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Posts posted by dcfcreece1601

  1. 16 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Gregory was 20/21. Baldock was the first half of the season, and was injured for half of that. Kazim was injured for half of last season.

    1st half of 21/22: Baldock, Kazim, Stretton

    2nd half of 21/22: Plange, Kazim

    My point still stands regardless of you picking apart what players were here at what times , they will most likely play at the same time leaving no one as a dedicated striker on the bench 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    You want 5 strikers for 1 position? ??

    Did we not have 5 at one point last year? Between Baldock,  Gregory,  kazim,  Stretton etc? Depends what formation we are playing obviously,  but if we play with mcgoldrick as a 10 and Collins up top like a few think we will then we will have NO ONE to bring on up top WITHOUT injuries,  so I wouldn't say 2 more is excessive at all 


  3. 11 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    So difficult to assess players based on youth performances. Let’s face it, we were wowed by Bobby Duncan videos.

    The fact he was given run-outs by Everton is promising and I trust that he has been well scouted but I think he’s more for the U21s at this stage. We need a bit more in terms of league experience for our back-up/ partner/ replacement for Collins.

    Always find loans for the youth side a bit odd , isn't the youth about developing our own players rather than someone else's? Where as we can use loans for winning in the adult side as ultimately that's what it's all about? If you get what I'm saying ?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Sinistra ram rousse said:

    Can we please not be so negative about individual players. I think we need to trust Liam, as our acting manager, to decide who makes the squad. 

    It's a forum about the team I support and I'm giving my opinion , im not stopping doing so because you don't agree , currently rosenior has no other option if he wants to rest Collins and mcgoldrick , I very much doubt he's going to do well in a physical league 1 next year , hence why I said replace with someone else 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Ted McMinn Football Genius said:

    Like the look of this side, we have some strength in depth at last. Well done everyone involved in building this squad, it’s far better than any of us could have expected a few months ago ??????


    I'm under the impression that NML is RW and knight is RB and korey Smith next to bird and hourihane behind Collins? 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Rich3478 said:

    Quite like the look of the eleven, an actual right back would help. 

    knight and mendez Lang our right wing options, need a bit more on the left.

    and mcgoldrick being fit would help the bench.

    main issue is I don’t see much pace in the team at all. Or the squad. Hopefully loans can add a bit of that.

    Barkhuizen is rapid and NML isn't bad either for pace

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