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  1. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Day in Wearing Derby colours   

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    48 hours reacted to Wistaston Ram in Wearing Derby colours   
    Charles Hanson, Antique auctioneer

  3. Like
    48 hours reacted to uttoxram75 in Aden Flint gone to Sheff Wednesday, he was crap anyrode.   
    The local Stokies were saying he's shot now but maybe will be ok in League One for a season.
    I told them they'd better keep him then the way they're playing.
  4. Like
    48 hours reacted to R@M in Aden Flint gone to Sheff Wednesday, he was crap anyrode.   
    Maybe a financial loss, but at what cost to morale and team building is cutting someone out (Chester in this instance) due to illness/injury? 
    Warne is all about family and togetherness, if he says he is great around the place then ruthlessly disposes of someone how are future signings going to feel? 
    we all also herald DC (and rightly) but is his company and personal ethos one of immediate cost cutting or seeing the bigger picture? 
    Personally I’d be more worried if we started treating people like cattle  again. 
  5. Clap
    48 hours reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    James Collins no 9 shirt from the Carabao cup tie at Anfield, also the black poppy armband worn by the players to show their respects for the glorious dead.
    this was the first game that the shirts had the NSPCC charity logo in place of a sponsorship logo.
    A great statement from the club away from the gambling and fast food logos of the previous regime.
    this shows that we are a club at the centre of our community!

  6. Like
    48 hours reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    I got Toffs to make a one off for this shirt, links in the 1884-1895 Racecourse years shirts to the move to the BBG, this was the away shirt that was worn from 1895 to 1924 when the first badge was then applied, Steve Bloomer would have made many appearances and scored many goals in these colours and can be seen in the images below, they were also second division champions.

  7. Like
    48 hours reacted to UTFR in Wearing Derby colours   

  8. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to loweman2 in Wearing Derby colours   
    That is the same shirt as worn by Trevor on Tiswas many times, it was given to him by his best mate Bruce Rioch ! He passed it into the collection a few years ago ! Nice red no4 on the back !

  9. Clap
    48 hours reacted to BucksRam in Stephen Pearce...didn't get out of our club   
    Yeah I know, and I'm sure he did where necessary.  The fact he is a professional accountant is why I was alluding to the fact it may even have been his idea.  But with everything else that went on, with MM being the apparent dictator he seemed, then I suspect it was like hitting a brick wall.  He may have been complicit to a degree, (we'll likely never know unless he writes his memoirs) but the fact Q valued him, and more importantly DC now seems to trust him says a lot.  Anyway, it's kinda old ground now and I'm doing my best to move on and focus on our amazing resurgence. 
  10. Like
    48 hours reacted to Leeds Ram in Stephen Pearce...didn't get out of our club   
    Personally, as someone who knows nothing about the mechanics of the business or his role personally then i don't hold any weight behind my opinion on this really. However, I find it disgraceful that he's still around and i think it's pretty shameless on his part that he feels like he should still continue in his role.
    I can't envisage a scenario outside of either knew what Mel was doing and the situation (in which case he's implicated in almost destroying the club) or he didn't know in which case he's a complete incompetent. His media appearances around that time trying to reassure the fan base when we were clearly on the verge of collapse are in perspective absolutely mind boggling. 
    But as I said I don't know what went on or anything else. Hopefully, one day they'll be an expose on the entire sorry mess. But Pearce by virtue of his position  played a massive part in almost destroying a 138 year old institution. 
    On Quantuma does anyone really trust their judgement after the multiple preferred bidders, some of which look like they're facing criminal charges and others simply having no money at all. They were bailed out by Clowes as much as we were 
  11. Like
    48 hours reacted to BucksRam in Stephen Pearce...didn't get out of our club   
    I think from what we learned of MM's ways, if SP had stood up to him, or overly challenged him, he'd have been sacked.  It may well be that SP came up with the idea of changing our accountancy policy - it was, after all, legal, but just didn't fit with the EFL's view of things, and all other clubs to be fair.  We may well never know.  Q certainly rated him and publicly defended him.  If he was that bad, and they were cutting costs left right and centre, he'd have been gone surely? David Clowes is nobody's fool.  If there were any doubts he would have asked SP to leave I'm sure.  The fact he remains says to me he must be valued and has a place/say in the running of the club.  
  12. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to Alty_Ram in Stephen Pearce...didn't get out of our club   
    Interesting to see that Wigan only got a suspended points deduction this week (i.e. no deduction) for multiple breaches as regards paying players. To quote the EFL site:

    "Wigan Athletic has received a three-point deduction to be suspended until 31 December 2023 after admitting to multiple breaches of EFL Regulations.
    The sanction imposed is for failing to adhere to the terms of the Standard Contracts that were in force between the Club and its Players for the late payment of player wages on three separate occasions."
  13. Like
    48 hours reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Stephen Pearce...didn't get out of our club   
    Maybe so, but I'd prefer someone in the post that was willing to walk away in the face of such a character and blow a whistle, as opposed to submitting and going along with it, ultimately helping lead us to disaster.
  14. Like
    48 hours reacted to Ram@Lincoln in Stephen Pearce...didn't get out of our club   
    Mr Clowes is a highly respected and long serving successful business owner that wasn't struck lucky overnight. Any decision he makes, I have absolute confidence in his logic. As he said at takeover, by having so much vested interest in Derby and Derbyshire, it's only in his best interests to have a successful club running within it's means.
  15. Like
    48 hours reacted to kevinhectoring in Stephen Pearce...didn't get out of our club   
    He wasn’t strong enough to stand up to MM - but if he had, he’d have been shown the door. Q went out of their way to defend him and say how helpful he was to them

    ... as I think you’re suggesting. 

    interesting question, whether DC should have had a clean sweep. I’d guess SP wanted to stay. I’m sure he’s loyal and  has affection for the club. And after the melt down, would he have found another job?  On the other side I’m sure the decision to retain him would only have been made after DC’s people had seen him at close range. And so far they have made good decisions from the look of it 
  16. Like
    48 hours reacted to angieram in Stephen Pearce...didn't get out of our club   
    Or he might just feel that he wants to put right some of the wrongs of the past?
    He almost single-handedly kept us running in administration. 
    The Club has moved on, so should we.
  17. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to archram in Wearing Derby colours   
    Please could you put names on photos as some of us oldies don’t recognise anyone after Robert Lyndsey, Tosh and the Goodies!
  18. Clap
    48 hours reacted to PistoldPete in Stephen Pearce...didn't get out of our club   
    He’s a qualified accountant so I don’t think he can be absolved of blame given that our accounts were flawed. 
    That said as I said many times, EFl made a mountain out of a molehill. I don’t believe that we broke any rules other than maybe making the disclosure of the method as clear as it could have been. 
  19. COYR
    48 hours reacted to Inverurie Ram in Wearing Derby colours   
  20. Like
    48 hours reacted to B4ev6is in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    Well derby will always be well supported team and I have to sit at home but that's why I like to stand away from home.
  21. Like
    48 hours reacted to Ellafella in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    Does that include those who stand? Asking on behalf of @B4ev6is ?‍♂️
  22. COYR
    48 hours reacted to B4ev6is in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    I am going 4-0 to derby
  23. Haha
    48 hours reacted to QuestionBWFC8 in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    I like having a couple of options, you know..

    Jesus why is everyone so hostile on here lighten up lad.

    I think 3-1 Bolton tbh.
  24. Haha
    48 hours reacted to QuestionBWFC8 in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    Its like I've been here before and should know... Will check it out. 
  25. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to QuestionBWFC8 in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    Afternoon gents, here from the other side (although not for a spat).
    First wanted to know why its purely attendance banter, is that just something you always concentrate on?
    Second, genuine scorelines/predications? Who should we be wary of?
    I'm desperate for the win as you have the game in hand but i don't think we can cry with a draw!
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