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  1. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Archied in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Thanks for sharing, that is very disturbing. Follow the money is a wise principle I think. There are many alarming signals.   A recent Meta-analysis shows strong evidence that Ivermectin, (an out of patent drug with a strong safety record) can both prevent and treat covid.  There is an aggressive media campaign (see the guardian which I previously was biased towards) to discredit individual experiments, ignoring the overall evidence. What is the motive for this if we are all interested in public health?  
  2. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to uttoxram75 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    The only motive is money. Vaccines are a magic money tree where as treatments like ivermectin cannot now be patented.
  3. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Thanks for sharing, that is very disturbing. Follow the money is a wise principle I think. There are many alarming signals.   A recent Meta-analysis shows strong evidence that Ivermectin, (an out of patent drug with a strong safety record) can both prevent and treat covid.  There is an aggressive media campaign (see the guardian which I previously was biased towards) to discredit individual experiments, ignoring the overall evidence. What is the motive for this if we are all interested in public health?  
  4. Cheers
    Andrew3000 reacted to angieram in Academy Thread 21/22   
    Played really well at Matlock the other night. Very impressive handling, some good saves and excellent distribution. 
  5. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to uttoxram75 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Before Covid appeared, a world renowned research department at Keele University in staffs was shut down after the Uni received major funding from Vaccine manufacturers, either directly or through "charitable" organisations funded by them.
    The research was into a link between aluminium ingestion and Alzheimers/dementia type diseases due to the phenomenal increase of early onset Alzheimers in the US over the last 20 years or so.
    When my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2014 we did what many people do, read up on the disease, talk to the people you come across at hospital visits, consultants, doctors etc, ask about possible causes of the horrific disease, all that stuff you suddenly need to know when a loved one is suffering.
    Through a close family member connected to Staffordshire University I ended up reading some of the stuff that the Keele team were working on, although I didn't understand much of it the conclusions were that aluminium was present in all Alzheimers patients that were studied. It appears that it breaks down an enzyme between brain cells (its far more complicated than that, like I say, I don't understand the science but the research was all peer reviewed and published).
    As more and more evidence came to the fore it seemed that the presence of aluminium was mainly due to it being used as an adjuvant in vaccines, especially early onset dementia, although links to pesticides and other stuff was not totally ruled out and it was suggested that a combination of several toxic ingestions of aluminium was likely to accumulate and make the problem worse. These studies were over a 20 year period and nothing to do with covid.
    As Keele university went through a change in management and new funding arrived from the various groups I mentioned earlier, the research team was told it could not receive any more funding, internally or externally, so any outside group that wished to donate to the research was banned from giving to that particular team. Their website was shut down and the team disbanded.
    Dad passed away in October 2019 so all I read about this was way before any mention of covid. It made me think about the ethics of vaccine manufacturers and the control they had over research into possible side effects way before covid vaccines were even thought of.
    Some vaccines have been around for years and are obviously safe and needed, but is it too much to ask for full disclosure of all ingredients and possible side effects of new stuff?
    My point is that I don't trust people who shut research down in case it affects their bottom line. Look at who finances the WHO, who some of the SAGE experts work for (or receive funding from). My philosophy is "follow the money". The covid vaccine has not gone through the normal testing for short term side effects let alone the long term issues so why should it become mandatory, (legally or through the backdoor by creating a second class citizen denied access to events, work etc).
    I won't post any links, most people don't care but even if you do its better that you discover it for yourself but In case anyone is interested or think ive just made it all up, google Christopher Exley. He is the main researcher who has studied this stuff for 40 years.
  6. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Thats the level of argument now?
    All drugs have side effects, some worse than others and some, as I pointed out, don't show up in the first few weeks.  The MRNA vaccines are new technology and the long term effects are unknown.  When we were told that after the elderly and vulnerable had recieved their shots we could open back up, I was okay with that.  When they dropped it to the over 50s, I was okay with that.  When they offered it to all adults, I was okay with that - personal choice n all that.
    Now they are discussing giving it to kids and making life difficult for anyone that doesn't want to take it.  Regardless of whether I have had the jab or not, thats a dangerous move  and imo starts us down a slippery slope.
  7. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Mostyn6 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    There are many big stories out there that no big publication dare to publish. There is no independent journalist/publication that isn’t dismissed as conspiracy theorists immediately upon publishing anything against the mainstream ideals. 
  8. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    And the MRNA vaccines aren't the same as traditional vaccines.
    The point I was making that it wouldn't be the first time that 'something has gone wrong'.
  9. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Thats probably more to do with the poor quality of their content rather than due to their bias.
    They have offered literally zero balance throughout their whole reporting on the pandemic.
  10. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Looks like Labour are going to oppose them.  I can see more than a few Tories being uncomfortable with them so hopefully it won't get through Parliament anyway.
    *crosses fingers*
  11. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Igorwasking in Academy Thread 21/22   
    Harrison Faulks is hoping to get a contract at Derby. A 20 year old keeper released by Brighton. I used to coach him at youth level and he is still good friends with my son. Wish him luck!
  12. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    today's good news story (for anyone on here that has had a mild case of covid already)
  13. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to Wolfie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    That's twice you've posted in here this week......

  14. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Sorry for the angry emoji, I wasn't shooting the messenger!
    Anyway, he can say what he wants, currently approx 40 Tories are against this and assuming labour don't wobble and vote it down there is a very good chance that this won't get passed.  I honestly believe that whilst the intentions maybe good, it is the first step towards tyranny and the slow creep towards ID cards and Chinese style 'encouraged' behaviour - once you have got a taste of power, it is very difficult not to just take a little bit more...
  15. Angry
  16. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Wolfie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Oh, I do, and it often makes me feel like I'm defending stuff I don't actually agree with. Both in this thread and the old politics one.
    Just that I'm finding it increasingly difficult to understand the motivations and reasoning behind some of the recent decisions. The whole Boris and Rishi not isolating thing being the weirdest one.
  17. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Summary of players who have signed ...   
    Yes fair point, Morrison could be a good player, providing Rooney can keep him focused and engaged. In fact I have a feeling we could have a bit of a talent on our hands as we will be forced to play him we are that short.
    His head seems to drop when he is dropped often.
  18. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Leeds Ram in It's not 5 it's 4! Choose again.   
    He's still scored a lot more goals than Stretton at this level.  Stretton hasn't scored any league goals and has only had a couple of very brief cameos for us which is not really anything to base a player on. I honestly don't think we can afford to be taking gambles on untried and untested youth players that we hope might come good especially upfront which is our big problem atm. Baldock isn't perfect I'll grant you but he has experience and in the right system can score a few. 

    True about Jagielka. I'm less worried about the quality of him than simply how many games we can squeeze out of him. 
  19. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Anag Ram in It's not 5 it's 4! Choose again.   
    Wisdom isn't a great centre half but similarly he wasn't the reason we struggled last year. 
    Indeed towards the end of the season I thought he played pretty well. 
    He's not great in the air though and so would need to be alongside Davies or Jagielka, not Mengi. 
    It's all about finding a partnership that gels. Wisdom and Clarke are both capable individually but never quite seemed in tune with each other. 
    This is probably all rather pointless because I suspect if Wisdom was going to be a Derby player he'd have signed by now. 
    Jag and Meng the merciless for me. 
  20. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from John Doe in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Pretty funny tbh, but it's another smug dismissal of dissenting voices. There are plenty of respectable scientists who have found important information that is being suppressed.  Like the evidence of the effectiveness of re-purposed drugs to treat covid,like Ivermectin that have a long safety record. Many credible scientists have raised concern, but of course they must be anti-vacc wierdos right? 
  21. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to UTFR in Is this the most depressing period you’ve experienced as a Derby fan?   
    Christ. whats the worst that can happen?
    We get relegated? I'll still go. A few new grounds. Still sing, still moan, still have a good time with my mates.
    Administration? Points deduction? Relegation. I'll still go. A few new grounds. Still sing, still moan, still have a good time with my mates.
    Club wound up and we start again in the isthmian league. I'll still go. A few new grounds. Still sing, still moan, still have a good time with my mates. etc etc.
    We cant control any of it lads and ladies, enjoy your life. Football will still be there to dictate ours saturday evening moods forever.
  22. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to Kernow in The position with HMRC   
    Her Majesty should just say forget about it, we've got enough going on at the moment. After all, we do go way back.

  23. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from rammieib in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Pretty funny tbh, but it's another smug dismissal of dissenting voices. There are plenty of respectable scientists who have found important information that is being suppressed.  Like the evidence of the effectiveness of re-purposed drugs to treat covid,like Ivermectin that have a long safety record. Many credible scientists have raised concern, but of course they must be anti-vacc wierdos right? 
  24. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to Rev in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    The same system that informs my wife to isolate, yet hasn't contacted me, despite the mutual contact being our live at home son!
  25. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Yes, what other virus do we measure like this? It's bizarre.
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