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  1. Like
    1967Ram reacted to G STAR RAM in New parents   
    First off...congratulations!
    You seriously dont need advice on how to be a parent, it will just come naturally! Sure you will pick up tips along the way but everyone does parenting in a way that suits their circumstances, all kids are not the same and consequently all parenting is not the same.
    You will find that you parenting evolves to suit your own personal situation.
    There is only one piece I would ever give in relation to parenting and that is, enjoy every second of it because time flies, kids grow up so fast and you never know what is round the corner!
  2. Like
    1967Ram reacted to MaltRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I don't think I can say this without sounding a dick, but I'm going to hope you get it anyway...
    I'm comfortably well off, but my missus passed away. I'd reverse those things in a heartbeat.
    Life deals harsh cards sometimes; people and employers can be shitbags. You'll get through being skint, so long as you stick together for each other...and then you won't be skint, and you'll be stronger for the shared effort. Good luck SSD.
  3. Like
    1967Ram reacted to MaltRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    My previous incarnation as Needles quit when I was having an especially hard time. I needed it.
    I could just have logged out and left it alone for a few months, but that didn't feel right at the time.
    All I say to anyone leaving or thinking about it, for whatever reason, is don't be afraid to come back.
    At the end of the day, it's about football, and Derby County, and it's supposed to be fun, despite how seriously we all take it sometimes.
  4. Haha
  5. Like
    1967Ram reacted to angieram in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Sorry to hear that you're feeling down at the moment Paul and also going through a challenging time with your meds. If you feel like taking a break from the Forum do so, but I wouldn't make any permanent decisions until you've had time to reflect and know that the decision- either way - is the right one for you.
    I don't know whether it will help you to know that whilst I appear, to you at least, to have a calm head and sensible approach on here, I do get angry and annoyed by some posts and particularly some posters. I suspect I also annoy the same posters as we have very different outlooks on life.
    I have typed many an angry response at times on here but somehow always baulk at hitting that send button. I leave it in the editor until next time I visit, by which time the debate has usually moved on or I have calmed down a bit! 
    I value your contributions on here, as I do David's,  The Revs and 86 Schmokes. I probably missed what exchanges took place that triggered your post and the responses above as I am struggling to keep up with all the discussions right now, but I hope that whatever they were that they can be put in perspective by all concerned. It's a bit like family (or mates) on here; we disagree from time to time but always forgive each other.
    I hope you are reading still and will reconsider. 
  6. Like
    1967Ram reacted to i-Ram in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Well the last few posts have been a pretty depressing read.  
    Team hug everyone.
  7. Like
    1967Ram got a reaction from I know nothing in What Are You Listening To?   
    Great band IMO:
  8. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Smyth_18 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    All good at the moment thanks. Always ups and downs but that's life. Need to work on my resilience. 
    Thanks a lot for thinking of me!
  9. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Rev in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Yeah I'm feeling a lot more positive mentally speaking.
    Not quite through the black dog, but the light at the end of the tunnel is within touching distance.
  10. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Ambitious in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I can't tell you how happy it makes me for you to say that. I'm so glad that my ramblings have been able to help in some way. It was my intention, partly because I was coming out of a very tough period myself and I told myself that it was all temporary. I feel it's important that any of us don't get bogged down in the here-and-now. I just hope you're feeling better - you've got an entire community of people on here all behind you. 
  11. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Mostyn6 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    feel free to expand if you want to sounds us out. It's all down to how comfortable you are with revealing it, but you're unknown to me, and I imagine a lot of the forum, so you're as good as anonymous. You might be surprised by a) how relieved you feel just putting stuff down into words and b) how many people understand it all, have been through similar and can give some good basic advice on coping.
    Remember, you're not alone. 
  12. Like
    1967Ram reacted to MaltRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Doggo update....he's fully mended.
    First time at the beach yesterday, wonderful.

  13. Like
    1967Ram reacted to MaltRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Ay up bud. Yes, thanks for asking. Even rediscovering his woof a little. Back to the vets on Saturday, but no cause for concern....except 10 days without a bath now, stuck in his wound protection onesie. He reeks.
  14. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I don't like that mentality though. People have different breaking points and I think too many people on their arse are kind of trapped because they haven't actually got anything wrong. They're not ill, they have no money issues, they have a family, enjoy their job etc. 
    Sometimes people just break and they shouldn't have to worry about how valid it is. If you're on your arse then you're on your arse. No jokes intended there. 
  15. Clap
    1967Ram reacted to Day in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Yeah, not going to lie I have some days which are harder than others, but it’s going to wear you down but that’s natural, especially when it involves your digestive system and how you fuel your body. 
    Keep the brain active and busy, helps a ton. Start Uni next month which will be interesting, add a new string to my bow, signed up with the year initially with an eye on staying longer to complete a degree.
    See how the puns go down to pad out assignments!
  16. Like
    1967Ram reacted to MaltRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Doggo update: He's on the mend. Very relieved. Thanks for your best wishes all.
    Just to got to go through 2 weeks of keeping him out of mischief now!
  17. Sad
    1967Ram reacted to Mostyn6 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    That’s the clip that shook me, looked a bloke about to cuddle a dog ? ?
  18. Sad
    1967Ram reacted to MaltRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Since my wife died, it's been a bit of a scrap to keep plodding on, but I've been making progress. Back at work, back talking objectionable poo on here, trying to get out and about...
    Aside from our kids, the biggest thing that's dragged me out of bed to do anything in a morning has been our dog. He's a lovely lad and I've been completely converted from cat person to dog person. My late wife always wanted a pup as a girl but her old man wouldn't have it, so when we found out she was terminally ill we got him to tick it off her bucket list. Not only is he a link to my late wife, but his complete devotion to us and bouncy enthusiasm helps bond us together.
    He's only 18 months old, but he's sick. I've been up with him since first light and just had to drop him at the vet for various tests. He's been sick till there's nothing but bile, not drinking, not moving, struggling to breathe and I'm scared of what they're going to find. 
    Watching him helpless, hoping for every next breath, the echoes of nursing my missus in her last weeks are ripping all the old wounds open. If he goes, I'm never again having another living thing in my life I care a poo about. The pain of caring and losing isn't worth the joy.
    ducking savage low this morning. 
  19. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Pearl Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Members of the forum that use the word “spunked” as opposed to spent or wasted, it’s not big and it’s not clever it is however uncouth and immature to me. 
  20. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Day in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Having shared my health issues on the defunct podcast, I figured I would give an update to the regular listeners, if anyone else is interested read on. Will be a long post, definitely not looking for any kind of sympathy, if anything I am an absolute idiot for trying to wait it out.
    If anyone follows my Instagram or Twitter will probably be aware I had a bit of a rough day yesterday, just wasn't up for coming on the forum despite the humour which was on display about the situation. 
    For those that didn't listen to the podcast, around 3 years ago in the August whilst taking a multivitamin I swallowed my partial denture for a tooth I broke and had to have removed. This partial denture covered the room of my mouth, it's not a small thing to swallow.
    Since that went down the hatch I have had nothing stomach issues ever since, quite bad, but chose to tough it out.
    I went to A&E where I had X-Rays, nothing, it was only after they questioned me more on the denture and when they realised it had no metal it was a complete waste of time. Was sent home with funny looks and told to return if I had any chest pains. Never had any and a few weeks passed, nothing else as far as I'm aware I had crippling pain in my stomach so went into A&E, X-Ray'd me again and the verdict was I was full of poo. Literally.
    Drink plenty of water and I would be fine, wasn't concerned by the denture at all. 
    Then nothing, nothing but more pain. Every day. Anxiety set it, toilet trips had become horrendous adventures. I tried various diets, gluten free, low fodmap which I'm still on to this day despite it not really helping. I have taken a bit of stick for not going to games for the last season, season and half, but when some days it's a challenge to even get off the toilet, travelling 2 and half hours to Pride Park and bouncing in the South Stand with Lampard would not have been good. 
    Actually tried to make a U23 game one night, guessed with less fans toilets wouldn't be the same issue. Had to turn back half way there due to traffic, got stuck in a pile up over a crash and wouldn't have made kick off. 
    Season ticket still renewed for this season, determined to get back on my feet and back in the SS, takes away the whole should I buy a match ticket or not. Call me weird but also this club has supported the forum a lot, £400 on a season ticket supports them back. Every penny counts in this FFP world.
    Anyhow, in the 3 years I have gone from a unhealthy (due to alcohol and KFC) 18st 5lb stone to 10st 10lb, XL to S, 38" waist to 31". I was always thin until I hit 21, then everything I ate stuck to me like glue because of the alcohol.
    I went to a GP in the January but due to the anxiety they didn't think I would be up for the MRI, had to sort the anxiety first, which he believed was giving me the pains, but wasn't willing to give me anything for it. I wasn't up for being a zombie and was told he can see I'm mentally strong enough to get over this with coping mechanisms which I already reeled off a list to him. I've read a lot on anxiety and I mean a lot. I'm an unprofessional expert. Kinda.
    So that's where it really got left. Truth to be told the anxiety hasn't improved, pains have got worse. And then yesterday. Well it started on Wednesday night where I visited the toilet every hour from 5pm, through the night, barely slept. Eat 3 Vindaloo's back to back and that might trigger the same reaction. Now baring in mind my diet is down to pretty much potato, chicken, fish something wasn't right.
    Yesterday around 10.30 emptying what seemed to be a never ending supply of rear sewage I had a sharp pain in my stomach, how I'm guessing you would feel had you been stabbed. My stomach went numb an pretty much took my legs away from me. Crawled back to the sofa, with an odd numb, throbbing pain.
    Home alone, as I was when swallowing the denture I freaked out a little, thought this was the day I had been waiting for convinced this denture would rupture something. Crawled to the front door to unlock it as the plan was to ring an ambulance, the pain was that severe when trying to walk just brought me back to my knees.
    11.18am and 4 minutes on the phone to 999 they suggested I either walk to the hospital or go to my local GP before advising me to ring 111 before disconnecting. I wasn't life threatening to them.
    111 was a 20 minute call, trying to replay a story to someone on the phone wasn't easy in so much pain but the 2nd operator in agreed to send an ambulance but I'm not priority and would be with me within 2 hours.
    Phoned the missus, no answer. She works an hour away.
    Used my second life line and phoned a friend who dragged me into his car, on arriving at the hospital the queue for A&E reception was out the main doors. This would have been an hour wait just to get to reception so we went back to mine to wait out for the ambulance. 
    Ambulance arrived just after 4pm, 5hrs later, by now the pain had dulled a little but the paramedics were concerned and hauled me in the back and wheeled me off to hospital, bypassing all the walk ins I was put on a IV straight away and looked at super quick.
    I will skip the next further 5 hours of what he and she said, but after a finger up the rear and 5 hours of tests my blood showed inflammation of the bowl.
    The surgeon I think she said she was, debated over a CT scan last night, keeping me in or letting me go and come back in the morning. It was to check for signs of Colitis or Diverticulitis which they believe it is.
    I questioned if the denture would show on this, what denture? I then had to explain from the start again how the pains all started from this, quickly scuttled away to speak with the registrar after informing me they will probably scan me tonight and keep me in.
    10 minutes later, I'm told it's highly unlikely, almost impossible that the denture is still inside me after this long. They have seen much large items pass through the system and out the other end. Not convinced I keep pushing her on this, and told you would be surprised what the human body can do. Missus gave me the I told you so look. As they do.
    Also because of the material a CT scan would not show it up. On the advice from this unseen registrar the denture was not any concern, that's long gone, Colitis or Diverticulitis is the main concern and to have this confirmed they need to run a Colonoscopy. 
    I pushed for a MRI scan still believing this all can't be a coincidence with the timing but was told they wouldn't do one just for my peace of mind, I argued the case of the bloke that swallowed a plastic fork and was in him for 10 years which I read online, I was told to stay off the internet, no chance.
    So that's basically where I am. Trawling through Colitis information last night, all sounds like me, even have the mouth ulcers and dodgy joints to go with it. Sounds plausible and despite being a life long condition after this long I have no fear over a diagnosis as medication is available, if I can return to a "normal" life whilst managing the symptoms it's better than the alternative of nothing found, MRI now....oh look the denture, under the knife you go and selling my story to The Sun for £100.
    As I say, the reason I'm posting this isn't sympathy, definitely don't want any, my own fault for doing a Nigel Pearson for 3 years, I should have been hammering down the GP door every week. 
    That's your update and as for the podcast, maybe one day if they figure this out, don't want to commit to anything when I feel so crap.
  21. Sad
    1967Ram reacted to therams69 in Derby County Flags   
    Wasn't good if I am being honest. Didn't post an update as I didn't want to create anything negative before the day and nothing I could do to change it.
    So basically with Wembley you have to go via the club to request permission for large flags and drums etc. The drum was permitted and travelled on club transport which was sorted by them, it didnt get in though, so not happy with that outcome. Adam went to alot of effort to get it reskinned and ready. Last thing i wanted to be doing on the day was having to try and sort it considering we had it all arranged. It never got in though, so....
    Okay back to the flag... So it was allowed in 5 years ago v QPR ... This time around Wembley insisted it was too small! All large flags that wish to be surfed had to be 12m x 12m or more. Now lets be honest, whats fan/s have a flag that big, practically no one. Why would you as well considering you wouldn't be able to take it around the country to league games, would be pointless. Club at this point decided to produce a club flag that was surfed at the game.
    My take on it was that the flag has alot of history as well all know, 10 years with me, and previous to that a few years with John and Ramstrust. Very disappointing that the flag that we take home and away would not be allowed. I managed to speak to Wembley officials and was basically told same as before, not safe for such a small flag etc etc ... Dynamics of Wembley different blah blah ... Some of the stadiums i have setup and surfed flag in has been tough. Forest Green for one, or Birmingham when I was on the back row and had no space to sort but I did. So quite capable of surfing it and making sure it was held up, what I have done for the last 10 years for christ sake! Got no where with him and felt that the game was all about commercial and not the fans. Biggest game of season and they say no, just sums up football nowadays for me I am afraid, losing the love of it in honesty, far to much politics and stupid regulations.
    Oh and it would have been a £500 fee to pay as well for a team from Wembley to assist. Like I would have needed. As fans we sort it. I dont need some contractors to tell us how to do it, fans know the score as we do it week in week out. Patronising against us fans it felt like.
    Hope that explains it anyway folks! In a nutshell, the game has gone in many aspects.
  22. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Day in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    Picked up a nice little print from the club shop of the kit history. Cheap frame off Amazon and into the corner it goes. Slowly taking over the living room bit by bit!

  23. Like
    1967Ram reacted to ramit in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    It's been a grueling, but exciting week.  Paid a deposit on this 85 square meter property in Costa Blanca South Cabo Roig Spain, but we don't have the keys yet because the real estate company is dragging it's feet, as is the norm in Spain as i have come to accept.  So we have been clearing the front part and fixing what needs fixing, but that job is only half done.  An Irish man has rented the place for the past 8 years.  He never fixed anything, apparently spent most of his time in a chair smoking and drinking, so all plastic materials need removing inside and there is some light repair work needed as well as complete refurnishing.  Am not counting any chickens yet until signature is completed but we are not worried as we have a human tornado for a lawyer, probably the best in the business in that area.  i will return to Spain hopefully within two weeks to complete repairs, furnish and install appliances and then we have a couple waiting to rent it from us for a year.  We need to do that as we are extending ourselves financially a bit.  After that, it will be completely paid for.  We got it at a very good price indeed.  Great community, good neighbors and fantastically situated within walking distance to beach and everything of interest.  We are so tired, but very happy.  What shall we call it?  i like Casa Jenn as that is my wife's name, but my good friend suggests Lion's Den because of the gate figures.  Without his help and his gracious wife we would never have been able to pull this off.  Wonderful friends and only a few doors down the lane.

  24. Haha
    1967Ram reacted to Parsnip in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    It must be a good 5 years now since I made the life changing decision to start wearing woman's nightwear instead of men's. I highly recommend you all make this change. The materials are lighter than air, the range of patterns and colours is wonderful and don't get me started on lace. 
    Interestingly, nobody judges me. These lovely skin tight bottoms were part of a set bought for me by Mrs Parsnip and this silky leopard skin number was bought for me by Mrs Parsnip's mum.

  25. Like
    1967Ram reacted to loweman2 in Best book about dcfc   
    Seems like a good time to drop this one out especially with the heading of the thread, it will be a few more weeks yet, aiming for the end of the season to give everybody something to fill the boring weeks in between with !
    When it’s ready I will expect a rush of orders ! I am obviously biased but I am really pleased with it, a comprehensive book about every one of our shirts, badges, sponsors and a few juicy bits of gossip and a genuine re write of the history books with he expertise of Andy Ellis and Jason Shardlow.

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