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  1. Like
    maxjam reacted to Andicis in Gaming   
    I don't have age as an excuse for my lack of talent aha, my best claim to ''gaming skill'' is being champ 1 in rocket league... I think my generation is generally becoming more accepting of gaming in general, whereas there is still a bit of a stigma attached to it with the older generations, but seeing places like Wembley getting filled for esports events is incredibly impressive, and the production value is usually pretty top notch too.
  2. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Andicis in Gaming   
    It was a very good watch.  I've been a gamer for 30+ years and its nice to see it slowly emerge from the bedroom to be something more mainstream - I just wish I was 30 years younger so I could try my hand at something more competitive, my reactions are to slow and I have way to many bad habits now to change!
    With a 500k prize for yesterdays winners I recall the days of my Mum telling me to go outside and get some fresh air during the summer holidays, I think I'll question my kids wanting to go out and make sure they are sat in front of their PCs practising lol!
  3. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Andicis in Gaming   
    It's a surprisingly good spectator sport to be honest. And with the rate it's growing, it will start to threaten smaller sports for popularity.
  4. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Andicis in Gaming   
    It was a great weekend, I would thoroughly recommend it if it comes back to London - kids are more into competitive gaming than me and they both said it was amazing (our 15yo said it was 'literally the best thing he's done in life ever' lol).
    We're planning a trip to Insomnia next Easter now as well, never been before but looks good!
  5. Sad
    maxjam reacted to Mr. P in Gaming   
    Anyone that enjoyed Telltale games will be perhaps disappointed that it seems to finishing. Meaning The Walking Dead & The Wolf Among Us 2 won't be finishing/starting.
  6. Like
    maxjam reacted to Andicis in Gaming   
    I'm gutted, I loved the wolf among us.
  7. Like
    maxjam reacted to Maestro in Gaming   
    I regularly watch esports on Twitch and have seen the CoD World Championships at Insomnia during Easter and really like how much effort is put in to these events. OWL was a good show but the season just went on for way too long for my liking.
  8. Like
    maxjam reacted to Andicis in Gaming   
    Went to an esports event in Leicester in April, it was very good and comparable to a football crowd in my opinion.
  9. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Andicis in Gaming   
    Was a great weekend, much better than I thought it would be - like a football crowd for gamer nerds ?
    Anyone interested in competitive gaming should knock it off their bucket list, it was a lot of fun.
  10. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Day in Forum Issues   
    The most disappointing thing for me is that rather than a little self reflection on how members are using the forum and communicating with other members, some have decided to test us and see how far they can push the boundaries, look for loopholes as a new form of entertainment.
    Having wrote a few lengthy posts on this, which are still on the forum within locked topics because members wanted to test us, I said that it maybe a rule we look to reverse if things settle down. 
    All that has happened is some members showing us that they are not willing to use the forum under any guidelines we have in place,   which if it continues will removed, not something I want to do, nor was limiting topics of what can be discussed but we are being left with little options now. 
    If you would like to open a topic but unsure if it would be allowed under the new rules drop a moderator online a Private Message, one is usually about and we will answer fairly quickly. 
    All we want is a forum with a friendly atmosphere where members can be civil to one another even in disagreements. If you are ok with that work with us on this. 
    @reveldevil to answer your question on Safe Standing and other football related issues, we would be fine with these being discussed on the forum.
  11. Haha
    maxjam reacted to ilkleyram in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Just like Frank - 'very excited to be there'
  12. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Pearl Ram in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    yeah you separate the wheat from the chaff
  13. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Phoenix in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    My God, some of these puns are corny.
  14. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Rev in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    If anyone has some more corn puns, I'm all ears.
  15. Haha
    maxjam reacted to sage in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
  16. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Indyram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Quoting myself but I just want to add Maradona to the list as well (and not just because of what he said re. last nights match!)
  17. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Indyram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Every Colombian that surrounded the referee and Harry Kane for 3 minutes whilst he waited calmly to take a penalty. 
    And their coach for mouthing off about Englands 'dirty antics'
    And another of their coaches for trying to wind Raheem Sterling up as he jogged off at halftime.
    Well the whole Columbian team/staff really ?
  18. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Steve How Hard? in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Probably after some free cocaine off his Colombian drug dealers. He's hardly the epitome of fair play, the cheating fat fecker.
  19. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Angry Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Every Colombian that surrounded the referee and Harry Kane for 3 minutes whilst he waited calmly to take a penalty. 
    And their coach for mouthing off about Englands 'dirty antics'
    And another of their coaches for trying to wind Raheem Sterling up as he jogged off at halftime.
    Well the whole Columbian team/staff really ?
  20. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Bigfella in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Every Colombian that surrounded the referee and Harry Kane for 3 minutes whilst he waited calmly to take a penalty. 
    And their coach for mouthing off about Englands 'dirty antics'
    And another of their coaches for trying to wind Raheem Sterling up as he jogged off at halftime.
    Well the whole Columbian team/staff really ?
  21. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Every Colombian that surrounded the referee and Harry Kane for 3 minutes whilst he waited calmly to take a penalty. 
    And their coach for mouthing off about Englands 'dirty antics'
    And another of their coaches for trying to wind Raheem Sterling up as he jogged off at halftime.
    Well the whole Columbian team/staff really ?
  22. Haha
    maxjam reacted to mozza in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Looks like ive hit the right thread,  this is the 'i've got effall to do today and can't wait for kick off thread' isn't it? 
  23. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Gaming   
    The big pull for Fortnite, and similar games, is the fact that you're playing with and against real people rather than AI bots - no matter how good the AI is you can usually adapt or come up with a strategy to guarantee a win, people however play in thousands of different ways and are always coming up with new tricks.  Add to that the fact that you are beating other people rather then the computer itself it is more satisfying. 
    I'm not so good at Fortnite myself but do find it strangely compelling, especially late at night when you can jump in tired, not engage your brain to have some fun.  I much prefer MMORPGs (Star Wars Galaxies being my all time favourite) however and the same principle applies, you're playing with and against real life people building up your character or empire in a social environment - I know people from all over the world that I've kept in touch with for in some cases around 20 years who I've never met nor will probably ever meet in real life. 
    For me at least, its turned a sad, lonely hobby into a bit of a social event.
  24. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Day in Gaming   
    Not sure but watching that has reminded me I need to uninstall it from my hard drive!
  25. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from GboroRam in Forum Issues   
    Hmm, well that took some digging but yeah it was a Firefox issue ty.  Not sure about the Apple advice though ?
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