulcanRam reacted to Blondest Goat in Tired   
    We only appear to have one way of playing under Warne.  Can't think of a match where we've changed tactics in game to respond to an opponent.   That said you can't really hold the manager to account for two sloppy goals conceded and we did more than enough to win the game really.  
    Shame we don't have a right back at the club as I thought Smith was excellent in midfield.  Has done well at RB but showed us what we have missed in the middle yesterday. 
  4. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from HorsforthRam in Tired   
    Good discussion between @sage and @Jourdan and you're both right. We don't have squad depth or are in a position to rest key players.
    However, and yesterday was a great example, we don't manage games to conserve energy. 2-0 up and cruising, it was obvious from the opening moments of the second half that Shrewsbury had altered their shape and got a rocket, yet we simply didn't react. Some leadership from the bench or from the captain/senior players to just dig in for 15, stick 10 men behind the ball, perhaps change shape a bit, try to conserve the lead and some energy, was notably lacking. We did nothing, hence having to then be full throttle again once it was 2-2 having spent 20 minutes wasting a lot of gas chasing Shrewsbury shadows. 
  5. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from i-Ram in Tired   
    Good discussion between @sage and @Jourdan and you're both right. We don't have squad depth or are in a position to rest key players.
    However, and yesterday was a great example, we don't manage games to conserve energy. 2-0 up and cruising, it was obvious from the opening moments of the second half that Shrewsbury had altered their shape and got a rocket, yet we simply didn't react. Some leadership from the bench or from the captain/senior players to just dig in for 15, stick 10 men behind the ball, perhaps change shape a bit, try to conserve the lead and some energy, was notably lacking. We did nothing, hence having to then be full throttle again once it was 2-2 having spent 20 minutes wasting a lot of gas chasing Shrewsbury shadows. 
  6. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Blondest Goat in Tired   
    Good discussion between @sage and @Jourdan and you're both right. We don't have squad depth or are in a position to rest key players.
    However, and yesterday was a great example, we don't manage games to conserve energy. 2-0 up and cruising, it was obvious from the opening moments of the second half that Shrewsbury had altered their shape and got a rocket, yet we simply didn't react. Some leadership from the bench or from the captain/senior players to just dig in for 15, stick 10 men behind the ball, perhaps change shape a bit, try to conserve the lead and some energy, was notably lacking. We did nothing, hence having to then be full throttle again once it was 2-2 having spent 20 minutes wasting a lot of gas chasing Shrewsbury shadows. 
  7. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in Tired   
    Good discussion between @sage and @Jourdan and you're both right. We don't have squad depth or are in a position to rest key players.
    However, and yesterday was a great example, we don't manage games to conserve energy. 2-0 up and cruising, it was obvious from the opening moments of the second half that Shrewsbury had altered their shape and got a rocket, yet we simply didn't react. Some leadership from the bench or from the captain/senior players to just dig in for 15, stick 10 men behind the ball, perhaps change shape a bit, try to conserve the lead and some energy, was notably lacking. We did nothing, hence having to then be full throttle again once it was 2-2 having spent 20 minutes wasting a lot of gas chasing Shrewsbury shadows. 
  8. Clap
    VulcanRam reacted to Brammie Steve in Tired   
    Maybe a little tired but nowhere near Warne Out!
  9. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Ellafella in Derby County v Cheltenham Town: Player Ratings   
    1Wildsmith 6
    12Smith 6
    3Forsyth 6
    6Cashin 6
    15Roberts 6
    23White 6
    17 Sibley 6
    4Hourihane 6
    11Mendez-Laing 6
    22Springett 6
    38Knight 6
    Thompson 6
    18Dobbin 7
    7Barkhuizen 6
    10McGoldrick 7
    9Collins 6
  10. Like
    VulcanRam reacted to sage in Random YouTube highlights of the Day   
  11. Haha
    VulcanRam reacted to Jimbo Ram in v Shrewsbury (H) - Predictions   
    Can we all have 2 goes ?
  12. Haha
    VulcanRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in V Cheltenham (H) 19.45 28th February   
    It was freezing cold, hardly any away fans and the game was boring = zero atmosphere.
    I actually didn't think it was that bad, I'm sure it's been quieter this season.
    Oh, and don't take Sky's word for anything - they'd tell you a snail race was the most exciting thing in the world if it helped with subscriptions and viewing figures. 
  13. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Crewton in V Cheltenham (H) 19.45 28th February   
    Job done, as people have said. An important win. But let's not pretend it was a decent performance. We need to get back to playing football again - since Wycombe we seem to have reverted to early Warne whack it anywhere. So wasteful in possession, particularly going forward. 
    Thank goodness for David McGoldrick, head and shoulders the classiest player on the pitch. 
  14. Like
    VulcanRam reacted to DavesaRam in V Cheltenham (H) 19.45 28th February   
    To quote Vulcan Ram, it was “job done”. The difference between the two teams was clear as day. For the first half Cheltenham were kids being kept indoors by their mum and dad, and occasionally being allowed a few minutes out in the yard to play! We had good control of the game, and their occasional runs out into our half produced nothing, and it took them 52 minutes to have an attempt at an attempt in goal. But it was a load of yards high and wide!
    In reality we should have taken Cheltenham to the cleaners, but we got the win, which is the important thing. In part we were probably still smarting from the Barnsley result, but for me the reason we made hard work of the job is because we have reverted to Paul Warne’s preference for a more direct style of play - not hoofball, but definitely more plain and direct. And it has coincided with our drop in form. Funny, that! A further fact is something my son spotted - we benefit when Cashin brings the ball out of defence towards the halfway line and then picks his pass. But teams have started putting two or three players in front of him, forcing him to go long straight away, so perhaps we need to address that one.
    the goals last night came when we played football instead of bootball, with great play in the build up to both of them.  McGoldrick’s superb touch to set Dobbin up was a beauty, and he hit his shot for his goal so powerfully that the defender trying to block it on the line ended up in the net. He’ll have a big red welt on his thigh this morning! When Sibley and Springett cane on we started to get the ball down and play proper football and we looked hugely better for it.
    The ref did well, but let a lot of really aggressive challenges go, and may have forgotten to bring her red card for that foul on Dobbin, and maybe for an earlier foul as well. Which makes the yellow card for Sibley very harsh. He has cleaned his game up considerably, and has also improved his ability to hold on to the ball. She was also a bit out on her stopping the play for injuries, but on the whole her “no messing” approach was good.
    So, on to the next one. And it’s “more football please, Paul” from me.
  15. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from DavesaRam in V Cheltenham (H) 19.45 28th February   
    Job done, as people have said. An important win. But let's not pretend it was a decent performance. We need to get back to playing football again - since Wycombe we seem to have reverted to early Warne whack it anywhere. So wasteful in possession, particularly going forward. 
    Thank goodness for David McGoldrick, head and shoulders the classiest player on the pitch. 
  16. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from HorsforthRam in V Cheltenham (H) 19.45 28th February   
    Job done, as people have said. An important win. But let's not pretend it was a decent performance. We need to get back to playing football again - since Wycombe we seem to have reverted to early Warne whack it anywhere. So wasteful in possession, particularly going forward. 
    Thank goodness for David McGoldrick, head and shoulders the classiest player on the pitch. 
  17. Haha
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    Approach him and ask him nicely to keep the language clean as there are lots of kids around.
    If he doesn't, tell him to eff off somewhere else the cnut. 
  18. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from SKRam in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Indeed. You only need to read some of the stupidity on message boards, Twitter etc etc, the scrutiny in the media and every supporter thinking they know better (when they don't, most of them don't even know the law of the game) to know why referees are leaving the game. People who do nothing but slag off referees left, right and centre - even when they've had a perfectly reasonable game - should take a look at themselves and the part they play in it all. 
  19. Clap
    VulcanRam reacted to barnsley in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    I don't think anything will come of it, but, we'll see. I just filled in British Transport Police's online complaint form:
    I went to catch the train from Barnsley Interchange, following the Barnsley-Derby County football match, intending to travel back to Sheffield.
    I wasn't allowed through the doors of the station, for a while, in the first instance. I posed the question: what? You won't permit me onto the platform, even though I've got a valid travel document? The answer was no - you're going to have to wait. Eventually, I was allowed onto the platform, just as the train was coming in.
    As I expected, I was squashed up against the train door. I ended up standing next to two Derby fans, a husband and wife, with some other Derby fans in front of me, and then two members of the British Transport Police against the other set of train doors.
    The British Transport Police officers let a few more fans on, and, at that point, it was hardly possible to move. Still, they continued to admit passengers, to the point where the volume of people meant that I ended up being pushed into the lady Derby supporter. I think this was preceded by one of the British Transport Police officers pushing someone, because they wouldn't (or could not, due to the lack of space), move down the train.
    Understandably, her husband complained loudly, about the fact that his wife had almost been pushed over. Fortunately, she was unhurt.
    My concerns arise from the way that the British Transport Police officers dealt with her husband. To contextualise - I am a Barnsley fan, and I was surrounded by supporters of the other club. The Derby supporters were loud, singing their songs, and many of them had alcohol. Their team had just lost, too. In my experience, a combination of those last two things can be a recipe for threats, aggression, and general unpleasantness. At no point, though, did I feel intimidated by any Derby fans - I was happily talking to a couple of them. For a busy train, after a football match, it was as peaceable as it gets. 
    The fan whose wife had been pushed over was addressing, from memory, British Transport Police officer Smith, who normally works out of Leeds, and has been with the police, since 1981. If that doesn't identify him, I took some surreptitious video footage with my smartphone, which you can have, if you like.
    It isn't verbatim, but parts of the conversation went like this, with 'F', being the fan whose wife had been pushed over, and 'O', being officer Smith.
    F - why did you push my wife over?
    O - I can push whoever I want. They (I think 'they', meant the yellow-jacketed stewards, who had been outside the train station) cannot, but we can, and we will, if we have to.
    F - what? You're not even going to apologise?
    O - carry on with your mouth, and I'll arrest you, when we pull into Sheffield.
    I also had a conversation with officer Smith, just as we were arriving into Sheffield. He said he would have had no problem 'pulling me by [my] scarf', through the solid mass of humanity in front of me, and into the passageway which connects the carriages, if he had been required to do so. When I asked what the consequences for my health would have been from such a decision, he was unconcerned. There was not much in the way of a response to my comment that, if you treat people like animals, you shouldn't be surprised if they behave liked animals.
    Officer Smith, when prompted by a different Derby fan, also expounded upon the subject of police intelligence, and how the police decide whether someone 'can be a risk.' Essentially, this came down to attire. Two of the brands mentioned by officer Smith, were Stone Island, and CP. I wanted to ask officer Smith whether this was the same mentality which sees Black citizens targeted, as a consequence of police intelligence, but, as he had already told me 'not to get excited', I thought better of it. 
    Officer Smith confirmed that he had been filming, so you may wish to view said footage.
    My own comments are as follows: it was only this morning when I read that one per cent of police officers, are under investigation, for alleged criminal activity of their own. It isn't even two years since Sarah Everard was murdered by a serving police officer. In more recent times, there's been David Carrick, too. Now, obviously - obviously - I am not comparing a rude police officer, whose every action I disagreed with, with the murderer of Sarah Everard.
    But, if public confidence in the police is as low as it's ever been because of the above events, my experience on the train is not going to restore that confidence. Nobody I saw deserved to be treated with the rudeness, and contempt, which officer Smith displayed. An apology, and an acceptance that he'd made the wrong decision, in letting more people onto the train, would have gone a long way to defusing the situation. I make mistakes in my job, and, when I do, I apologise. And, this man has been one of the public faces of your organisation, for more than four decades!
    I'm appalled. I've never done a thing wrong in my life, and yet one of the upholders of the law, thinks there is nothing wrong with telling me he'd pull me around by my scarf, through a line of other human beings, on an already jampacked train. I've been all over the country with Barnsley, and only the police in South Yorkshire, behave in such a high-handed, intimidating way. 
    Thanks for your attention.
  20. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    I agree Dave (and forgive my tongue in cheek) that what happened afterwards was farcical and I'd like to know what was said and why. But the original decision was goal, the outcome was goal, so nothing changes. In the end the officials stuck to their initial decision, that was the point I was making! 
  21. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Indeed. You only need to read some of the stupidity on message boards, Twitter etc etc, the scrutiny in the media and every supporter thinking they know better (when they don't, most of them don't even know the law of the game) to know why referees are leaving the game. People who do nothing but slag off referees left, right and centre - even when they've had a perfectly reasonable game - should take a look at themselves and the part they play in it all. 
  22. Cheers
    VulcanRam got a reaction from DavesaRam in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    I agree Dave (and forgive my tongue in cheek) that what happened afterwards was farcical and I'd like to know what was said and why. But the original decision was goal, the outcome was goal, so nothing changes. In the end the officials stuck to their initial decision, that was the point I was making! 
  23. Haha
    VulcanRam got a reaction from 1977 Ram Raider in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    Approach him and ask him nicely to keep the language clean as there are lots of kids around.
    If he doesn't, tell him to eff off somewhere else the cnut. 
  24. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Indeed. You only need to read some of the stupidity on message boards, Twitter etc etc, the scrutiny in the media and every supporter thinking they know better (when they don't, most of them don't even know the law of the game) to know why referees are leaving the game. People who do nothing but slag off referees left, right and centre - even when they've had a perfectly reasonable game - should take a look at themselves and the part they play in it all. 
  25. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from SKRam in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Indeed, the ref was poor today but we can't look any further than our defensive frailties and wasteful possession for today's defeat.  
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