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  1. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Fla Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
  2. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from sunnyhill60 in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
  3. Like
    S8TY reacted to Bob The Badger in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    There's a brilliant book by Ryan Holiday called Trust Me I'm Lying all about his time as a PR person - and a top one at that.

    And you're right, whereas there can be subtle ways to use PR, for the most part they use a sledgehammer.

    Nothing about this suggests it's a PR op, but ya know, when people have made up their mind about a person it's very tricky to change it because they'll always be searching for evidence to support their current belief.
    The alternative is to say 'You know what, I was wrong' and a lot of people hate that because then they feel stupid. 
    The reality is, that sticking to an opinion when there is contradictory evidence is what's really stupid.
  4. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Gringo in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  5. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Miggins in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  6. Haha
    S8TY got a reaction from Kathcairns in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  7. Haha
    S8TY got a reaction from drgoodspeak in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  8. Haha
    S8TY got a reaction from Foxy Ram in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  9. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from archram in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  10. Haha
    S8TY got a reaction from RoyMac5 in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  11. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from The Scarlet Pimpernel in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  12. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Bob The Badger in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  13. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from RedSox in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  14. Haha
    S8TY got a reaction from Jourdan in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  15. Like
    S8TY reacted to Rampage in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Rooney is off the scale at the moment. Genuine dude.
  16. Like
    S8TY reacted to Rev in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Maybe, just maybe, he stands at the shoulder of those he's recruited, those he's bought in from the academy, and those players he's inherited from Cocu?
    In short, maybe he's stands with his team, rather than our owner.
  17. Haha
    S8TY reacted to Jourdan in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Rooney had to find out the club was entering administration via Sky Sports News.
    Does that suggest that Rooney has a good relationship with the higher ups, with open and ongoing lines of communication and actions that are supportive of the other?
    Why would he willingly commit to spending thousands of pounds every few weeks to get Mel and the board out of a bind?
    Everything points to their treatment of Rooney being so poor that there is not the goodwill or respect present that would compel Rooney to offer up some support.
  18. Like
    S8TY reacted to brady1993 in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    I think this is a tad cyncical as a slant given that the only awareness we have of him contributing to away costs is a forum insider passing it along. 
  19. Like
    S8TY reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
  20. Like
    S8TY reacted to Ramslad1992 in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    I used to hate the term ‘Wayne Rooney’s Derby County’ but the way he’s handled all of this (from a football side of view’ has been impeccable.
    He’s stubborn and won’t give up no matter what, exactly what we need right now.
    Wayne Rooney’s Barmy Army ?
  21. Angry
    S8TY reacted to Jourdan in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    It is the life of a celebrity.
    They have agents, they have management teams, they have advisors.
    When you reach that status, your life is basically micro-managed to make sure you look good. Rooney only does what is best for Rooney, or at least that’s what his team will be thinking.
    If he’s paying for away travel and accommodation out of the kindness of his heart, all credit to him.
    But it wouldn’t really add up given his relationship with Mel and the board, would it?
  22. Like
    S8TY reacted to RoyMac5 in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    It must be very sour inside your head. I feel sorry for you that you doubt every good intention and always look for 'an angle'.
  23. Angry
    S8TY reacted to Jourdan in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Even I must admit that I am starting to feel sorry for Rooney.
    When the points deductions are finalised, he will be left to do a job that is way beyond his current skillset and level of experience, and he has seemingly been left in the dark and the cold by the very people who brought him to the club.
    Let’s see what he can produce moving forward and let’s see where he is 12 months from now. I don’t see that he has done anything out of the ordinary so far.
    Staying at the club, and contributing to the costs of away travel and such things will surely reflect well on him and of course build goodwill.
    However, let’s not forget - he probably will have been consulted by his agent or PR team on the best steps to take.
  24. Like
    S8TY reacted to Bob The Badger in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    He has zero to do with the issues we now find ourselves in, but he has acted with utter class.
    He's had no money and is playing a number of players he knows aren't good enough (at least at the moment) without a word of complaint publicly.
    He's just got on with his job and tried to get this team playing decent football with one hand tied behind his back, wearing lead boots and being made to wear a balaclava the wrong way around.
    And then he hears about going into administration on TV like the rest of us and rather than whining or walking out he gets on with his job.
    I really like what I'm seeing, especially when you consider he's in his first year of management and the second youngest boss in the entire football league.
    He should have control of this team if/when he has money to spend, or at the very least until the end of this season.
    If he does walk or get pushed, I for one will be bitterly disappointed.
  25. Like
    S8TY reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    1000% this
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