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  1. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Just watched Tinker Bell (2008).
    It's crap.
  2. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Mucker1884 in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Come on now... a bit of perspective please... You fell off a kiddies scooter!   
    Next you'll be telling us about the bright lights... The descending angels... The hovering over the operating table watching your own line go flat for 39 seconds!
  3. Clap
    Parsnip got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    I'm only joking mate, although it sounds like you deserve a bit of a ribbing. I don't throw stones for real though, I have a long list of extremely stupid acts lining my past history ??
  4. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Rev in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    If you're thinking about starting a "confess your stupidest moments" thread then, entertaining as it might be, count me out.
  5. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from sage in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    This is my favourite bit.
    Some absolute tool decides lockdown doesn't apply to him and scooters off to see his mate, ends up in A&E stinking of booze, complaining that the doctor doesn't speak proper English, slurring all over the nurses about his forum fundraising whilst simultaneously costing the overstretched NHS a fortune in ambulance call outs, x rays, painkillers... yeah... I bet she was well impressed with you ???
  6. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to Day in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    I don’t mind taking the ribbing honestly, I knew when putting it online I would get it. 
    Not trying to justify what I did, but just wanted the full picture out there. Some will laugh, others be annoyed and I take no issue with that as it’s understandable.
    Just happy I’m still here to tell yet another stupid tale in my life and didn’t end up taking up a bed in intensive care which could easily have happened.
  7. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Rev in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    I'm only joking mate, although it sounds like you deserve a bit of a ribbing. I don't throw stones for real though, I have a long list of extremely stupid acts lining my past history ??
  8. Clap
    Parsnip reacted to Rev in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    To sum up then, you fell off a child's toy while breaking lockdown?
  9. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Tombo in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Send him on loan to the Millwall forums to think about what he's done
  10. Like
    Parsnip reacted to Rev in What are you eating tonight   
    Home made Kiev's, not like you'd mistake them for shop bought.

  11. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from CWC1983 in Watchable telly   
    I'm late to the party but I've just binge watched Fleabag and it's a masterpiece!
    Also Frozen 2 was really good.
  12. Clap
    Parsnip got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Watchable telly   
    I'm late to the party but I've just binge watched Fleabag and it's a masterpiece!
    Also Frozen 2 was really good.
  13. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from therealhantsram in Watchable telly   
    I'm late to the party but I've just binge watched Fleabag and it's a masterpiece!
    Also Frozen 2 was really good.
  14. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Comrade 86 in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  15. Clap
    Parsnip got a reaction from Boycie in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  16. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from angieram in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  17. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Mucker1884 in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  18. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from richinspain in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  19. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from i-Ram in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  20. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Philmycock in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  21. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Angry Ram in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  22. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Rev in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  23. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  24. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in What are you eating tonight   
    Using some of this free time to try and inject a bit of culture into my kid's dinnertimes.
    This is poulét èt páin served as a stack on a potato góufre and a swirl of tômate jùs. All washed down with a chocolate nesquik.

  25. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Joined the queue at a very busy KFC in Chesterfield, waited a aeon to order my mighty bucket & gravy. The faceless voice from the box said "No gravy on today duck".
    Like it was nothing.
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