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Posts posted by Alph

  1. Are the Zionist apologists and arms suppliers losing their stomach for this? 

    Sounds antisemtic to me. Israel has right to self defence. The Holocaust! 40 beheaded babies! Hamas bombed Al Shifa! Come on guys, don't bottle it now. Get stuck in to Rafah. Hamas are probably almost possibly completely destroyed. 

  2. The first half hour or so is the worst. 

    The rest is only really interesting if you only listened to the Western perspective where groups like Azov don't exist, nobody is trying to undermine Russia, NATO is a tree planting organisation, Putin is Hitler with months to live etc. 

    But if you listened to anything he's said for years then it's just repeated. 

    I definitely think it's a great interview but not for the reasons it's supposed to be. I think it's great in the same way it's great to hear Netenyahu's stance on Palestine. They unintentionally tell you what they really intend. Putin was loud and clear throughout of how he views Ukraine. At some point he even said something along the lines of "The West and nearly all of the world recognise Zelensky as the Ukrainian President".... Well, yeah. We do. 

    He speaks a lot about democracy and freedom. About America has infiltrated this and that. Rigged elections. Liberations. Self defence. Historical claims. 

    Where else have you heard that kind of talk recently? 

    The only justification of war is in true self defence. It's not self defence if you have bases thousands of miles from home. It's not self defence if you're funding wars thousands of miles from home.

    It's naive of course. Because everyone is looking after their interests abroad. Influencing elections. 

    Rich powerful people justify war, do none of the dying and society is like 'yeah but we had no choice really" 

    My Step Dad and my father in law were military. I'd like to ask them what they thought they were actually defending but it would probably cause offence. Especially as my Step Dad lost a friend in Ireland. It does seem easy to get people to justify killing. Human nature of course 

  3. I just finished the Putin interview. 

    It's as expected. His contempt for an independent Ukraine is obvious. The first hour is hushed Imperial claims and I'm not sure what else you could pass it off as. Why else give the history lesson. Still think it's worth listening to so you can make up your mind whether you're listening to a man freeing the world of Nazi collaborators or a man trying to piece together an empire. 

    I mean it's just the other side of the coin. It's not a lie. It's his truth. As America peddles their truth. Convenient historical facts. Convenient omissions. 

    There has been a squeeze on Russia. There's bots that peddle the idea that America blesses us all with freedom and democracy but come on. Give it up. 

    It's hard to pick which Imperialistic BS takes the moral high ground so I'm going to say neither. We all want peace. That's why we have the tanks, the missiles and jets and 100,000 troops in your garden 

    I think International Law is like VAR. Nice idea but you only really want to acknowledge it when it's working for you. 


  4. On 05/02/2024 at 12:59, Comrade 86 said:

    According to the Bivol camp, they offered Buatsi a shot and £1.5 million guaranteed a year or so back, but Buatsi's camp, perhaps wisely, weren't interested. TBH, I think folk are sitting by the river hoping to 'see the body' of one of the Russians float by. One less monster out there would be better right? Probs not though, as that still leaves another monster lurking.

    Anyway, Yarde the next fight for Buatsi apparently, 'on his way' to the winner of the Russian fight.

    Good luck with that! 

    Massive step isn't it? From Yarde/Buatsi to Bivol/Beterbiev? 

    The loser of Yarde v Buatsi might be happier than the winner!

  5. 3 hours ago, CodnorRam said:

    thats exactly it. Everything just dominoes , weight gain , struggling with my head and then as you say not wanting to do anything or see anyone. its very strange when think about it 

    Think I said it before but depression always seemed to me like it has a calculated plan to beat you. 

    First step is try and isolate you. Bit by bit you draw in on yourself. Even if you have a house full, you find ways to push people away from any meaningful connection. Outwardly you can even give off the merry vibes sometimes but internally you know it's not genuine. 

    Before you know it, you've isolated yourself physically or mentally or both. Now comes the beating yourself up stage. In my experiences anyway. What do I add? Who would actually care if I wasn't here? What mark have I made? I don't even like me. 

    Then you can even beat yourself up with the thoughts of people being far worse off than you. You don't have anything to be depressed about. 

    It's like the thoughts aren't your own and your under attack. 

    It's hard to even recognise you're in a hole half the time. But it sounds like you're putting in the work to dig your way out. Might take time mate and you might need somewhere to clear your mind sometimes. Whether that's to a professional, a stranger or on this forum, however works for you.

  6. 3 hours ago, CodnorRam said:

    Dont normally put stuff like this , but kinda feeling like im wasting my life. just seem to work , have my tea and go to sleep. Any ambition has gone out the window. quite tragic really. So iv started bodybuilding/weightlifting again after many years away and im taking up archery and gonna try and grow my own veg in garden to feel like iv actually accomplished something 

    Good job on recognising it mate. Sometimes just creeps up on you. Can't be bothered to get up in the morning, can't be bothered at work, can't be bothered to cook or clean at home, can't be bothered to take care of yourself...  It just spirals. 


  7. 1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    The point of my original post, which I kind of got lost on, isn't that the big problem is Putin being interviewed. It's the fact that I fear this is the beginning (or midpoint) of Musk becoming a shill for anyone who opposes what he deems "the deep state", who are apparently turning people gay to get more people to vote for Biden.

    Hypothetical question: would you have advocated interviewing Hitler during the Second World War and broadcasting it on the radio?

    Ah ok. Got ya on the first point. 

    The second bit.... Weirdly, yeah. I mean I'm poorly educated on WW2 so it would probably be better to keep it on some of the current candidates for historical villains. 

    I understand your point is the spreading of dangerous propaganda. 

    But there's something to be said of taking a genuine concern and addressing it and kind of appeasing it. So in the 30's (poor WW2 knowledge apology) I think Hitler rose to power on the promise to break free of the economic squeeze on Germany? Germany had been forced to surrender colonies and pay war reparations. Perhaps at this point a threat was obvious and steps could have been taken to avoid what came next. Is there a way we could have stopped him tapping into people's insecurities and gaining such support? Or a way to give him enough rope to hang himself. 

    Different time though. 

    But I think you see it now. So Putin will come on and talk about NATO expansion, national security, attacks on Russians in East Ukraine from groups like Azov, American colonialism etc. Some of it, in my opinion, will show that there were times when we could made concessions. Then he will go on to justify why he's had to kill so many Ukrainians and send Russians to die. This is where we point out that he's actually isolated Russia from Europe more than ever and countries want to be fast tracked into NATO. So your whole national security argument for "special military operation" is ridiculous. 

    I hope I got across what I mean. 

    You just look at say Israel/Palestine. Who provides the best argument for Israeli defence? Netenyahu? No, he provides the best argument for Hamas. The best argument for Israeli defence comes from the Palestinian threat. 

    I don't like the idea that we can ignore the concerns of a group or nation etc based on the theory that they're inherently evil. Even if we believe it. It feeds their argument. It kind of empowers them? 

    But yeah, letting Hitler tell everybody that Jews are to be eradicated on Radio... So I do get you. Just it's also not a problem that goes away by ignoring it. So... Yeah. That's why I asked what your problem with a Putin interview might be. Not so I could tell you your wrong, I don't know if I agree with it or not. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Yes, because an interview with Vladimir’s Putin, that famous advocate of free speech, is likely to be a serious piece of journalism. You think Putin would allow this if it wasn’t going to be a puff piece? An American journalist is currently being detained in Russia for “espionage”. 

    There’s literally a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to internet censorship in Russia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_Russia

    I'm not having a dig or anything so I hope this comes across in the right way. 

    But is it not important to hear from both sides or all possible angles rather than to allow one country or perspective to filter the news? 

    Don't get me wrong, there's nothing Putin could say that would, for example, justify in my mind the war on Ukraine. Everything he says should be challenged and examined. But I also think by hearing him it encourages us to challenge and examine opposing views.

    I would say the same about Hamas or Netenyahu too. Whether you approve of their behaviour or agree with their views won't change the fact that they are what they are. The problem isn't just going to vanish if you ignore them. The justice is kind of half way between the two kind of scenario. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Eddie said:

    I was reading about a section of the current ruling party's lurch to the right under Theresa May and a few friends and like-minded associates.

    Just waiting for the headline which writes itself really... "Farage And Senior Conservatives In Secret Meeting"

    I fell for all the left wing loons stuff in the past. Then you find yourself nodding when Cruella and Priti Patel talk. Then you realise Liz Truss is on your side. Next thing you know Jacob Reese Mogg is inviting Farage to your latest Conservative splinter group. 

    Then you're throwing Human Rights groups, World Health Organisation, LGBT, Peace Protesters all under the same label as "wokey left wing extremists" (right Liz?)

    Reminds me of that funny David Mitchell sketch where he's a Nazi soldier starting to wonder if they might possibly be baddies? 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    The gag were he pretends he would have beat Calzaghe was always my favourite.

    The other one that gets him is any mention of Andre Ward. 

    He can take and dish out some good banter but watch him fluster at the mention of Ward. 

    He's like the one who shall not be named. 

  11. Carl Froch is growing on me. Still an arrogant knobber pretending that being an arrogant knobber is part of an act. But.... He's quite funny and a decent troll. 

    I wanted to go to the tour him and Groves were doing last year or the year before. Mostly because I like Groves and their rivalry was good. But the price, if I remember was extortionate. That had Froch written all over it. Did anyone go? Any Froch fans here? 

  12. Stretching himself thin, old Putin. A two week invasion turned into a few years of intense war. But he's about to turn his attention to what? The rest of Europe? Britain? Ok. 

    To be fair, the right wing macho stuff is working wonders on the lads at work. I'm half set to follow Rishi and Suella into the trenches when the fight for freedom starts. Got my own Nerf gun. Just need Joe or Donald to tell Rishi who we should aim it at. 

    Might fly us out to one of those US bases that aren't in Syria. 

    Conscription my arse. The IDF are doing a fine job for us. 

  13. Don't know whether to laugh or cry. 

    It's one hurdle after another because Israel's word and action is taken as truth and time and time again the Palestinian effort must prove them liars while they move onto the next lie

    All the while they kill and destroy. 

    From 40 beheaded babies through "baseless and meritless genocide case" to 12 UNWRA agents helped Hamas so we must stop funding. 

    The goalposts are always moved. They lie all the time. Yet Palestinians can't even give their casualty figures without "Hamas ran health ministry isn't it?". I mean, Hamas are quite honest! 

    It's an exhausting, relentless battle against cover ups and feigned ignorance

    Putin is coming for us, Houthi Rebels are driving up the cost of living, Iran need to de-escalate, Hezbollah are attacking USA, conscription needed to save Europe, British houses for British people, asking a Muslim MP to stop apologising for Hamas/tell Houthis to ceasefire, the boats are coming, Trump or Biden.... 

    .... Really relentless stirring. 

  14. You know the light heavy division doesn't seem to have any ladder. It's all very meh and then you've got the elite. 

    Yarde always annoyed me by fighting nobodies and then he went and jumped in with Kovalev. But there's not much out there for him to go up through to Kovalev and then onto the elite. Still think he wasted time on some absolute walkovers

    Now Buatsi doesn't even have a faded Kovalev to test himself against. 

    Have Buatsi and Yarde snookered themselves? They should have fought each other already and they should definitely do it soon. They have no reason to believe they could beat the likes of Bivol, Beterbiev. They need to build up and I can't see how? Gvodyk? High risk no money? Just got to fight each other?

    The division is no mans land with two monsters hogging the belts 


  15. While I can't see any negatives for Palestinians from this earth shattering insight from David Cameron I do believe it's a hollow gesture. Protecting their image.

    There are many states that already recognise Palestine. 

    And while the UK halts funding to UNWRA over the allegations of 12 of it's people. It continues to cheer on Israel.

    What Cameron says has no weight. The terms will ultimately be dictated to Palestinians by their enemies? Again. 

    Now I'm not a fully signed up member of Hamas yet and I thought I made that clear 50 pages ago. So on the flipside here you're walking the tricky tightrope of graciously giving Palestinians the rights of self determination and trusting them not to determine to attack Israel. 

    Which will be extremely likely if Israel don't make concessions. Still likely even if they do, as some Palestinians see the entirety of Israel as illegal occupation. 

    The best we are hoping for is de-escalation. 

    So Cameron suggesting a Palestinian State can exist working around the Israeli government under conditions determined by the likes of Britain is a pipe dream. It's pleading to voters. Hamas and Zionists won't respect that. America wouldn't respect that!

    Who knows how you find the balance between national security for Israel and giving the Palestinians the freedoms we enjoy? Not David Cameron and Co.

    A true positive step would be to defy America and call for a ceasefire. To open lines of communication with Hamas, Fatah, Netenyahu etc. To stop providing Israel with weapons. Don't undermine South Africa. Don't say it's self defence. You know, just stop gaslighting peace protesters. 

  16. 25 minutes ago, David said:

    Not a lot really, the DET forum was a cesspit with abuse, zero moderation, wasn't a nice space to spend your free time trying to stay in the loop.

    Was just an alternative really, somewhere those that wanted to get away, that's all.

    There were never any long term plans of doing XYZ, things just happened. This forum was here at the right time in the right place to take over.

    Well, it's meant a lot to me. There's times when I've felt lonely, depressed and then times when I've wanted to share times of celebration with others. Always found comfort here. I know many feel the same

    So thanks David and all the mods in those 15 years. And the online friendships. 

    It's never descended into a place that's just a toxic hell like most corners of the internet

  17. Jeez, been here ages. 

    Some great people though. And feel like I've learned a lot. The non football talk has always been an important part. The depression thread I think is possibly the greatest thread. And amongst all the bickering over various topics i like to think we all mostly take away some valid points that over time broaden our perspective. 

    It's sad how often you get your news from here too. 

    I miss arguing with curtains about McClaren. Much love to you @Curtains, hope you're well mate. 

    Also, I think we should give up on George Thorne and move on. He's clearly not coming

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