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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 1 hour ago, Highgate said:

    No, I don't think anyone could.  And, in fact, could we blame anyone in Gaza at this stage?  This was the obvious point from Day 1 of this bombardment.  The support for Hamas is only set to grow because of this relentless murderous assault.  This is going to have a lasting generational effect, the hatred will last for decades and beyond. 

    There are members of the Netanyahu government now opening speaking of getting the Palestinians to migrate to other countries 'voluntarily', as a solution to the conflict. So ethnic cleansing then....I guess if that does become the stated Israeli policy, Biden will still have their back.  

    America have jokes though. "Palestinians will not be removed from the Gaza strip" - Blinken 

    What? There will be nothing there? That's why we allow Israel to continue, no? At the point there's not a chance Palestinians can hope to live the joyous free life they had in Gaza before you will order Israel to stop. Collect humanity points and then say Palestinians are free to go to Areas A, B and C but D, E and F are uninhabitable. Within a decade Areas D, E and F will have Jewish settlers on. 

    It's so obvious.

    As it was obvious when America said to Israel that they need to be more controlled with their war. 2 days later 200 Palestinians were killed in one morning. Oh, and this was just as they sold Israel more unguided missiles. "Dumb bombs"

    Terrorists eh? They hate our way of life and seek to destroy it. Kill civilians. Attack our freedoms. It's a good job we aren't like them. 

    Smotrich doesn't even acknowledge Jordan's sovereignty 


  2. 21 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Ngannou as low as 3/1 from 13/2! Joshua a best priced 1/4 shot.

    The amount of cash piling on the draw option is interesting too 🤔

    One thing I did note from the Fury-Ngannou was that Fury got pretty desperate. This shot was absolutely shocking, though Ngannou acted like he'd just been tickled.


    That's very very dirty

  3. 11 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    They're just defending themselves.

    Could we blame Wael El Dahdouh if he replaced his heart ache with hatred? If he saw everybody who supported this war as an enemy supporting terrorism on his family? 

    How would people feel if he wore a green headband and targeted civilians in the same way his family were targeted. His family was killed in a refugee camp and his son in a targeted drone strike on a car. Would they label him terrorist? I doubt they'd say it's self defence. Palestinians don't get to call violence and murder "defence". One of many rights they don't have. It doesn't matter what's taken from them. They are expected to accept their fate.

    But what's Wael El Dahdouh doing? He's back reporting. Again. Imagine Netenyahu and his murderous mob showing that kind of resilience and restraint. 

    80+ journalists and approx 23,000 with double that casualties. Total destruction to civilian infrastructure. Imagine if they had a hammer and sickle on their flag. 



  4. https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/5908/Israel-hits-Gaza-Strip-with-the-equivalent-of-two-nuclear-bombs

    Quick, somebody say 40 beheaded babies again. 

    Hard to pick a highlight of the month. Is it bulldozing people alive under rubble? Making prisoners in the West Bank strip, crawl on all fours and bark? Is it sniping Christians and claiming there are no churches in Gaza? Is it executing kids? Filming blowing up empty schools? Or urinating on people's homes? Or filming yourselves chilling out with Palestinians bound and gagged in their homes? Or re-edits of "Hamas" surrendering weapons? 

    So much to choose from. I'm gonna go with bulldozing people trapped in rubble. It's symbolic of the history I think. 

    New Year usually means a lot of people plan to lose weight. Very popular resolution in Gaza. Even the kids are at it. Skipping breakfast, dinner and tea. Respect the dedication 

  5. South Africa might know a thing or two about Apartheid States. 

    America wasn't too concerned with South Africa until it became convenient for them to be concerned. 

    Oh well, the ICCJ will hear the case but whatever they rule will be ignored by Israel. Standard stuff. Nothing new.

    It's funny hearing a Zionist say history will judge South Africa. I would very much hate to be a person who's convinced themselves that they're on the right side of history by thinking this is right. I doubt there's a God but if there is then good luck on your day of judgement. 

    Eylon Levy, who is an absolute Bamford of the highest order, I'm sure will understand that all Putin is doing is liberating the Republics of Lugansk and Donbas after Ukraine has broken treaties and allows extremist groups such as Azov operate in the regions. We are all fine with carving out territories and then killing civilians in the name of self defence? Nothing wrong with leveling a Ukrainian city in the name of self defence and national security. Right? Do you condemn Azov Brigade, Mr Levy?

  6. I just can't get my head around support for Hamas. It's like the Palestinians don't see the benefits of a "Greater Israel".



    Open your eyes, young man. You need to understand what Europeans have done to the Jews. You need to recognise that Israeli Occupation and defence of that Occupation is complex. Who the hell does he think he is?! A Ukrainian?

  7. I went to Wonka expecting it to be pants to be honest. Everything is remake, reboot or reimagining at the minute. And pretty much everything is worse for it. 

    I was surprised by Wonka though. It does seem more like a stage show than a movie and I'm not sure how well it would be sat at home rather than in a cinema. 

    I like stage musicals though. 



    I watched The Killer on Netflix. It's the assassination thriller that apparently everyone was/is talking about. I've since read how clever and witty is. How it's the thinking man's John Wick. (Boring)

    I just thought it was bloated crap. I read about all the metaphors for corporate greed within the story and that just now seems like an ironic excuse for shameless product placement. 

    Nobody, Taken, Bourne, John Wick... Even Leon. There's so many similar movies, daft and serious that are better imo

    3/10. Less without Fassbender 

  8. The Fall Of The House Of Usher. Netflix

    Trailer looked like it might provide the first decent scare since the original IT when I was too young to be watching it. 

    Spent the first few episodes feeling betrayed that it's not scary. Then finally accepted it for what it is. Then began to think it's more suited to my Mrs (who likes You, Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives). Then maybe the third to last episode had me hooked

    The last couple of episodes are better than sitting through some of the awful overhyped films I've watched. 

    Brought the whole thing together to be honest. I wish I'd stuck with Bodies now. I got similarly bored but didn't soldier on. 

    Good solid 7/10 overall. Not scary though so don't be fooled. It's just gore. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    Inoue looked very impressive, at that weight to knock out a pretty tough opponent through their gloves shws the power he carries. Tapales was no slouch but Inoue really is a bit special.

    Two weight undisputed champion. That's madness. Only size will beat him like Lomachenko. Eventually he'll get paired off with someone too big for a fortune and lose.

  10. Yeah they should do Joshua v Zhang. Better than Joshua v Hrgovic which is what it will be. 

    Now the Saudis are in it all seems possible but the atmosphere was dead. Was like one of Frank's leisure center shows. 

    The constant rimming of a Prince every time anyone spoke was a bit sickly too. A big cheer for Bin Salman was as loud as it got until Joshua came out. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Ted McMinn Football Genius said:

    Wilder needs to take this as his last big payday, I fear that he is gonna get hurt if he carry’s on.

    38 years of age and 2 years out of the ring is a recipe for disaster 

    Yeah he sounded like he has one foot in retirement. Not really the sport for out staying your welcome. 

    Took defeat too well. Been relaxed in the build up. Not the Wilder we know at all

  12. Credit to Parker too. Game plan was spot on. Took Wilders right hand away from him, tucked the chin, fought small, came up and under using Wilders height against him

    Wilder always makes the most basic mistake of going back in straight lines. He only gets away with it because of his size. 

    Joshua demolition job. Bullied Wallin. Easy peasy. 

    Lol @ Miller. Lollolololol

  13. Never been one for conspiracy theories but 

    I hope they're remembered for being on the wrong side of history. 

    "I've always spoken out against the settlements".... Sure you have guys. Sure you have

    Rupert Murdoch has been grafting

  14. One of the best cards in many years this weekend. Predictions anyone?

    Joshua will flatten Wallin in mid to late rounds I think. Joshua looks like the hunger and spite is back after the last couple of years he's had. 

    Wilder v Parker. Wilder should be the favourite as he's fit, fast and proven he has heart. He loses rounds all the time though and has been rocked by so many lesser fighters. But if he lands it's over. That could happen inside round 1. A decent chance of an upset but still pretty unlikely. 

    Dubois v Miller. Miller is a big plodding donkey and if Dubois doesn't outpoint him then he should probably give up world title dreams. Miller is where he is because of his big mouth. I remember watching him against Dino(?) and he couldn't keep up with a part timer desperate to take a dive. The Lucas Browne fight was one of those really bad gypsie fights where two great orcs slog it out while 5 onlookers fall asleep. Part of me wants him to win so Joshua completely ends him. Absolute knob. 

    Bivol v Arthur. Come on. We only here to watch Bivol. Arthur's win over Yarde seems like a bit of good timing now. He's a bit gun shy and won't win a round 

    Opetaia v Zorro. Never seen Opetaia. Never seen Zorro but his biggest win is Hosea Burton? Meh. Opetaia beat Breidis who I have seen fight and I really thought he was good. So I'm guessing Opetaia routine win?

    Hrgovic v De Mori. Again. We only here to see Hrgovic (who is overrated imo). De Mori is the guy that fought David Haye... I think in Haye's great channel 5 comeback days? And he couldn't wait to drop? 

  15. Best advice is don't take advice really. What works for one baby might not work for the next. 

    And when you're tired like you've never been tired before you don't need to be asking yourself why something isn't working how it's supposed to. Ignore most 'tips and tricks"

    There's stupid ones that you think you obviously already know of but when you've had 4 hours sleep in 2 days then it's easy to go against. Don't put a baby in bed/on sofa with you when you know you're tired. It's obvious but when you're wrecked it's easy to convince yourself that you are just resting. 

    The other would be that it's ok to let a baby cry sometimes otherwise they can drive you to the edge of a breakdown. 

    Morbid advice I know. But imo all the helpful advice is hit and miss. Except enjoy it. And as @Wolfiesaid, enjoy the smell. It's hard to enjoy it because it's hard but you can easily end up wishing they'd grow up and then when they grow up you wish they were babies again


  16. I think they are being surgical. They're doing exactly what they said they'd do and nothing has been by mistake. Accept that 3 civilians shot dead were Jews and not Muslims. 

    The whole idea that they ever had moral authority for the last few decades (if ever) or that it's possible for the occupier to defend itself from the occupied is hugely debatable anyway. The backtracking is good but until the West is prepared to make some admissions then Hamas and groups like Hamas will continue to resist. 

    The clue is in American military history. 

    I have a feeling that Palestinians might not be as eager to accept peace as imagined. I know the West probably thinks they will get to pick the terms of peace but I very much doubt the mass murder and humiliation will be forgotten quickly. This is the thing about Palestinians that so many seem oblivious to. They won't submit. Again, historical clues. 

    We'll be back here again and again until they're treated equally. Holding a gun to their head telling them the terms of peace fixes nothing. They tend to remember the gun


    Owen's channel also has a good interview with former IDF soldier Ariel Bernstein. Goes quite well with an LBC interview with Matt Frei who speaks about the weak Israeli government. 

    Both are pretty balanced. Not the hard-line Pro Palestinian approach that paints Israel evil. 

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