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    bimmerman reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Thank you 
  2. Like
    bimmerman reacted to Ramslad1992 in The Administration Thread   
    Does anyone remember when being a football fan was fun? Just looking forward to every Saturday and the odd Tuesday/Wednesday? Points were earned on the pitch and not taken away by some Bamford. 
    The time when people who worked for the club knew they’d get paid, that they could pay their mortgage/rent, knew they could feed their kids.
    The time that it wasn’t downright embarrassing being a Derby County fan, not having your mates rip you a new one about how an absolute shambles we have become? 
    The times you just knew your children had a team to support when they were older…
    They were good times, money has destroyed football and the people who make the money are absolute scum. 
    I’d wish the worst of fates on the EFL, Quantuma, Mel Morris, Chris Kirchner, they’ve all collectively put us in the position we are in today. 
    Take me back to the late 90’s when being a football supporter was actually joyful. 
  3. Clap
    bimmerman reacted to NegativeCreep in The Administration Thread   
  4. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to Wistaston Ram in The Administration Thread   
    See you on page 1946
  5. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to DCFC27 in The Administration Thread   
    The admin, Kirchner, Morris have collectively agreed the deal can not be completed until this forum hits 1884. 
  6. Like
    bimmerman reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    If there's a lot of people on the cK team who were on "paid on the completion of the deal" agreements they'll be very disappointed.
  7. Clap
    bimmerman reacted to GenBr in The Administration Thread   
    Maybe he likes being billy big bollocks and getting all the attention. 
  8. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    Has anyone tried using CAPITALS and red font?
  9. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to StaffsRam in The Administration Thread   
    I’m just grateful for Quantuma’s new pro-active communication strategy, otherwise we’d all be sitting here in the dark…
  10. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to Ramslad1992 in The Administration Thread   
    All we need now is dcfcfans to go offline for planned maintenance so none of us even have each other. 
  11. Like
    bimmerman reacted to Matlock Old Ram in The Administration Thread   
    You do realise that come 5pm absolutely nothing will happen. No money comes through. No statement from anyone. No new bidder. The fans will be left in the dark tearing their hair out. Rumours will continue to appear and we will be none the wiser
  12. Like
    bimmerman reacted to NottmRAM in The Administration Thread   
    He always wanted to be number one anyway. He would probably have been off next season regardless.
  13. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    The Admins will be in the Download Mosh Pit at 5.05 celebrating a few more months of fees.
  14. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to EraniosSocks in The Administration Thread   
    I’m getting so wound up today as are all of you. Looking forward to a good argument with the Mrs tonight around 17.20. And going for a drive on my own around 19.00 
  15. Like
    bimmerman reacted to Caerphilly Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Club failing to “read the room”? Do they know there’s still hope despite the sense of doom? Did they just want to show off some lovely looking lawn work? 
    So much of this doesn’t add up, evidence of prep for next season like this and Mickleover announcing a pre season friendly against us, when certain media outlets are suggesting that we’re doomed, where’s the truth I wonder? 
  16. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to Ram-a-lama fa fa fa in The Administration Thread   
    if i was mike ashley, id buy quantuma
  17. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to cosmic in The Administration Thread   
  18. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to GB SPORTS in The Administration Thread   
    I had an open can of Heineken left on my front wall last Sunday morning , when i got up.
    That tasted like piss.
  19. Clap
    bimmerman reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
    Anyone else just immune/numb to the nonsense at this point?
  20. Haha
    bimmerman reacted to Alph in The Administration Thread   
    Anyone ready to forgive Mel Morris yet?
  21. Clap
    bimmerman reacted to Mihangel in The Administration Thread   
  22. Clap
    bimmerman reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    It'll all come out in the wash
  23. Haha
    bimmerman got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    Wouldn't have a cobra out to have a curry..
    ...have to adder nother seat to the table 
  24. Like
    bimmerman reacted to Gladram in Craig Bryson   
  25. Haha
    bimmerman got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Wouldn't have a cobra out to have a curry..
    ...have to adder nother seat to the table 
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