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nogbad van 50

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  1. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to FlyBritishMidland in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    I suspect that once Notts got promoted we probably knew McGoldrick would end up there.  And similar with Roberts that once we missed out on promotion we would be 2nd choice behind a Championship club as it’s his natural next step.  And according to Dom at Radio Derby we weren’t in for Rodrigues.
    As Arthur used to say, a lot of these rumours are “pure journalistic speculation”.
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    nogbad van 50 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    Nope. The transfer window opens tomorrow and there's lots of work to be done. All you will achieve by coming in to every transfer thread for a player we don't sign is to stress yourself out.
    Chill. Enjoy the weather. See where we are come the start of the season. I bet we'll end up with a better squad than Oxford.
  4. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Foreveram in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    But surely we were after all 10.
  5. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to YorkshireRam in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    Please can we stop with this rhetoric, our own journalists close to the club are stating this is untrue. In fact, there's only McGoldrick who we know we had concrete interest in, the rest is unreliable online rumours...
    Yes we ideally want to be doing business quickly, however, it's better to wait and get the right players than rush and get the wrong ones. Not until the window slams shut can we judge whether it's been a success or not. Let's not start panicking A DAY BEFORE THE WINDOW OPENS
  6. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Scott129 in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    There have been 10 signings so far in League 1.
    The window is not even open yet.
    We have missed out on 3 players - one who wanted to play at a higher level, one who wanted to play for his hometown club, and one who we apparently weren't even interested in.
    So no, nothing to worry about yet.
  7. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Ramarena in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    This is going to be comedy gold!

  8. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Carnero in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    Stop with your factual sources that don't fit a person's pre-conceived narrative, it's not becoming.
  9. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    This was Leigh’s response when asked directly about Rodrigues during the Q&A he held on 31/05/23;
    If we’re taking Leigh as being the most reliable source then the fact he has called most of the linked names as “entertaining” suggests to me all the links and rumours out there are wide of the mark. He doesn’t say we were certainly interested, he said Warne watched him during his time at Rotherham, that he knows a couple of clubs are/were interested, and that Derby scouted the national league so it’s likely Rodrigues name came up. Nowhere does he definitively say Derby were in for him. Dominic Dietrich is saying the same.
    People really need to see past the nature of silly season, as a big club looking to continue our rebuild this summer we will be linked with plenty of names, it doesn’t mean we are actually looking to sign them. The only name genuinely discussed that we’ve missed out on is McGoldrick’s renewal and potentially Roberts, but even Warne’s comments on that we’re late last season with a caveat about what league we would be in, so perhaps Roberts always intended to chance his arm on a championship side.
    All that matters is come the first day of the season and definitely the final day of the transfer window we have a stronger squad than we currently do, until that point it’s really not worth getting worked up about. Even those of you who are vehemently anti-Warne, he isn’t going anywhere this summer so even your own personal wish to see him gone has to wait on the recruitment and building of the side, then the subsequent results. There’s simply no need for the ongoing panic from certain quarters when players we may or may not have an interest in sign elsewhere. Even if we miss a target, there’ll be another. 

  10. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    This. He's got a fancy name so people assume he's a fancy player. He might be good. He might be crap. We might have been in for him. We might not have been in for him.
    Ultimately at this point I don't really care. He's not our player, not our problem. 
  11. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    That’s IF we were even interested in signing him. You simply can’t take newspaper and social media speculation as being fact at this time of year. Unless of course it fits a pre-conceived agenda about our manager and recruitment. 
    Since the change of ownership there’s very little news that gets out about the club before any official announcements, the academy management changes recently all came via the clubs official site, no other news outlet. The loan signings in January weren’t reported until they pretty much happened. Jon Percy used to run lots of stories about us, very rarely does anymore, it seems to me that there aren’t any internal leaks when it comes to news and as annoying as that is during silly season for us fans I think I prefer it. 
  12. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    The meltdown when he signs somewhere else will be biblical 
  13. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to i-Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Noted. I downgrade my charge of creepyness from speedo paedo to online stalking.
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    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    I thought this was the thread for that type of thing? Rumours from those sorts of sites/Twitter accounts/punters down Ben Osborn’s pub/my mate knows Warne’s milkman? The type of thing that is lacking the sort of credibility that would be placed in the actual transfer forum but might be worth a discussion to pass the time of silly season until anything more credible happens.  
  15. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Jimbo Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    What are genuine rumours 🤔
  16. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in Haydon Roberts - signed for Bristol City   
    It could be that as soon as we weren't promoted it was already known he would be looking at a championship move.
    Whilst he improved a lot towards the end. He's hardly a world beater. Some of the reactions to him signing for another club are ridiculous.
    He is easily replaceable 
  17. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to CBRammette in FANKATY DABO   
    Why must it? "Keep choosing" - players have kept choosing other clubs over Derby presumably for as long as we have been in existence. Even if we were interested in someone why do we think that means they have to sign for us. Noone from the club has commented on the endless speculative clickbait but yes sure we keep losing players. Some of our fans (not necessarily meaning you) need to get a grip. 
  18. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Tamworthram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Depends on whether you base the value of your season ticket renewal on the performance of a single player (bizarre concept) or the team as a whole. I’ve renewed mine and even if Collins only scores a dozen goals again I won’t be complaining provided I’m entertained/we make the play offs/ we get promoted (delete as appropriate).
  19. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    There’s been one semi-reputable source which was Pete O’Rourke on FootyInsider. There’s every chance it’s just a media site generating clicks by using our name along with a few other clubs, or it’s his agent generating interest by leaking names. All that article says is us and a handful of clubs are “interested in Rodrigues”, nothing concrete, no talk of offering contracts. The rest of the noise is Twitter chat and several accounts regurgitating the FootyInsider story. 
    There is as much chance of us not being in for Rodrigues as there is that we are, for what it’s worth I think he’s the kind of transfer we should be considering alongside more established/capable players. Plenty of goal involvements, on a free, relatively low wages, however no guarantee that the club view him as a good option. 
  20. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Tamworthram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Unless we see a whole raft of other prospects choosing other league 1 or league 2 clubs ahead of us then, IMO, there is no need to panic or begin to wonder if there is something else they don’t like about Derby.
    Roberts isn’t really a shock is it? Brizzle quite possibly offered him more money and convinced him that the Championship is the place to be. McGoldrick sounds like it was probably down to two factors - a 2 year contract v one and the chance to end his career at the team he supports. Even Rodriques, if he doesn’t chose us do we know it’s not money or term of contract? You’d like to think we could out bid Oxford but maybe we’ll choose not to.
    Do we even know that we’re seriously interested in Rodriques? Is there anything source more reliable than media speculation, which may be fuelled by his agent to bump up the wages on offer? 
  21. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Gaspode in Summer Rumour Mill   
    I assume that was because you let the dog read some of the absolute ballcocks being posted on here…..
  22. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Srg in Summer Rumour Mill   
    It’s based upon fact of today’s current date.
    If we end up signing no one or waiting til the final week of pre season then have your moans. 
  23. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Srg in Summer Rumour Mill   
    You jest but the same posters who are claiming Warne can’t attract players will be the same ones making this thread in a month’s time after we’ve made numerous signings.
    Just use whatever they can to justify their pre-conceived opinions of Warne. 
  24. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Jimbo Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Are you B4 in disguise….are you…..
  25. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Kernow in Summer Rumour Mill   
    McGoldrick has said he wanted to join Notts no matter what. I don't know what we could have offered him to get him to stay, I'd rather the club operate sensibly than try and put silly offers in front of 35 year old players to get them to stay.
    Roberts was never our player. On loan from a Premier League club, now wanted by Championship clubs. You can't pin that on Paul Warne.
    Jason Knight has had his international manager saying he should be/needs to be playing at a higher level. Probably true but all international managers will want their players playing as high as possible. All that's come from Derby is that claims he's close to leaving aren't true.
    Hourihane has a job coaching 15 year olds in the evening and the media took a few words he said and spun them out of context for a story.
    Rodrigues' dad has apparently followed Oxford on Instagram. That's about it. There's been nothing substantial to say he's going anywhere yet.
    Yes business is being done, but slowly. This link tracks the done deals, it's hardly thriving with activity just yet. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/transfers
    Local reporters have said we are close on deals but players are still on holiday. We seem to want to operate in a much quieter way, which is much better. We don't need to play out transfer sagas publicly.
    We need to sign players, and we will sign players. We still have 56 days until the season starts, it's hardly time to panic. It's lucky we're having nice weather at the moment, lots of people will be able to put their freshly washed bedding out to dry after wetting it because McGoldrick has joined Notts County.
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