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  1. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    Can’t stomach that - prefer to be liquidated than pay extortion money.
  2. Like
    S8TY reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
    I will feel utterly sickened if the only way of getting out of this mess is giving Gibson what he wants.
  3. Clap
    S8TY reacted to BarrowRam in The Administration Thread   
    Can’t believe that the efl actually think that they are helping. 21pts deduction wasn’t enough. When the administrator was ready to announce P.B they threw that out. They definitely have a vendetta against the rams. Why would they put out their statement out at ten o’clock. Keep up the pressure everyone.
  4. Like
    S8TY reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    Middlesbrough vs Bournemouth - Bournemouth failed 14/15 FFP, Middlesbrough missed out on autos
    Ipswich and Cardiff vs Derby and Sheff Weds - DCFC and SWFC failed periods comprising of the 15/16 season, taking playoff places off Ipswich and Cardiff
    Leeds vs Sheff Weds - SWFC failed a period comprising of the 16/17 season with Leeds missing out on the playoffs
    Blackburn vs Birmingham - BCFC failed a period comprising of the 16/17 season, finishing the season just 2 points above Backburn who were relegated
    Barnsley and Burton vs Reading and Birmingham - Reading and Birmingham failed periods comprising of the 17/18 season, finishing 3 and 5 points above the relegated sides
    Preston vs Derby - DCFC failed a period comprising of the 17/18 season, taking a playoff place off Preston
    Rotherham vs Reading - Reading failed a period comprising of the 18/19 season, finishing 7 points above relegated Rotherham
    Bristol vs Derby - DCFC failed a period comprising of the 18/19 season, taking a playoff place off Bristol City
    Sheff Weds vs Derby - If Derby's points deduction was applied to 20/21, SWFC would have stayed up due to DCFC not putting the effort in to stay up on the final day 
    Have I missed any?
  5. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Retro_RAM in The Administration Thread   
    True but let's say that happened, you'd have the relegated teams like Cardiff, Reading and Hull filing legal disputes because they believe we did break rules over amortisation.
    It just goes to show how ridiculous the claims by Boro and Wycombe are, the rules need to be changed to state no club can sue another club, the EFL or any individual based on hypotheticals following a decision.
    I have no doubt these threats are a stalling tactic, Boro know they are not going to get 45m there are two scenarios here, they get no money because the case is dropped or they get no money because Derby County FC is no more.
    If these were to stand where does it end? If an offside goal kicked us out of the play-offs or an offside goal causes us to be relegated would this allow us to sue the EFL or the club that scored said goal due to loss of potential earnings? No! but if they allow cases like the ones we have now against us to stand it would allow even more hypothetical court cases in the future. 
  6. Like
    S8TY reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    How do you explain their run in - 1 point from the last 7 games. Wasn’t that a factor?
    Talking about our overspending, Boro had a higher wage budget than us and spent more on transfers. So spending isn’t a factor. 
    If the claim was for gate receipts from playoff semis I don’t think we would have much of an issue.
    You’re either talking nonsense or you’re a WUM.
  7. Like
    S8TY reacted to Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    I understand your point however, in the same way Middlesbrough can’t prove they would have got promoted if we hadn’t overspent, they also can’t prove they would have even reached the play offs either. 

    I also think the Wycombe case is actually LESS complicated. We may have “cheated” by over spending but not during the season they were in the Championship. Therefore, had we had our points deduction last season, they would have been fortunate to have benefited from the time taken to conclude the case rather than something they were entitled to. As it is, their gripe is that the EFL took too long in applying the points deduction. That may have been a result of Derby’s tardy submission of figures. However, as I understand it, Derby submitted the figures within permitted timescales and therefore did not break any rules in that respect.
  8. Angry
    S8TY reacted to Simmoram2024Ramsrontheup in The Administration Thread   
    This is what I’d give to Gibson 
    960,000 home gate receipts 
    120,000 away gate receipts 
    then it’s up to the EFL to reimburse them for what finishing 6th would be if they could prove it! As many have said their final 12 games consisted of 6-7 defeats that’s not play off form neither does it bode well especially with how good Leeds were that season.
    as for Wycombe I wouldn’t give them a single penny 
  9. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    Derby should give Gibson F ALL
  10. Angry
    S8TY reacted to NottsRammy in The Administration Thread   
    Lol ok mate.  No i just dont look at things with a blinkered view . But in thid case like whats been pointed out i didnt know about Bournemouth.  Aston villa while over spending which is wrong but they got away with it they went up . Did the cherries actually get fined and done for it . Why im saying this is a legally this is what makes the difference in a court if law . Not the fact we know they have all over spent but got away with it in promotion . 
  11. Like
    S8TY reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    Are you for real? Gibson is right? To pursue Derby but not Bournemouth for example from previous season? With fans like you…..
  12. Clap
    S8TY reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    He owes Gibson f all. 
    His crime is against us but its f all to do with Gibson. Gibson is a chancer.
  13. Clap
    S8TY reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    The EFL could sanction a new buyer. The fact that Boro and Wycombe may want to claim against the new buyer is duck all to do with them. The EFL are potentially going to put us out of business because they don't want to offend Steve ducking Gibson.
  14. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    The government should inform Middlesbrough and Wycombe that the creditors bill will be transferred to them if we a liquidated - that might focus their attention 
  15. Like
    S8TY reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    The fact that a governing body was "disappointed" at the outcome of an independent disciplinary body that they recognise should be the grounds for legal action to prove our case if the bar stewards finish us.
  16. Like
    S8TY reacted to Mckram in The Administration Thread   
    These are great points and there are so many other examples like these.
    Imagine if this was against a club like Man Utd or Liverpool. It would be headlining the news. 
  17. Like
    S8TY reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in The Administration Thread   
    And they way they gave us two different sets of fixtures to allow that dipshit at Wycombe an open door to make his ******** claim. 
  18. Like
    S8TY reacted to RandomAccessMemory in The Administration Thread   
    Never forget their statement after we got the £100k fine.
    When they were "disappointed" at the outcome and "regrettably" could find no grounds to appeal it.
    That would be after going through their own disciplinary processes, the processes that are written in the rules, the processes we are all supposed to have faith in coming to the correct conclusion, they still weren’t happy at the outcome and wished they could find a way to punish us further as they didn’t think it was enough.
    Well, well done EFL, you found a way.
    What an absolute disgrace.
  19. Like
    S8TY reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    You are wrong. The EFL are stopping a PB unless the PB agrees to sort the claims. Big difference. The EFL should decide on the administrators PB without any interference from any claims from Boro or Wycombe.
  20. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    But the EFL should tell Boro to drop the claim or they themselves will get a points deduction.
    Open season on clubs vs clubs is not sustainable for the EFL or the clubs .
  21. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Well it’s an arbitrary date they have come up with to destroy Derby County .
    Its significant that it’s at end of January window and allows another transfer embargo. 
    They should tell Boro if they don’t withdraw their claim against Derby which threatens to destabilize the League with precedent set for all clubs to do the same they will give them a point deduction.
    You can’t  have open house on clubs vs club’s claiming against each other as it’s not sustainable 
  22. COYR
    S8TY reacted to Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    Which means the EFL will bully Derby into paying money to the parasite clubs before the EFL allows Derby a new owner 
  23. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Indyram in The Administration Thread   
    This whole mess of a situation which is threatening our Clubs existence could very easily have been remedied a long time ago
    MM has a lot to answer for we know but the EFL is nothing short of shambolic and corrupt
    They could've nipped this in the bud fairly IMO a long time ago by saying that the EFL were dealing with us and have given us -21 points as a deduction and the parasites claims would not be upheld in any shape or form 
    The fact they are asking us to deal with both claims before we can be taken over is both scandalous and would open up a can of worms unless of course leach Gibson and co are planning on changing the rules to suit themselves in time for next season
    Being held to ransom by claims from two other football league members that a court would surely laugh at because is so subjective its unreal and I can't see why other clubs have not come out and supported us
    Whether Parry and co choose to believe it this whole situation comes across as a personal vendetta against us
    We could not claim this if we were getting treated fairly but since the EFL challenged the original amortisation policy that they originally signed off it seems they are hell bent on seeing us go under and can only assume this is GIbson and Wycombe's chairman driving this...we have now lost some players due to this one sided incompetence and If we were to go down could we not claim that losing key players has jeopardized our chances ?
    One thing i know though is this....if we were to be liquidated we will quickly be forgotten so is imperative that we all do our bit or as much as we fans can do whilst we are still alive 
    The response on this forum alone has been brilliant and really lifted me personally so thankyou everyone Derby County Fans are the greatest.....been following us home and away for 41 years and really hope there is some light at the end of this gloomy tunnel 
  24. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    This whole mess of a situation which is threatening our Clubs existence could very easily have been remedied a long time ago
    MM has a lot to answer for we know but the EFL is nothing short of shambolic and corrupt
    They could've nipped this in the bud fairly IMO a long time ago by saying that the EFL were dealing with us and have given us -21 points as a deduction and the parasites claims would not be upheld in any shape or form 
    The fact they are asking us to deal with both claims before we can be taken over is both scandalous and would open up a can of worms unless of course leach Gibson and co are planning on changing the rules to suit themselves in time for next season
    Being held to ransom by claims from two other football league members that a court would surely laugh at because is so subjective its unreal and I can't see why other clubs have not come out and supported us
    Whether Parry and co choose to believe it this whole situation comes across as a personal vendetta against us
    We could not claim this if we were getting treated fairly but since the EFL challenged the original amortisation policy that they originally signed off it seems they are hell bent on seeing us go under and can only assume this is GIbson and Wycombe's chairman driving this...we have now lost some players due to this one sided incompetence and If we were to go down could we not claim that losing key players has jeopardized our chances ?
    One thing i know though is this....if we were to be liquidated we will quickly be forgotten so is imperative that we all do our bit or as much as we fans can do whilst we are still alive 
    The response on this forum alone has been brilliant and really lifted me personally so thankyou everyone Derby County Fans are the greatest.....been following us home and away for 41 years and really hope there is some light at the end of this gloomy tunnel 
  25. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    This whole mess of a situation which is threatening our Clubs existence could very easily have been remedied a long time ago
    MM has a lot to answer for we know but the EFL is nothing short of shambolic and corrupt
    They could've nipped this in the bud fairly IMO a long time ago by saying that the EFL were dealing with us and have given us -21 points as a deduction and the parasites claims would not be upheld in any shape or form 
    The fact they are asking us to deal with both claims before we can be taken over is both scandalous and would open up a can of worms unless of course leach Gibson and co are planning on changing the rules to suit themselves in time for next season
    Being held to ransom by claims from two other football league members that a court would surely laugh at because is so subjective its unreal and I can't see why other clubs have not come out and supported us
    Whether Parry and co choose to believe it this whole situation comes across as a personal vendetta against us
    We could not claim this if we were getting treated fairly but since the EFL challenged the original amortisation policy that they originally signed off it seems they are hell bent on seeing us go under and can only assume this is GIbson and Wycombe's chairman driving this...we have now lost some players due to this one sided incompetence and If we were to go down could we not claim that losing key players has jeopardized our chances ?
    One thing i know though is this....if we were to be liquidated we will quickly be forgotten so is imperative that we all do our bit or as much as we fans can do whilst we are still alive 
    The response on this forum alone has been brilliant and really lifted me personally so thankyou everyone Derby County Fans are the greatest.....been following us home and away for 41 years and really hope there is some light at the end of this gloomy tunnel 
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