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  1. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Mostyn6 in Pets   
    not you, you're the size of a borrower aren't you? 
  2. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Coneheadjohn in Pets   
    This is the tiny one now.

  3. Like
    Parsnip reacted to rynny in Pets   
    Newest member of the Rynny household 

  4. Clap
    Parsnip reacted to Coneheadjohn in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    This being on TV.

  5. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Rev in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Yeah absolutely - I just meant that I could understand Revel's wife saying that he's just a stranger. I'm the same.
  6. Like
    Parsnip reacted to Rev in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    My wife didn't speak to her father for the last 25 years of his life. 
    Even when our son was born, and she'd agreed he could get to know his grandson, I'd take him round. A bit weird meeting your father in law for the first time years after marrying his daughter and having a kid together, but she never wavered.
    I thought she'd regret it, but she never did, even when he died, she only went to the funeral to for her mum and brothers sake.
    She said to me she wasn't bitter, angry or upset, she just felt nothing for him eventually, because he was a stranger.
    It's easy to let weeks turn into months, then years, just be sure that's truly what you want.
  7. Like
    Parsnip reacted to froggg in What are you eating tonight   
    Roast pork, roasties veg and a white sherry gravy, haven’t been on much as working on my pop up restaurant business.

  8. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Congrats on the diamond mate.
    We had 2 years of trying before our first. We had the tests and found out her ovulations were irregular and weak, and my swimmers were too pissed up. Our only option was ICI - they wouldn't offer us IVF because it was a lost cause.
    I was having acupuncture at the time and mentioned it to him. He recommended we both go to see him before we try anything else, promising to have us both functioning correctly within a month. After a few pins we went back for another round of tests to find everything was normal. Two kids later and we stay well away from each other now.
    Good luck!
  9. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Haha yeah - and not mine!
  10. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Rev in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Haha yeah - and not mine!
  11. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    At your service.
  12. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Rev in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    So you're telling us a little rick solved everything?
  13. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Day in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Congrats on the diamond mate.
    We had 2 years of trying before our first. We had the tests and found out her ovulations were irregular and weak, and my swimmers were too pissed up. Our only option was ICI - they wouldn't offer us IVF because it was a lost cause.
    I was having acupuncture at the time and mentioned it to him. He recommended we both go to see him before we try anything else, promising to have us both functioning correctly within a month. After a few pins we went back for another round of tests to find everything was normal. Two kids later and we stay well away from each other now.
    Good luck!
  14. Like
    Parsnip reacted to Day in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Thanks Revil, didn’t post it as it’s been a bit of a whirlwind these past few weeks. 
    These rings cost a bloody fortune, think I’ve got the right one to buy one for though. 
    She’s got a cracking pair of ears.

  15. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Owd miner in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Norra bad film mi owd . Sad bit wa when he returned ta work.  
  16. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to maxjam in Gaming   
    One of these results in a happy face on Christmas Day.  The other ends in years of resentment and expensive therapy. 
    I've done all I can!

  17. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from maxjam in Gaming   
    Thanks! I'm on it!

  18. Sad
    Parsnip reacted to ViewsFromTheMiddle in Gaming   
    You’ll more than likely end up with an alpaca given your shopping history.
  19. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to maxjam in Gaming   
    The only things you can buy ingame are cosmetics, different looks for your character, axe, backpack, weapons etc.  If you want to buy him them you need to buy them from the ingame store.  They don't make you play any better but are cool to look at - the problem is new ones are released all the time and whats new and cool today is old and boring tomorrow.
    I got my lad a couple of Fortnite figurines for his desk, lookup fortnite characters on Amazon or wherever.  My lad likes the Funko's so I got him a couple of those.  And a llama, every fortnite player needs a llama!
  20. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Coneheadjohn in Gaming   
    I’ll ask one of the lads when they stop gaming for a minute ?
  21. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Gaming   
    As far as I’m aware, you can only buy cosmetic stuff on Fortnite. Nothing that will help in the game.
  22. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to i-Ram in New parents   
    I hope she was a better midwife than she was poet.
  23. Clap
    Parsnip reacted to i-Ram in New parents   
    When your wife is feeling unwell during the pregnancy, give her a wink and tell her “you know what will make her better”. It works every time.
  24. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to Ramslad1992 in New parents   
    Thank you for the kind words again everyone it truly means a lot to me and the mrs! An update on the rollercoaster  of emotions is as my messages last week there was fluid under the babies skin which shouldn't have been there so we had to go to grottingham on Thursday  for a CVS,  the experts had a scan before the test and I quote "we don't really know why you were sent here as at the minute everything seems to be fine, the down syndrome risk came back as 1 in 1668 which is good so they've told us to assume everything is normal and we need to go.back at the  beginning of January for another scan to see what's what. To say I was a mess this last week was an understatement (so much so I was odd work sick) but this news was amazing and means at least until next month we can carry on as normal and enjoy christmas. ?
  25. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I used to do that job. And we had to empty the dog bins. It was horrible. And we used to get driven around just sat on the back of a pick up which is definitely illegal now and probably was then too. And then I got sacked for stealing contaminated cans of cat food out of a skip! And I didn't even do the crime, I just took the blame for the son in law of the boss who'd already blamed it on me then begged me in tears to back up his story. Actually in fairness I didn't get sacked for that but got a final warning because I think the boss knew it was actually his son in law that dunnit. I got sacked a few days later when I was supposed to be working on a Saturday morning but woke up in a car in Skegness with no recollection of how I'd got there. Great days.
    What were we talking about?
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