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  1. Clap
    maxjam reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    What Birch said was :

    "As it stands the administrators of DCFC will need to provide the Board of the EFL with evidence that the club will meet its commitment to the competition for the 22/23 season (including an exit before March 2023) to avoid the club beginning the season but not completing it".

    The bit in brackets is a killer. How do we show evidence that we will exit admin before March 2023? The only way is to find a buyer before season starts.  If we don't exit admin before March 2023 that's  breach of EFL poxy unwritten "rules" and they will expel us.  They don't want to do that mid season so they will do it  before season starts.
  2. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Zag zig in The Administration Thread   
  3. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Elwood P Dowd in The Administration Thread   
    It’s seems clear from Trevor Birch’s letter that the EFL are trying to show its “public concern” for the situation at Derby whilst trying to put some distance between themselves and the Administrators.
    its good to know that we can continue in Administration until March 2023 but in reality with the debt getting bigger each month if we don’t get another owner in place, very soon, we are going to be in serious trouble. 
    We need a new owner as soon as possible I hope that once the bids are in and Q select the best deal for the creditors I hope we can move forward very quickly without any of the loosing bidders calling foul and running to the courts.
    We cannot afford any delays to the completion of the new owners deal due to any outstanding legal action, we already have experience of that with our friend from Middlesbrough. 

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    maxjam got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
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    maxjam got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
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    maxjam got a reaction from jono in The Administration Thread   
  7. COYR
    maxjam got a reaction from Seth's left foot in The Administration Thread   
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    maxjam got a reaction from Gritstone Ram in The Administration Thread   
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    maxjam got a reaction from Rev in The Administration Thread   
  10. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from GenBr in The Administration Thread   
    Cos 5 is the figure often quoted in the media.
    If its 8 rather than 5, thats hardly any better.  
    'Cashin, Watson & Thompson will soon be added to that list too in all likelihood.'  so no currently on the books for next season?
    How many of other retained players will be good enough/old enough for anything other than fulfilling fixtures? Wasn't it Rooney that said we needed 40 odd players for next season.
    BTW I don't mean to have a go at you, just getting increasingly frustrated with another week gone since Kirchner pulled out and conflicting media stories that ultimately tell us nothing.
  11. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Millenniumram in The Administration Thread   
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    maxjam got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
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    maxjam got a reaction from SSD in The Administration Thread   
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    maxjam got a reaction from RedSox in The Administration Thread   
  15. Cheers
    maxjam got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
  16. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from RammingStone66 in The Administration Thread   
  17. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Elwood P Dowd in The Administration Thread   
  18. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Ramos in The Administration Thread   
  19. Cheers
    maxjam got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
  20. Haha
    maxjam reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Yet according to that Mirror article there's no hurry! 
  21. Clap
    maxjam reacted to alram in The Administration Thread   
    personally i dont know why we are even talking about numerous parties still.
    it's been over a week since the deal collapsed, it's been well over that since it was obvious it was gonna collapse
    the minute they knew it was going to collapse there should have been a quick deadline to decide the preferred bidder. without one it just slows the whole process.
    we are what? weeks from the cut of point where the golden share may be removed? why an earth are the admins still talking to multiple parties. what have they actually done since last week?
  22. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Ram1988 in The Administration Thread   
    Cos 5 is the figure often quoted in the media.
    If its 8 rather than 5, thats hardly any better.  
    'Cashin, Watson & Thompson will soon be added to that list too in all likelihood.'  so no currently on the books for next season?
    How many of other retained players will be good enough/old enough for anything other than fulfilling fixtures? Wasn't it Rooney that said we needed 40 odd players for next season.
    BTW I don't mean to have a go at you, just getting increasingly frustrated with another week gone since Kirchner pulled out and conflicting media stories that ultimately tell us nothing.
  23. Cheers
    maxjam reacted to Chopper in The Administration Thread   
    Broadly agree. My theory.
    On the basis of still in admin then yes, if we can show funding for the season (somehow as we cant sell season tickets, and don't the EFL get to keep our TV money?) then I believe that retained list will be seen as the maximum squad size for us by the EFL. They will then operate a 'one in one out' approach perhaps with some grace for an emergency loan of a goalkeeper (which will be spun as them being more than generous). My gut is that whomsoever is our manager then would need to lose about 3 of the "Big 6" and at least 6 of the other young ones to try to get 9 or so players in that can compete. Yes in early July I can see it being even more desperate and being like this, but by the end of July the ownership issue must reach a head - although Qs rates for trading (which we do more in season?) does mean that it is in their best interests to hang on a bit longer as let's face this must be their last gig in football and Carl Jackson wont want to go home to Billy's sloppy seconds any time soon...
    End of July or even August then I'm convinced its MA. If its earlier and I'm utterly wrong ? then perhaps a Appleby, and / or Morgan takeover is it.
  24. Sad
    maxjam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Given the speed at which things seem to happen, I've got to assume that the current plan is to go into next season with the aim of simply fulfilling fixtures with a squad made up of mostly untested players.  Of the 8 senior pros we have got, Bielek is to be loaned out and others will inevitably be sold to buy us more time. 
    The number of players we have or haven't got or the amount of kits we've ordered etc wasn't really the point of my post, it was the different media stories coming every few days telling us we've had a £40m bid, a £50m bid, now potentially a joint bid. 
    Wake me up when we actually have something confirmed, I can actually buy a season ticket and not concern myself with finding a new hobby for a Saturday afternoon.
  25. COYR
    maxjam got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    Is that as well as or instead of the £60m bid Appleby put in?
    Seems to me like even at this late stage no one really knows whats going on.
    Meanwhile the clock keeps ticking, we have 1 kit (on order), 5 players (loaning 1 out) no pre-season friendlies and a rapidly approaching new season...
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