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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 1 hour ago, Day said:

    I called for him having watched 0 games, you see here’s the thing, I just love the guy in a non sexual way for his time at Derby. For me that deserves a place in the squad until he retires along with Mason Mount.

    It’s not like he’s at Bristol Rovers in League 1,  might look a bit daft if he ends up there and I’m still calling for him. Whilst he’s at AC though I can get away with it.

    That's the thing, if people just admit that is the reason they want him included its fine.

    Its when people start questioning the manager, asking why he has not included a player that they have not even seen play that I just find it a bit ridiculous. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Gabby'sThighs said:

    It does annoy me that Tomori doesn't get a look-in. 100+ Serie A games. Get on a plane, Gareth.

    If it weren't for the fact that he played for Derby would you still be clamouring for his inclusion?

    What qualities has he shown this season to make you think he is worthy of an England place?

    What about James Tarkowski and Michael Keane, they've both played 100+ Premier League games.

  3. 8 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    He’s been miles off it this season apparently, and he’s rarely looked good against the English teams in Europe. 

    And of all the things to complain about last night, Stones and Guehi aren’t one of them.

    Much to the annoyance of @SrgI always ask the people calling for Tomori to be in the squad how many times they've watched him play this season, not had a single answer.

    Wonder how many of them even know that he has only played 11 games in the last 6 months?


  4. 1 hour ago, NottsRam77 said:

    I measure inflation on how it effects me.. how my bills have gone up, how my food costs have gone up, how going out for a beer or aa meal has gone up, how much my wrap around child care has gone up. Etc etc .. none of those have gone up by just 2% as i said in most cases its about 5x that. 

    if ur bitcoin hasnt gone up in the last year then i suggest u must have bought quite recently and in which case arnt investing your gambling…. And hoping for a quick buck (see chart) not a pop just an observation.

    I bought in the last year too and that investment has nearly 3xd. 🤷‍♂️

    I also topped up some at 65k… so that hasnt gone up yet either, but i believe in the long term process and all the pap iv spouted previously that im sure u dont want to hear me go through again😂🙈



    As I previously pointed out, that isn't how measuring inflation works.

    You've also completely overlooked wage inflation. 


  5. 9 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Obviously they're my own figures, its my experience of inflation

    but are u telling me your car insurance , fuel, telecomunications and council tax etc havent gone up by more than 2% in the last year ? … or the year before that ? 
    everyones figures will be different but i can wager theyll be an obvious trend

    so if ur saying that the ‘measured’ inflation is an average of consumer products can u tell me what has actually come down so exponentially do average us down to to 2% if all the obvious stuff has gone up so much 

    not arguing with u , just genuinely dont see how its not anything but total spin from the powers that be 

    Your experience of inflation isn't how measuring inflation works though I'm afraid.

    My experience of Bitcoin is that it's earned me nothing over the last year but my bank account has earned me interest at a higher rate than inflation. 

    Does that mean that having money in a bank is better than having Bitcoin?

    Obviously that's a rhetorical question.

  6. 6 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    But not in line with inflation.

    my mrs is a teacher and sister a nurse

    so am well aware of this 

    my car renewal quote went from 297 to 498 …

    my expected fuel bill sits at circa 1500 from 1100 per annum.

    council tax 205 to 221 per month (whats that 7 ish percent) 

    Actual inflation vs measured inflation 

    You do realise that the figures released are an average? So taking your own situation and applying it to the whole country probably doesn't work?

  7. 13 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    See my comment a couple of posts below 

    theres a fundamental difference between “measured” inflation and actual inflation.

    a manipulated basket of goods vs actual realtime rising costs like car insurance, water rates, council tax, telecomunications all risen in the last year 5x ahead of the supposed current 2 point Whatever “measured” inflation rate

    what they spin u and what actually happens …. Two very different things. 
    it amazes me people (not getting at u at all) are so blind to it

    i mean.. we all get the same bills right? 🤷‍♂️

    Yes, I assume we all get payrises too?

  8. 5 hours ago, Ram-Alf said:

    Right lets put this fecker to bed, How old do you have to be to be an "old person", I'm 68 I shop in supermarkets, Pubs, Takeaways and all the other stuff people do, I don't stink of p!ss, I don't hold anyone up by constantly talking, I pay with cash, I'm polite 👍 I have a spotlessly clean home, A garden a Frenchman would be proud of 😉, I just think you young uns are jealous of what we old uns have

    It's the younger ones that p!ss me off, Complaining that the older ones need to visit their local euthanasia clinic 😁 

    You're old once you reach 68...

  9. 12 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    To be fair - the fellas message in that vid is "avoid keeping your savings in you current account". Which is advice akin to "avoid smashing your balls with a hammer".

    His other message is "buy bitcoin because you have the potential  of not losing money". So at least he admits it's all just a casino

    My favourite pearl of his wisdom is "cash is meant to be held for short term periods so that you can buy the things you need"

    I'm doing pretty good at the short term thing thanks, and I don't even have to try! 😂

    It does seem as though the people advising are overlooking some very fundamental things and, are either thick themselves, or assuming everyone else is thick.

  10. 18 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Simple terms , and im not being condersending just its hard to explain over text but its bitcoin.

    If ur trying to beat inflation and protect the value of ur money over time its bitcoin. 

    the pound, the peso, the euro lose value against the dollar, the dollar is the worlds currency everyone buys goods and commodities around the world in it, there is a demand for it. Outside of the uk how much demand is there for the pound.. bugger all

    so these other currencies lose against the dollar as they are weaker…  and they lose to government inflation. 

    the dollar loses its value against inflation and bitcoin

    bitcoin beats inflation

    if u dont believe me theres about a million charts showing each asset against the other and inlflation over time 

    *condescending* 😉😂

    The example given was the Argentinian peso against the dollar.

    Did Bitcoin out perform the dollar against the Argentinian peso in the period in question?

  11. 24 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Quite simply if u sit and hold in dollars, pounds or whatever fiat currency u want you are losing that moneys buying power to inflation.

    A slightly over the top example, although not with recent inflation. Buy say u saved £1000 4 years ago when a loaf of bread could be bought for £1… 3 years later, 1 horrendous government mini budget and some even worse inflation and those 1000 loaves u could buy and now costing u 1200-1300 pounds

    so your losing your buying power

    to protect your wealth against inflation you need to keep in assets that will appreciate over time at a faster rate

    some try to do it through stocks and shares, some try to do it through gold, some try to do it through property.

    i choose to do it through bitcoin because historically its out performed all the others over any sensible time frame.

    Property u have maintenance costs, agents fees potentially and having to deal with tenants and its supply is constantly being diluted as more are being built all the time

    stocks and shares your investing in companies and hoping their operators and owners make the best decsions that are right for share price. 

    gold meh…. Buy it, store it… its still being diluated as more is being mined

    bitcoin, known supply, easily stored, cant be manipulated by gov policy , no shareholders to pay, etc etc 

    and it kicks the ass of inflation lol

    But in the example given, would the person have been better holding dollars or Bitcoin? 

  12. 4 hours ago, eddielewis said:

    If you mean when he made the sub for Grealish within extra time and then Rashford/Sancho for the penalties that's truly nit-picking of what was a very tight final like very much most of them are. We lost on penalties which is a toss up that's what cost us. 

    I find it baffling that fans can be super critical of Southgate when he's done above and beyond what we expected of him when he originally took over after the mess of Euro 2016 with Hodgson and low point of Allardyce. 

    Are you for real?

    These people criticising our most successful manager in the last 60 years would have won the World Cup and the Euros had they been in charge.

    Alot of the critics are the same people that would have had Derby winning the league with 138 points and no goals conceded last season too.

    Championship Manager and Sky have so much to answer for...

  13. On 05/06/2024 at 20:10, NottsRam77 said:

    Also If u live in mexico or any south american country your being absolutely shafted by inflation as ur local currency continues to go to absolute s*** against the dollar

    saving in bitcoin in these countries for that store of wealth / and security of that wealth is an absolute no brainer 

    The argentinian peso used to trade at 1 : 1 against the dollar

    as of this minute is trading just shy of 900 peso to the dollar

    Thats why u (they should) save in bitcoin 

    Might be being thick here but surely they would have been better saving in dollars?

  14. On 11/06/2024 at 07:09, Srg said:

    Looks like Safegate is starting Trent Alexander-Arnold in midfield in the first game. 

    Firstly, when will we stop leaking and publishing teams in the press in advance?

    Secondly, TAA is a s**** midfielder. Stop shoe-horning players in. 


  15. 2 hours ago, Norman said:

    So, I was never a Paul Warne fan. I wasn't enthused by the style of play or the players he signed. 

    However, the more I hear and read, the more I think he's done a very solid job. Not the bare minimum - but I understand why people would think the latter. 

    I've changed my mind because of the following. 

    The legacy contracts of Bird and Sibley seem to have been taking up far more of the budget than I thought. Reading posts from @Ambitious, it seems very likely both were on 15k and maybe some more. Then there's the wages of Hourihane. Great leader, but since Wigan away, he's been slowly ambling around like an old moose who's been asked to trample the grass down. Again, from the TalkSport interview, it would seem that there were players on 10k, or a bit more, who didn't really fit the system. 

    So, that's a long-winded way of saying that a lot of wages have been tied up in players that we can easily improve on, probably by paying less money. Sibley, as much as i want him to kick-on, isn't worth 15k a week as an average LWB, for example.

    I'm expecting, with the addition of Ebou to start things off, a very strong and athletic midfield. The defence needs a good LB and GK. I think both are lined-up and achievable. 

    I think PW is the right person to build a squad, on a modest (for this league) budget, that will still be competitive. I wouldn't have said that 3 months a go. 

    I don't believe internet websites to be the Oracle when it comes to players salaries but I'd be amazed, and can't find any site that backs it up, if Bird and Sibley were on anything like £15k a week.

    Obviously if they were that is good for us as it means there's a lot of leeway for next years signings but I'm afraid I just don't see it at all.

  16. 19 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

    He knows a hell of a lot more than your average twitter user, to be fair.

    Nixon has always had contacts in clubs in the North (particularly Wigan). He's like a lot of these journalists - he gets fed information by agents/parties to the players and shares it.

    That information he's being given is also necessarily true. Agents do this sort of thing all the time to try and manoeuvre their clients moves/better contracts.

    My nan knows a hell of a lot more than your average Twitter user...and she has been dead for 25 year.

    Would be interesting to see what percentage of stuff that he posts is actually true or comes to fruition, my guess would be a very low figure. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Carl Sagan said:

    He only appeared in 16 Premier League games last season (according to Wiki) which is hardly key - I saw him as a bit part player. His average appearances over their 4 title-winning seasons is 18.75. I think he has the potential to be a great defender and what we need, but at club level he doesn't play enough - even though it's normally been more than Maguire!

    Tomori only played 26 league games this year.

    Out of interest, how many of them games did you see?

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