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  1. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to RoyMac5 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    How many people suing them do you think it would take to make a large financial dent? Not many is my guess, and we know/are told they are not 100% safe. Spoiler alert: no drug is 100% safe
  2. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to Pearl Ram in EFL Verdict   
    Mel using a loophole ? Behave yourself. ?
  3. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Carnero in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    We can't possibly be the only club in the entire football league that owes money to HMRC given the various deferral schemes that they've had in place.
  4. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Rammy03 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    I think Rooney has just recognised that Tom is a good player and we need to get more out of him. He hopes that by giving him the armband, it brings the best out of him on the pitch. He can't hide or get lost in games because he is the captain. He is forced to step up and perform to a high level week in week out. Let's hope it works. 
  5. Cheers
    Tamworthram reacted to Rample in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    My understanding for domestic friendlies is no, it's usually a goodwill gesture from the visiting team, and the home side receive all the financial benefits.
    They get a run out for fitness, chance to try a few less established players out, a simulation of an away day, and build up better links with the opponents.
    The exceptions are international tournaments, as these are usually televised, and United for example can net up to £20m from these. Clubs also pocket a few million from playing exhibition games - I expect we paid Barce for example.
  6. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from I know nothing in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    I agree CKR would have a decent choice but I don’t really see that his admirable views and comments about racism should be a factor. We need a leader out there on the pitch. It remains to be seen if Tom proves to be that person but I’m prepared to give him a chance.
  7. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to mwram1973 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    It's the one where he's telling the players that tom will be Captain. Apparently he should have been running around the pitch shouting and getting the players motivated.
  8. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to RoyMac5 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Did you watch the whole interview with Niall Horan? He didn't seem totally at ease on camera either. Perhaps it's what can happen when people are out of their 'natural environment'. Rooney isn't an orator to camera for sure. ?
  9. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Gringo in EFL Verdict   
    Travel ban USA
    The American government currently does not exclude travellers based on their nationality, but it does do so based on their recent stay (or transit) in certain countries. They can still be denied entry into the United States even if they possess a valid ESTA, due to the risk of spreading the coronavirus. This temporary measure is better known as the travel ban. The travel ban means that no travellers will be allowed on US territory who in the 14 days before their trip have been to the United Kingdom, Ireland or any of the countries listed below:
  10. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to cheron85 in EFL Verdict   
    Hey CR - Since you obviously work for the US state department can you confirm when the US government will be considering opening the border again? Keen to get a holiday in
  11. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to cool_as_custard in EFL Verdict   
    Direct quote from the US Department of State website (https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/business.html):-
    A foreign national traveling to the United States to conduct temporary business needs a visitor visa (B-1) unless qualifying for entry under the Visa Waiver Program.
    Examples of temporary business include:
    Attending business meetings or consultations
    Attending a business convention or conference
    Negotiating contracts
    Not saying he definitely is or isn't in the US, but I would say that if he wanted to there are no real barriers to him getting permission
  12. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Leeds Ram in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    You're probably right not on it's own it would be unlikely to have a massive effect. The 'free' aspect would probably need to be focusing on welcoming the fans back to pride park.  Because you want as many people to join us for the re-opening you'll make it free for season ticket holders etc. why not make a big show of it? It's not a normal pre-season after-all.. they should be looking at making it like a carnival, a big welcome back party. 

     It would need to be part of a broader package of measures to secure wavering fan loyalty that must be present not only due to the teams poor performance but concern over the ownership of the club and everything that has gone on. The lack of communication has been seen by a sizeable minority as a major issue that they need to rectify as has in the past ticketing prices for example once demand based ticketing disappeared a few years ago. Reintroducing fans forums more regularly post freedom day would be a good start to address some of the issues that have occurred in recent months. 
  13. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from sage in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Depends how you look at. On one hand you are forcing people to get one but, on the other hand, you’re doing your best to protect those wishing to attend. I can sympathise with both points of view but, on balance, I’m in the latter camp.
  14. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Leeds Ram in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    All good points however, I still don’t think it would really make any sort of impact on wavering fans. Maybe it’s just me but I can’t really imagine many are going to think “the club care about us after all because they’re letting us in to a pre-season friendly for free”.
    I agree that’s seems bizarre to gone away to a training camp but, presumably, there is some kind of rationale and maybe this game, as well as being a preparation pre-season friendly, is intended to part or fully finance it.
  15. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Leeds Ram in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    It would have more impact by giving away the tickets than the subscription I think. I may be misremembering but haven't rams tv traditionally shown pre season games for free for season ticket holders? Again, I may be completely misremembering that though and it is a nice gesture.
    I take the point about the freebies but given how so many people are struggling financially atm and how bad the club's reputation is even with a sizeable proportion of its own fanbase they need to start somewhere. A relatively small financial hit that is realistically less expensive than what they spent on the training camp could have quite a big upside in helping to secure wavering fans. It does need to be followed up with a strategy to foster dialogue with the fans once again to create more goodwill than there is. 

    It probably wouldn't make the national papers no but it would make local press, local radio, and maybe try to get some bigger papers interested in the story that Derby is giving back to its fans after an especially difficult 18 months. It's not uncommon for gestures like this not to go unnoticed. 
  16. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to cool_as_custard in EFL Verdict   
    Exemptions for business people. Not remotely BS. 
  17. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Not really. I don’t think many of us are going to decline to renew our season tickets simply because we weren’t allowed to attend this friendly for free. I doubt it’s would be a deciding factor for many/any.
  18. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    It would but the club can’t really afford nice touches. They need to get in what ever money they can. 
  19. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from angieram in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Depends how you look at. On one hand you are forcing people to get one but, on the other hand, you’re doing your best to protect those wishing to attend. I can sympathise with both points of view but, on balance, I’m in the latter camp.
  20. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Premier ram in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Anyone else notice that it was Curtis who lightened the mood and put his arm around Tom’s neck in a playful (and supportive) way? What a man.
    As for Tom being chosen, I’m surprised but happy to support him. As others have said, it could be the making of him and, unlike some others, I’m not writing him off or ridiculing the choice.
  21. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Premier ram in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    That’s the spirit. 
  22. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    I agree. Let’s hope it’s the making of him and, at some point, we have to move on from the Joiners Arms incident. That can’t be a millstone around his neck for the rest of his career.
    The only other thing I’d say is you don’t necessarily have to be best player in the squad to be captain. Being a leader takes other qualities that hopefully he will display.
  23. Angry
    Tamworthram got a reaction from DanS1992 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Anyone else notice that it was Curtis who lightened the mood and put his arm around Tom’s neck in a playful (and supportive) way? What a man.
    As for Tom being chosen, I’m surprised but happy to support him. As others have said, it could be the making of him and, unlike some others, I’m not writing him off or ridiculing the choice.
  24. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from angieram in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Another thing to consider: I would imagine more than 8000 people renewed so we’re not just taking about a handful. Meaning, it’s possible that a large proportion (maybe even all) of the fans attending would get in for free. The club might well end up losing money when you consider the costs of staging the game.
  25. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Like it or not he is currently one of our best players. In matches where chances are at a premium and we aren't creating much he is one of the only players we have that can conjure something out of nothing. 
    Is he as consistent as we would like? No. But if he was consistently as good as he can be there is a 0% chance he'd be playing for Derby.
    In terms of the Joiners Arms incident, he was grieving for his mother. That's doesn't excuse his behaviour, but I certainly understand it having been to a similar place myself.
    I hope this is the making of him, he's been a good player for us despite what some folk on here say. Just because he isn't raking in 30 yarders every week doesn't mean he's rubbish.
    Good luck, captain.
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