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  1. Clap
    YouRams got a reaction from DiggerB in Toxic   
    Were down to one or two saleable assets right now, players left for peanuts and our academy was completely stripped. It's going to take a few years to build the academy and also be in the market for players with a sell on value. Personally I'd be patient for another 2/3 seasons.
  2. Like
    YouRams reacted to Ambitious in Toxic   
    The most shrewd approach is to absolutely nail your recruitment strategy, from the academy right the way up. It takes money and investment, but if you have a system that you’re absolutely sure is bulletproof then you won’t go far wrong. The second part is coaching, again, right the way through. 
    What we’re doing now is fine while we’re under restrictions and in League One, but if the long-term plan is short-term contracts and recycling through free agents every year then I struggle to get behind the vision. I understand the strategy is viable, because you’re actively monitoring your budget, not really tying yourself down in bad financial contracts, i.e. Anya, etc. I get with promotion you’re able to go for a higher class of player and bigger wages with the larger revenue. It’s a safer approach. It’s not to say it can’t work, either, but it’s not the way I envisage the club becoming successful long-term.
  3. Like
    YouRams reacted to CBRammette in Toxic   
    I think the messaging pre-season about us not being under transfer restrictions or whatever (generally not from anyone in particular) overly raised expectations regarding this window when we are still operating under an agreed budget and trying to be sustainable going forward.  The reality check therefore seems painful
  4. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Toxic   
    I miss the togetherness and that unbelievable energy around the place when we nearly went bust. We should feel lucky we still have a club and get behind the lads and whichever manager is in charge at the time. Going to be a good few years before we're settled financially, enjoy the fact we still have games to watch, mistakes will happen as will losses but one day we'll be back enjoy the ride Saturday's could've been a lot different if it wasn't for DC!
  5. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in Toxic   
    I miss the togetherness and that unbelievable energy around the place when we nearly went bust. We should feel lucky we still have a club and get behind the lads and whichever manager is in charge at the time. Going to be a good few years before we're settled financially, enjoy the fact we still have games to watch, mistakes will happen as will losses but one day we'll be back enjoy the ride Saturday's could've been a lot different if it wasn't for DC!
  6. Clap
    YouRams got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in Toxic   
    I miss the togetherness and that unbelievable energy around the place when we nearly went bust. We should feel lucky we still have a club and get behind the lads and whichever manager is in charge at the time. Going to be a good few years before we're settled financially, enjoy the fact we still have games to watch, mistakes will happen as will losses but one day we'll be back enjoy the ride Saturday's could've been a lot different if it wasn't for DC!
  7. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from BigTravIsGod in Toxic   
    I miss the togetherness and that unbelievable energy around the place when we nearly went bust. We should feel lucky we still have a club and get behind the lads and whichever manager is in charge at the time. Going to be a good few years before we're settled financially, enjoy the fact we still have games to watch, mistakes will happen as will losses but one day we'll be back enjoy the ride Saturday's could've been a lot different if it wasn't for DC!
  8. Haha
    YouRams got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Available Strikers   
    Are you Forest in disguise 
  9. Haha
    YouRams reacted to Walkley Ram in Available Strikers   
    Rather snog my own dad.
  10. Haha
    YouRams reacted to Mr. P in Jason Knight   
    Roberts got 2 assists aswell 

  11. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from nogbad van 50 in Max Bird   
    Pretty sure I remember a home interview during covid with Max and he had Man United stuff in his room, although he's a Derby lad I dont think he "supports" the Rams, he might not have as much of a bond to us as some think and want to go elsewhere during his career. 
  12. Haha
    YouRams got a reaction from Skin em Ted in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Love that footballs back, what on earth did we all do for 3 months without this drama, 9 months left to go, let's be having you! 
  13. Haha
    YouRams got a reaction from StockholmRam in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Love that footballs back, what on earth did we all do for 3 months without this drama, 9 months left to go, let's be having you! 
  14. Like
    YouRams reacted to Ram a lamb a ding dong in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    So i have just listened to the interview. My fault for commenting before listening.
    I see absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with it.
    He took accountability for 90% of the outcome. He did add the caveat that he is probably over analysing and bring paranoid.
  15. Like
    YouRams reacted to Chester40 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I can't believe the over reaction to the interview. Especially from some posters who I normally agree with.
    He called a few players out. Said they looked disinterested, head turned etc. A lot of the usual suspects would be moaning if he ran out the usual platitudes about 'unlucky, we go again Sat'.
    I'm sure in the dressing room, on the training ground this week etc he will be working his way round them, getting them in the right frame of mind for Sat.
    Two disappointing performances is a bit of a worry. Him pointing it out isn't an issue for me.  Obviously a lot of people disagree but he knows how the players will react and will live and die by that which I'd prefer to him just accepting poor performances and glossing over them. He took his own responsibility  and drew attention to how poor it all was - not sure why anyone would be opposed to that.
  16. Clap
    YouRams got a reaction from SKRam in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Love that footballs back, what on earth did we all do for 3 months without this drama, 9 months left to go, let's be having you! 
  17. Haha
    YouRams got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Love that footballs back, what on earth did we all do for 3 months without this drama, 9 months left to go, let's be having you! 
  18. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from Premier ram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    I'd rather the honesty personally. If someone doesn't want to be here let them go. 
  19. Like
    YouRams reacted to TheTinMan in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    He clearly said a couple of my players so this isn't just about Max Bird. He sounded to me like a man who is fed up with what has happened in the transfer window so far and I just get the nagging feeling he a bit like some of us may have misinterpreted what Clowes meant by a 'competitive' budget. The word short used a lot, sounded like a plea to the man at the top to me, I might be wrong. 
  20. Clap
    YouRams got a reaction from DCFC1388 in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    I'd rather the honesty personally. If someone doesn't want to be here let them go. 
  21. Like
    YouRams reacted to Andicis in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    My thoughts are that this is an embarrassingly reactionary thread 2 games into a season. 
  22. Like
    YouRams reacted to Chopper in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    I think this this magnifies some of the negative attitudes to Warne, if all is going well then he is a charismatic raconteur, a team builder and morale raiser; if all is not well then he is a clown with an inappropriate attitude to the seriousness of the situation.
    Personally I think it's too early to tell, 95-96 Jim Smith's first season, we were average at best until November, started with back 3, failed, went to a back 4, 17th place (?) In November, then reverted to a back 3 and went on a run and go up. Yes I know a fella named Igor may have had something to do with it, but something clicked for Willems, VdL, Yates in that system where it didnt before. I'm not saying this'll be the same, but keeping the faith worked out for the better, struggling to think where an early sacking worked in our favour (come seasons end).
    Lose to,Burton though and I can see a few more fans turning against Warne.
  23. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from Andicis in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    We looked good pre season until those two sloppy United goals. Is it a confidence thing? Couple of wins and clean sheets will make all the difference. Need some exciting loan players in quick though.
  24. Like
    YouRams reacted to hintonsboots in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    It will all gel at Burton on Saturday.

  25. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from David Graham Brown in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Enjoy retirement mate, all of it except the football anyway.
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