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Steve Buckley’s Dog

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  1. COYR
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Mucker1884 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    They won’t! It’s a classic case of how to further alienate your fanbase despite losing 10,000 of them so far. I think it is pretty apparent that no one there cares unfortunately.
    I am pleased that the players have responded so well though. If they hadn’t I think Pride Park would have become an ugly place to be. Amazing how paying less seems to equal caring more on the playing front. 

  2. Cheers
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from DCFC1388 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    You don’t think changing the pricing structure, when there were 8000 existing season ticket holders who had paid under the existing one, was a decision that perhaps was best left until the following season in the interests of fairness? Personally I think it would have made a lot more sense
    I also don’t think the argument that you should pay more because you got something that the people who paid less also got is a particularly good response or valid argument either. 
    £75/£100 obviously isn’t a great deal of money to some but it is to others and it can be the difference between going and not going. I think some on here don’t always seem to appreciate that.
    Personally I think @DCFC1388and @ck- as well as the countless others, including myself, who have exactly the same issue should be either offered the difference between what they paid and what they would have done if they hadn’t helped the club out by leaving their money in it during the pandemic, or have the Rams Squad season tickets, bought in good faith, honoured. 
    On a separate note I would like to applaud you both on receiving an email back from the club though ?
  3. Cheers
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Mucker1884 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying nobody should complain, just that I’m not, as I don’t feel hard done by. 
    If you feel hard done by, of course you should complain, and from what I recall reading, (from you and others) some certainly have cause to at least moan on here, if not officially complain to the club. 
    I’m well aware the club are not currently smelling of roses, and there are many disgruntled fans out there, for various reasons. I’ve had a couple of little moans myself, but on this specific subject, and in my own personal experience, there’s nothing for me to moan about. 
    I fully appreciate you are in a different situation, and can fully respect why you feel aggrieved. 
    I hope things get sorted for you mate, but like you, I’m not entirely confident they will. 
    Good luck!  ??
  4. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Sweetness34 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    You don’t think changing the pricing structure, when there were 8000 existing season ticket holders who had paid under the existing one, was a decision that perhaps was best left until the following season in the interests of fairness? Personally I think it would have made a lot more sense
    I also don’t think the argument that you should pay more because you got something that the people who paid less also got is a particularly good response or valid argument either. 
    £75/£100 obviously isn’t a great deal of money to some but it is to others and it can be the difference between going and not going. I think some on here don’t always seem to appreciate that.
    Personally I think @DCFC1388and @ck- as well as the countless others, including myself, who have exactly the same issue should be either offered the difference between what they paid and what they would have done if they hadn’t helped the club out by leaving their money in it during the pandemic, or have the Rams Squad season tickets, bought in good faith, honoured. 
    On a separate note I would like to applaud you both on receiving an email back from the club though ?
  5. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to DCFC1388 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Well after over 2 weeks since my first email, the club have finally got back to me saying they will not reimburse me for the difference in cost of my season ticket. The price I could have renewed at this year is around £75 less than the price I paid when I renewed ahead of last season - great way to reward my loyalty of renewing for 10+ seasons.
    £75 may not seem much to some people, but add in the fact ive had to pay double for my sons season ticket with the Rams Squad Membership 'free' season ticket not being a thing this year. Double whammy.
  6. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to DCFC1388 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Yes it rolled over and i got it for 'free' but had i not renewed last year and just renewed this year as my seat would have still been reserved, the price this year is about £75 less than what i paid last year due to the changes to the seating categories. So for being loyal/stupid enough to renew during covid ive paid more than it actually would have if id waited.
    Son is 12 so it was his meant to be his last year with the free season ticket as a rams squad member had it still been a thing.
  7. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to ck- in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Had exactly the same response. Their argument was that I had Rams TV for free. Well it’s not free if I’ve paid for it is it!!!!!
  8. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to DCFC1388 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Exactly. Ive replied back to say i'm not happy with their response but I doubt I will hear anymore about it
  9. Cheers
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Eddie in Derbyshire cricket 2021   
    Top sledging by Ben Mike.
    Throughout the last over, he was in Alex Thomson's earhole (albeit from 50 yards away) while Callum Parkinson was bowling the 110th over... "Come on, Alex. You only need two for a bonus point" etc. Three swipes across the line followed, unfortunately the last delivery was dead straight.
    In the context of the match, it was a big moment, because it gave Leicestershire a lift, and they finally winkled a very weary Brooke Guest out (remember that he had kept wicket for 169 overs).
    I prefer to concentrate on today's positives, although it is 'fashionable' on here to take the piss out of Derbyshire (and I'm as guilty of that as anyone).
    Brooke Guest - maiden first-class century. Anuj Dal - maiden first-class century Guest and Dal shared an all-time Derbyshire record 6th wicket partnership of 227, breaking the record of 212 previously set up by Garnet Lee and Stan Worthington at Chesterfield v Essex in 1932. It's a small glimmer to take pride in, during an otherwise wretched season.
  10. Cheers
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Carnero in Derbyshire cricket 2021   
    Fair play to the lad, who knew he had it in him?!
  11. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to jimbo jones in Derbyshire cricket 2021   
    50 for Anuj Dal.
    Always said he was a good player...
  12. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Miggins in Club comms   
    Just had a look and Swansea’s ticket office is open on match days and the day before home games. So both your examples do have an open ticket office, although for limited periods. Looks like we might be the only club with a permanently closed ticket office then! 

    Despite this, it really is immaterial what other clubs are doing as I think it is pretty plain that opening ours would help us sell more tickets and sort out supporter’s problems in a professional, timely and effective manner. 
  13. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Miggins in Club comms   
    I doubt any club in the premiership is in financial difficulty. Ride the gravy train as long as you can safe in the knowledge that you have parachute payments if the worst happened.
    Looks to me, based on managerial resignation and others turning the job down after accepting it, coupled with selling good players seemingly on the cheap, that Swansea are in a bit of trouble now their parachute payments have/are run out. 
    The whole system is of course broken and biased but that is a different conversation. Just strikes me that if a football club needs cash then selling as many tickets as you can and treating your loyal fans with courtesy, respect and common decency whilst communicating honestly is a pretty good idea. 
  14. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to atherstoneram in The end   
    Nah,he'll still not have had a reply.
  15. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Ram-Alf in The end   
    Professor Brian Cox says around 4 billion years time, By which time Steve Buckley's Dog will have got his email reply from DCFC ?
  16. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Deej in Club comms   
    Who would I address it to? We seemingly don’t have anyone who worked there or replies to anything. A real sad state of affairs. 
  17. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Sweetness34 in Club comms   
    I think the whole thing is ridiculous. 
    my personal experience is that my season ticket auto renewed, but I want to relocate. The reason I want to move seats is I’d like to purchase two additional season tickets for my wife and daughter and have all 3 of us sit together.
    I’ve emailed and emailed with no luck.
    I was on hold the day the ticket office lines opened for 3 hours to be told I’d have a call back when the manager is in.
    I never got that call back and have rang in several times and each time was told I’ll have a call back when the manager is in.
    I don’t think it’s harsh to say this is pathetic at all. I’m wanting to spend an additional £700 which would pay one salary for 2 or 3 weeks. Multiply little old me struggling to give the club money by however many other people are in the same boat and they must be losing a fortune. An additional handful of staff would not cost as much as the lost revenue, surely?
    in fact, a damn option to move my seat online wouldn’t require any new staff
    Pandemic or not, it’s disgusting and like an idiot, I’ll probably spend another tenner on hold tomorrow & get nowhere.
  18. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rich84 in Club comms   
    Maybe they could have thought of employing people to work in the ticket office prior to the season starting? I don’t think that would have involved too much planning or forethought - we all knew when the season was starting! 

    I can’t make phone calls during the day because of work. I would also not be willing to sit in a queue on a premium rate with no guarantee of even getting through or having the issue resolved, as another poster has put. 
    The responses I have had from the ticket office, after waiting 2 weeks for each one, have completely ignored my issues and just seemed to be a standard response with no understanding of what was said. Replies I received before the season started were inaccurate and didn’t reflect what they did or their policy. I feel lied to and taken for granted. The fact that you have told me that we do have an SLO currently employed has aggravated me even more as she has had weeks to reply to me and has not done so. What is her job if not to liaise with supporters having issues that are not being addressed? 
    I feel your pain with RyanAir. The difference is I can’t change Derby County for another football club if I am unhappy with customer service. The longer this goes on the more annoyance is caused and the more time is lost. They now have until Wednesday to resolve this. If not my only option will be will be to consider taking legal action which is the last thing I want to do. 
    Anyway. I can’t spare any more time on this here but appreciate the dialogue and responses . If only Derby County could do the same. (Many years ago after writing to them with an issue Keith Loring, club secretary or CEO I forget which, phoned me about it at 7pm. That was a minor thing as well but it shows it can be done)
  19. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rich84 in Club comms   
    Exactly what I have done. Only discussing my issue and those of my connected family with all details asked for provided, which my first email also did. No reply. Maybe you can begin to see the mounting frustration now! I am not the only one being treated in this way. 
  20. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rich84 in Club comms   
    I think you are right, I think there are a multitude of reasons why gates are down. However I do know of people not going because of ticketing issues - whether that be the ludicrous delay in selling and sorting season tickets and season ticket cards or the online only ticket sales. I also know of people trying to contact the club to resolve issues, of which I am one, and are finding communicating with the club extremely difficult - there is about a 2 week delay in replying to emails and even when they do they send a response indicating that they haven’t read or assimilated the information given to them. Phone lines at a premium rate (why? Why not a local number?) are barely manned and others on here have failed to get through, not had issues resolved or had very costly waiting times. The inability to actually speak to a person who can resolve an issue is incredibly frustrating and incomprehensible. 
    Even opening it one day a week, like the clubs in the examples you have stated, would give some fans an opportunity to have problems resolved and give older supporters or those without access to technology / printers etc a chance to actually buy and pick up tickets. Making obstacles and hoops to buying a product isn’t a very smart business decision in my opinion.
    I personally know of one person who can’t order/access tickets and hasn’t been able to go this season, another who doesn’t know his customer number, has never bought a ticket online and has decided it isn’t worth the hassle, another who has relied on me making an hour long drive to sort his tickets out, along with, anecdotally, quite a few others who have just given up due to the initial difficulty in buying tickets. I know personally of 4 people in dispute about their tickets, none of whom can get the matter resolved. 
    The club is struggling seemingly in every way possible and if I was running it I would be doing everything I could to bring in as much revenue as possible and keep my fanbase communicated with and treated honestly and fairly.
    At the moment decisions being made seem to be driving people away and disenfranchising them, which is a shame because I am enjoying watching an honest bunch of players giving their all and would much rather be focussed on that. 
  21. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rich84 in Club comms   
    Just had a look and Swansea’s ticket office is open on match days and the day before home games. So both your examples do have an open ticket office, although for limited periods. Looks like we might be the only club with a permanently closed ticket office then! 

    Despite this, it really is immaterial what other clubs are doing as I think it is pretty plain that opening ours would help us sell more tickets and sort out supporter’s problems in a professional, timely and effective manner. 
  22. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from RAM1966 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    I think you could be right. It would be interesting to know what issue you are trying to resolve. I know of quite a few others who are extremely unhappy with what is happening and the way they are being treated / ignored. Feel free to pm me. 
  23. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from RAM1966 in Club comms   
    Left in July? So presumably had to hand in notice? 4 weeks? I know things have been difficult with COVID for DCFC and indeed many organisations but there was enough planning time. Surely you would advertise for someone to work in the ticket office more than 2 weeks before the first game? Allowances can obviously be made, granted, but I think you are trying to defend the indefensible a little here, although I admire your research and your even handedness and attempts to see all sides. Do you have children? I don't know but would you be happy if the school applied for a teacher 2 weeks before the start of term and then seemed unable to understand why there was an empty classroom? Would you be happy with that level of fore sight? I don't think I would. Other clubs have managed, theme parks have opened etc, and yes some businesses have struggled due to the combination of COVID and Brexit, but I am pretty sure given the resources I could have had people in that ticket office processing season tickets a month before the season.
    Anyway, hopefully the ticket office will be open soon but I do fear that for a lot of people the habit will be broken. A club in our position needs all they can get and shouldn't be unnecessarily driving people away.
    As for the SLO - I first emailed 3 weeks ago so she must be having a nice long international break! These emails have been received as I have had the automated reply so perhaps liasing with long term supporters and youngsters who could become addicted for life isn't quite in her remit, I don't know.
    How many emails should you send before expecting a response?
    Anyway, I said I was leaving it and need to because I have lots of work to do and am needed elsewhere!
    Up the Rams.
  24. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to TuffLuff in Two season transfer ban.   
    I have no idea whether a two year ban has any truth to it, I have no idea whether the clubs owing us money has any truth to it either.
    But I am fed up of the games being played, Im fed up of the silence that fans get which breeds contempt, Im also fed up of the position our local press outlets constantly find themselves in. As a fan, I can accept honesty and transparency even if it’s not great news, but I can’t accept what’s happened off the pitch these last two years as the can has been kicked down the road and the lack of info as to why. The latest headline is another eye roll in a long list of eye roll moments that I’m afraid make more and more people tune out. Thing is I like the team, they aren’t good enough but atleast they work hard and give 100% and I can’t ask for anymore, but this behind them doesn’t help with the relationship with fans to the club and therefore that set of players.
    Time to talk to the local press and provide some honest answers, don’t forget times ticking on a season ticket deadline this week. 
  25. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from EtoileSportiveDeDerby in Club comms   
    Who would I address it to? We seemingly don’t have anyone who worked there or replies to anything. A real sad state of affairs. 
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