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Posts posted by dcfcreece1601

  1. 1 minute ago, Srg said:

    I mean that’s just not true. 

    What did he do other than miss a sitter? People need to realise if you are playing in a position with depth and you don't make an impact then you face being dropped until the replacement doesn't make an impact,  if dobbin doesn't make an impact today then give sibley a chance again , just aimlessly running with the ball then putting in a poor cross is not making an impact , needs end product which seems to our problem with others too

  2. 2 minutes ago, lrm14 said:

    The point is creating chances and not scoring usually means the team played well but their striker had a bad game. Not creating chances at all means it was a poor performance overall. The problem goes from one player having an off day to a whole team having an off day and the latter is much more problematic.

    So they've been having bad games 90% of the season for the past few years then? Chances created ultimately mean nothing if you lose the majority of games due to lack of goals 

  3. 1 minute ago, Duracell said:

    You offered an opinion and have been challenged on it, the basic premise of the challenge being that, as you quite rightly say, we haven't been able to score enough goals (and, as many of us have noticed, this has resulted in us being relegated), largely because we haven't created anything. You started sharing your opinion by wondering if our players practice shooting, implying that failing to score over those few seasons is due to poor finishing. 

    If you find yourself headbutting your greenhouse over people trying to debate with you (which is the whole point of the forum), perhaps it's worth remembering we're critiquing your points, not you.

    My point is valid but being turned into another subject by the ever happy rose tinted members , even though we didn't create much last year and the year before and so on we still had Atleast a few clear chances to grab a goal and didn't,  that is down to finishing,  bringing me back to My original point of do the players actually practise finishing , and if they do it is only 1v1 against the goalkeeper and not in an actual game scenario because they clearly can't do on the pitch what they do in training in terms of scoring goals as has been the case for atleast a few years even with Manchester Uniteds leading top goalscorer they were still wasteful in front of goal 

  4. 1 minute ago, Andicis said:

    The point is that you are conflating two separate issues. We never created chances previously. We did a great job creating chances today, and on another day could have scored 3 or 4. Yes, we lost. Yeah it's a bit annoying. You are making comparisons where they just shouldn't exist though, they are separate. It's really not worth having a meltdown over. 


    I'm talking about one issue and that's scoring goals you say that another day we would have scored 3 but I guarantee you we won't score 3 in more than 1 maybe 2 games all year at most 

  5. Just now, Duracell said:

    I've had loads of strong beers too and my memory is failing me. Can you remind me of the games last season where we created as many clear-cut chances as today and missed them?

    Why would I need to when for the 90th time I didn't mention how many chances we created last season read for god sake , I said GOALS you know them things where the ball goes in the net? We didn't do it last year or the year before or the year before and haven't looked like doing it in the 2 games so far other than one moment of magic from hourihane , if you mention chances created again I'm going to headbutt my greenhouse

  6. 1 minute ago, Andicis said:

    What are you talking about? We never created many chances the last few years, we were actually relatively clinical. Just didn't create many. It's the complete opposite problem. You are being completely doom and gloom about a singular fixture that we actually played reasonably well in. 

    Your inability to read what I'm saying is really frustrating , WHAT IS THE POINT in creating chances and still not scoring goals? For years we've been poor at scoring goals wether we have created chances OR NOT , Jesus Mary and Joseph 

  7. 1 minute ago, Bris Vegas said:

    First off, under Phillip Cocu, we broke a club record for scoring in consecutive games. It was over 20.

    Secondly, there is a difference between poor finishing and not creating chances. You have to be worried about if you are not creating chances. I don’t know any team that has struggled in a season where they create more clear cut chances than the opposition every game.

    All teams can have an off day in front of goal. There has never been a team which has scored in every game of the season.

    An off day ? we've been having them for years lay off the strong beers and stick to carling

  8. Just now, Andicis said:

    We created plenty. Finishing often comes down to a bit of luck or form on the day. You can't read into the finishing in a singular match and use that to make claims for future fixtures. We played well, we lost. It happens. Just relax about it. 

    You are surely joking about reading into one match? Look at the last 4 years and count how many games we have played since then and how many we have scored more than 1 goal in , people on here really wear rose tinted glasses because it's their club

  9. Just now, Bris Vegas said:

    Passion won’t score goals. It’s quality in front of goal, and today we were missing it.

    We didn’t look like a team bereft of ideas. We created enough chances to have won quite comfortably. We win this game 7 times out of 10. Which away from home would be a very good record.

    We will be fine. Easy to forget also that this squad has only been together for a month. 


    No if we continue to be poor at finishing we lose this 10 times out of 10 , unless we all of a sudden become ok at shooting for the first time since the mclaren days then I don't see how we win 7 in 10 ?‍♂️

  10. Have any of our players ever practised finishing in training? It's really not hard to get a shot on target wether its a good shot or not , we were  the 4th worst for scoring goals last year and I can't see where the the goals will come from this year, haven't enjoyed watching us for years other than for atmosphere live but I still keep going , I thought I'd be grateful to watch us this year after all that has happened but I can't stand watching them still , no passion in the team they walk off laughing and joking after that 90 mins , sad times for me

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