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  1. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from nickmi16 in Petition to not petition to strip Mel of his CBE   
    Genuine question as I have no idea how it works but although the fans have paid the £8k (well, £10k actually so far for which a large round of applause is due) I would assume though that DCFC still owe St Johns Ambulance the original £8K so they'll get that as part of the sale deal, so double their money?  
  2. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Mucker1884 in Petition to not petition to strip Mel of his CBE   
    We have to get away from the thought that "Fans have paid the monies owed".
    At best, the fans have paid the equivalent of the monies owed (Plus a bit more, of course), by way of charitable donations. 
    DCFC still owe the money, and the SJA may see none of that, 10p in the pound, 30p in the pound, or any figure up to the full amount, at any stage in the future (All yet to be finalised, of course) so yes, in theory, they could "Double up".
    Here's hoping they do.  
  3. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from Derby4Me in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Other fans do indeed seem to be swaying to our cause, so what would help is for the Boro' fans at their next home game, to the tune of Pink Floyd's The Wall sing "Hey, Gibson, leave those Rams alone". 
    If he hears his own fans asking for him to leave be, then maybe, just maybe.....
  4. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to Brammie Steve in Wayne Rooney   
    Creative accountancy strikes again!
  5. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from ck- in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Other fans do indeed seem to be swaying to our cause, so what would help is for the Boro' fans at their next home game, to the tune of Pink Floyd's The Wall sing "Hey, Gibson, leave those Rams alone". 
    If he hears his own fans asking for him to leave be, then maybe, just maybe.....
  6. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Other fans do indeed seem to be swaying to our cause, so what would help is for the Boro' fans at their next home game, to the tune of Pink Floyd's The Wall sing "Hey, Gibson, leave those Rams alone". 
    If he hears his own fans asking for him to leave be, then maybe, just maybe.....
  7. Like
    BucksRam reacted to sage in 100,000 children in care soon.   
    If children are re-homed in a foster placement, they are still 'in care'. Residential units take up around 14% of those in care. Around 3/4 are in foster care with the rest placed with extended family or in supported living.
  8. Like
    BucksRam reacted to cherry exile in Staying up this season would be a greater achievement than winning the English League title.   
    Bournemouth supporter here and congratulations on the win yesterday. Should have been a draw but that's not what I came on here for.
    In 2008-09 we were on zero points after 19 games - having started on -17. We were also under a transfer embargo, were struggling to pay players and had a  team with several on-league and out-of-contract recruits. For us the rest is History as Eddie Howe stepped up from youth team coach on 1st  January, lost his first 2 games but we stayed up on 46 points. 
    OK! OK! I know it was League 2, and you don't want a Bournemouth history lesson. My point simply is - it can be done. Your home support may just help -it was pretty impressive yesterday.
    Hope you manage it.
    Good luck.
  9. COYR
    BucksRam reacted to angieram in v Fulham (A) - Predictions   
    Me too.
  10. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from angieram in v Fulham (A) - Predictions   
    Went for a loss against B'mouth. Going for the same reverse psychology here. 
    Fulham 3 - 1 Derby  FRGS Shinnie
  11. Like
    BucksRam reacted to angieram in Staying up this season would be a greater achievement than winning the English League title.   
    I nervously clicked on the comments under our match report on the BBC website last night.
    The vast majority of comments at that time were from fans of all sorts of different clubs wishing us well and hoping we do it. 
    People want to believe and the more the fans get behind the team, the more the players will think they can do it too. Rooney already thinks we can and that's good enough for me.
  12. Like
    BucksRam reacted to kevinhectoring in Wayne Rooney   
    Certainly true. And he likes hanging out in sunny places. But more than money I’d think his management career is about pride and purpose, and he’s still a young man.  
    He’s told the world that management is for him and he’s aware other great players have tried it and failed. 
  13. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree with everything you've said.  I guess I was more angling for financially he doesn't need to stick around.  
    I do have a sneaky suspicion he and Kirchner have some sort of deal in mind.  To call him Chris is quite pally.  2+2=5 probably 
  14. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to jono in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    Yes. We talk about the fat lady, but Lady Luck needs to be first on our guest list, in fact, from my own pocket I will fund her none refundable season ticket in perpetuity; if we make it.
    Let’s face it we aren’t up against it we are in the swamp and it’s brim full of alligators. As for Poo Creek .. we haven’t even got a boat never mind a paddle .. but wouldn’t it be just effing wonderful if we did it, today was the first step on a journey, we stood on solid ground and moved forward. Today we are 3 points nearer to whatever we need, than we were yesterday.  
  15. Like
    BucksRam reacted to jono in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    I just can’t help smiling, I kind of bounced along the river back to the car. What a performance and what a great game to watch. Like others I had a tear or two on the way home. Great day. 
    I said in another thread .. 3 points from the next 3 games would give us some heart and any win would be magic. 
    Done it at the first try, AND 3 goals AND a penalty. Epic performance. Triumph to disaster and back to triumph all in 95 minutes.
    Every player gave everything. That Curtis sliding tackle in front of the south stand !  Shinnies shear bloody mindedness battling round his man to get in the box. Festy never say die perseverance , Lawrence, a couple of slide rule passes, a dream of a goal and a solid penalty. Jags marshalling out big number 9’s. Buchanan diving in at the end without a hesitation. Big Colin all bristling muscle, Jason Knight, fearless brave heart who can do it for 90 minutes, extra time and whatever gets thrown at him. He never stops. Roos awful gaff but kept his head, caught a great cross late on and took out half the defence when determined it was “MY” ball. That takes courage ! 
    Then we get Liam Thompson … a real CM .. not a wannabe No 10 or a DM spraying passes from deep. Nope ! He’s a terrier, quick feet, first time passes, moving the ball quickly, grabbing opportunities to move it the right way. Composed too. Looked like he’d been a first team footballer for sometime. I think he added real balance to our midfield. 

    Bourmouth .. one moment when they cut through us with ease but apart from that pretty bang average and if that is 2nd in the league hoping to go top today then this makes Derby Count class of 2021 a worthy outfit to watch. The fat lady may be in the tunnel, the absolutely dreadEFL orchestra is playing …. but she hasn’t sung yet. 
  16. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to TomG in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    Try some kind of lubricant!
  17. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to strawhillram in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    Sounds like My back door
  18. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from TomG in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    My bum is so squeaky!
  19. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Miggins in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  20. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Red Ram in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  21. Like
    BucksRam reacted to angieram in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Well said! ?
  22. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Rambervalley in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  23. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  24. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from angieram in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  25. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Wistaston Ram in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
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