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    ariotofmyown got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Sounds very tough for you @DarkFruitsRam7. You seem like a very decent and rational person so I'm sure you have made the best decision.
  2. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Had to do quite a difficult thing tonight.
    I told my dad that I no longer want him in my life. I have very good reasons for doing so (I don't particularly want to divulge them on here), but quite tough nonetheless. 
    Not looking for sympathy or cheering up - just getting it out there. I'm going to watch some Only Fools and Horses to ease my mind a little.
  3. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Anag Ram in Watchable telly   
    Saul is a complex character, living in the shadow of his illustrious brother and just trying to survive on his wits and cunning. 
    Mike and Kim are great characters too. 
    I think overall I enjoyed it more than Breaking Bad. 
  4. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Anag Ram in Watchable telly   
    Fire in Babylon is a brilliant documentary about the rise of the West Indies cricket team during the seventies and eighties.
    You don’t need to like cricket. This is about a team sick to death of the know your place attitude which prevailed. 
    They became aggressive in their cricket and the rest of the world didn’t like it. 
    Watching batsmen without helmets being hit of the head and body, you wonder how no one got killed.
    The interviews are electric, including contributions from Bunny Wailer. Bob Marley was an inspiration to the team.
    If you want to see a competitor, Viv Richards owns the pitch when he’s on it. Terrifying!
  5. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to therealhantsram in Watchable telly   
    That first season of Fargo... Billy Bob Thornton was incredible. Such a psycho. On the edge of my seat every time he was on screen. 
  6. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Anag Ram in Watchable telly   
    Watched Sitting in limbo about the Windrush scandal on BBC.
    Really good but not if you’re Theresa May or Amber Rudd.
  7. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Mostyn6 in Watchable telly   
    Bosch, Patriot, Man in the High Castle, Sneaky Pete, Hap and Leonard. 
    Im currently watching The Handmade’s Tail. Riveting. 
  8. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Tamworthram in Watchable telly   
    Why not give Fargo a go? both the film and the series. I can recommend both.
  9. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Stive Pesley in Watchable telly   
    The Americans is pretty good for the real world/80s retro feel - and shares a sort of "good people doing bad things because they feel the ends justify the means" thing with Breaking Bad. Not quite such high end production values as BB though, so fewer majestic shots of rolling desert clouds etc
  10. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Eddie in Watchable telly   
    Well, that's Breaking Bad done and dusted. Absolutely superb and the person who said "It gets better and better" - you are so right.
    So, what to watch next? I think the missus is keen on stuff like Spooks and anything John Le Carre inspired, so it might be The Americans for the next mega-binge watch. Any other suggestions? We have both Prime and Netflix.
  11. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to ViewsFromTheMiddle in Watchable telly   
    4 episodes into season 3 of The Wire now. Bunk is easily one of the best characters, hilarious.
  12. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Comrade 86 in Watchable telly   
    Right! Going to bite the bullet and give GoT another go. Didn't take to it at all but it keeps being recommended to me by pals so will try to approach it with a more open mind perhaps.
    Seem to remember slating it on a thread on here as being nothing more than 'Tolkien with tits', which now that I think about it, ought to be right up my street ?
  13. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Igor_111 in Watchable telly   
    Thanks to those who recommended Giri / Haji. Superb series. Hopefully a second series is on the horizon. 
    For those that like  slightly  quirky, whimsical, simple and uplifting viewing, I thoroughly recommend Lodge 49. It's got it all! 
    I'll admit I hasn't seen seen The Wire Shield, Sopranos, Breaking Bad and all of those supposed all time greats. But for me - and me only - nothing will come close to Lodge 49, Cobra Kai (The original Karate Kid 30 years on) and Shine on Harvey Moon ?
    The first has real heart.
    The second I stumbled on and was blown away! A must for those who recall Daniel son. 
    The third.. Just threw it in. Just remember the the theme tune back in the day hehe 
  14. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to TomBustler1884 in Watchable telly   
    Currently being subjected to Hey Duggee which my 4 month old seems to like. This is my future for the next few years isnt it.
  15. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Tamworthram in Watchable telly   
    Just finished watching Giri/Haji. Outstanding series that just got better and better.
  16. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to JoetheRam in Watchable telly   
    Boardwalk Empire
    Atlantic City in the 20's... prohibition, Al Capone, speakeasies, corruption, great cast. Think there was 5 series in the end.
    Maybe a notch down from The Wire and Sopranos, but similar level to Mad Men and Breaking Bad for me.
    I'm watching Life on Mars at the moment - the slightly Sci-Fi element I find stupid as it's really not my genre but entertaining enough with the 70's cop theme and Gene Hunt (Philip Glenister) is a laugh.
  17. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to ViewsFromTheMiddle in Watchable telly   
    Was quite humorous while watching The Wire to discover the origin of this meme.

  18. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Eddie in Watchable telly   
    We finished binge-watching 'Lost' last night.
    I think over the last three series, we were both just going through the motions, wanting to see if it could get any sillier.
    (Narrator: it did).
    Half an hour ago, we started watching 'Breaking Bad' - probably the pilot episode.
    So far so good - I'm still watching it. In fact, I'm loving it.
  19. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Mr. P in Gaming   
    Really interesting conversation on Red Dead Redemption 2. I was well bought into the hype when it came out and almost bought it full price. Decided against it then, but have been waiting to get it since. After reading this, I'm thinking I might not bother. I don't have much time to dedicate to a long game unless it's going to be great. And it doesn't sound good enough.
    I've just finished Assassin's Creed Origins and loved it. Even though I spent 100 hours on it over a long period, it was nearly always brilliant. I didn't think it could get better after the London one, but it did. My kids got my Odyssey already too, so that one is waiting for me.
    I also love Far Cry 3, 4 and Primal, so a bit Ubisoft crazy. Mass Effect trilogy also one of my recent faves. Played most the GTAs since Liberty City too and always great.
    Let me know any recommendations if you also rate these games. I was gonna give Outer Wilds a go before getting stuck into AC Odyssey. Been playing Fallen Order with kids too and enjoying it.
    I've always wanted to play Last of Us, but can't on Xbox.
  20. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Mr. P in Gaming   
    Syndicate is awesome. If you know London reasonably well, even more fun.
  21. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to Rev in Watchable telly   
    I got halfway through series 5 and stopped watching! 
    Not that it wasn't just as good, I think it may have dropped off whatever channel I was watching.
  22. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to rynny in Gaming   
    Definitely handles the same way as the Assassins Creed games (obviously being a ubisoft game) 
  23. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from rynny in Gaming   
    Never heard of it but just looked it up and sounds good. Cheers!
  24. Cheers
    ariotofmyown reacted to rynny in Gaming   
    Have you tried Watchdogs? 
  25. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Mr. P in Gaming   
    Yep. After watching assassins creed valhalla trailer I decided to catch up on the series and brought Unity, Syndicate, Origins & Odyssey off eBay. Haven't played them since Rouge in 2014. And despite Unity being considered the worse in the series I'm enjoying it & wondering why it's took me so long to play them! Without a doubt it's my favourite gaming series. Great history lesson too! 
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