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  1. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Rev in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    I've really really really wanted to give Warne the benefit of the doubt. 
    Even after watching that, I was still just about onside, let's face it Collins should have scored at least once today, that's not on the manager.
    His Radio Derby interview has tipped me over the edge.
    Giving up midfield as a deliberate ploy when facing the 24th best team in the league, without a single goal to their name all season, how on earth do the squad take confidence in their abilities when that's the managers mindset?
    Even if that attitude was successful over a season, what happens beyond?  
    Ipswich are running wild in the division above, having been promoted last season, can anyone honestly see a PW led Derby County doing the same if we somehow squeaked promotion this year? 
    He talks a good game, but plays a pretty poor one.
  2. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Anag Ram in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Lots of talk about Sibley.
    I would have brought him on for Forsyth who was awful.
    I would certainly have left Barkhuisen on.
    We should call ‘Wash’ HOG!
  3. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to TheTinMan in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Worried about their overload in midfield? The side who hadn't scored a league goal before today had Warne worried? This is us in a nutshell we get worried about teams we are miles better than. Respect them by all means but just play our game and beat them with the superior quality  
  4. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Walkley Ram in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    If you're overrun in midfield then put another body in there. Tell waggy to drop back. Tell cashin to step up. Play sibs as a 10 and put him in the middle to win balls and break up play. How he came out with the idea to just give up on midfield is madness.

    The quality of our players should be much, much more than enough to handle something as basic as there being an extra man in midfield. It's baffling for me.
  5. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ramarena in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    That was an undoubtedly poor result.
    We were the better team and played ok in patches………..but it’s a very low bar!
    I can’t understand the reluctance to sub Collins.
    Should have moved Waghorn upfront with Sibley, Bird or even Hourihane coming on as sub at HT for Collins, would have given us a much better chance/cutting edge.
    If you can see it’s not working, you change it. We didn’t and we got exactly what we deserved.
    Very frustrating and the RD interview doesn’t sound good. I’ll reserve judgement till I’ve actually heard it mind.
  6. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Sure I just heard our head 'coach' say our plan was to not use the midfield at all.  Dynamic thinking against a side of giants who can't move but can head all day.  My plan was too not use the central areas at all and get it out wide every time.  
    Then a surly load of nonsense when questioned about Sibley.  
  7. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Walkley Ram in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion, but did you hear Warne on radio Derby? Literally said he didn't want the ball in midfield. Happily admitted to setting us up to NOT play football. He was worried about their overload in midfield. So decided to kick it over the head of midfield all first half.
    He's responsible for that. Absolutely rubbish when that's how he sets up against a team bottom of the league. As if our midfield wouldn't be able to play football against them today. I can't fault the players if that's how they're told to play. They've come out with credit from me for not losing the game, despite being set up to play that anti football.
    I find it really frustrating. It's not like we don't have the players to play. Man for man, not many other players in this league would get into our team. I just can't understand it.
  8. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to Anag Ram in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    He replaced Barkhuisen, our main threat, with a man who wouldn’t be dangerous with a box of lit fireworks in a petrol station.
  9. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to IlsonDerby in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Doms bang on the money with asking about Sibley. 
    Players see through b******* and if you’re saying he’s the best finisher at the club but can’t get a sniff then you’re talking out your arse? 
  10. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Walkley Ram in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Radio Derby asked him some good questions. His answers made his whole match plan look worse.
  11. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to DRBee in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Unpleasant tetchy interview from Warne  post match.
  12. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Barney1991 in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    His post interview is exactly why we are so predictable. Get it wide and put crosses in was his game plan which has clearly been found out. Didn’t want bird in midfield as he didn’t want control. Deary me 
  13. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Walkley Ram in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Warne on the radio saying he didn't want the ball in the middle of the park because they had the overload. Says we needed it out wide as we have the two best wide players in the league.
    When Bird came on and we used the midfield, we looked a different side.
    And people still say it's not his fault. It's anti football. And he's happy to admit to it.
  14. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to TheTinMan in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    My take is if Warne hadn't got lucky inheriting McGoldrick last season we'd have been mid table mediocrity which is roughly where we're on track for this season. But he's probably got the wage bill of a top 2 side even with the restrictions. Nowhere near good enough. 
  15. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bris Vegas in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    This league is so bad that Portamouth and Oxford United look like running away with it.
    We couldn’t have asked for a better scenario with Blackpool, Wigan and Reading coming down and in disarray.
    Throw in Barnsley, last season’s fourth best side, losing their manager and looking a lot weaker.
    We should be p1ssing this league. There are no excuses.
  16. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Not bringing on Sibley in that game tells you everything you need to know about PW. 
  17. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Warne quite simply hasn't got the right mentality to be the Derby manager.
  18. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Because we have with the exception of Blackpool and half an hour against Peterborough been absolutely dreadful all season.
  19. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to SSD in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    Perfect timing. Silence the crowd before half time. Thank you for not imploding the forum Nelson.
  20. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to DerbyAleMan in Signing Of The Season So Far???   
    For me at the moment our srand out new signing is the man mountain Nelson, wins his headers reads the game very well, and has a great partnership with Cashin, but if Nyambe carrys on like he started the last 3 games he could prove that he is the best signing this season, time will tell, but we are looking very strong in defence this season, one area of the team which Warne has deffo improved. I have also been very impressed with Fornha, so strong and Athletic in the middle of the park. And also looking better in every game he plays in. 
  21. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ellafella in Blackpool v Derby County: Player Ratings   
    1Wildsmith 6.5 Commanded the box; controlled the air traffic - should he have saved the goal? The crossbar is a close friend.
    24Nyambe 7 Powerfully present & precision passes; 
    35Nelson 8 Hassled, harried, headed them away. 
    6Cashin 7.5 Pumping pistons & sprayed clearances. Picked the ball off opponents toes like the Artful Dodger.
    2Wilson 6 Deftly mobile & busy fleet of feet but bovine banjo a no no. 
    Bradley 6 10 minutes of steady guardsman duty. Halt who goes there!
    12Smith 8.5 Marauding mobility, balletic turns and Pirloesque pirouettes then burst the onion bag. MotM
    8Bird 🦅 7 Silent assassin of simple switch passes sweetly savoured. 
    Hourihane 6 Brought calm and control patrol.
    22Fornah 8 Policed the park and passed sublimely. 
    Sibley 6 Late legs show; no sweat.
    3Forsyth 7 Kept the decks cleared. A wonderful arcing fizz-ball sent spinning into Barks’ path was a joy.
    9Collins 8 Huge honesty & heart; covered acres and smashed it in with left-foot aplomb.
    10Waghorn 7 Snapped, crackled & popped. Energy & zipp. Goal #6 & all smiles.
    11Méndez-Laing 7 Pacily posed the questions & a peach laid on for Smith. 
    7Barkhuizen 7.5 Broke the Blackpool backs with galloping goal assists. Should’ve/Could’ve had one too. Huge impact. 
    Tactical masterclass; Superb shape. Derby fans majestic. Memorable match of season-defining sliding-door moments.
  22. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to IslandExile in We are all Derby   
    I've seen a few comments on the matchday thread along the lines of "the 'haters' will be really unhappy that we won tonight".
    What nonsense.
    I don't hate anyone. Football - as with all sports - is a game of opinions. Just because I may have a different opinion about Warne's tactics than somebody else, does not mean that I "hate" him.
    I actually quite like Paul Warne, the person. Unlike some, I even like his interviews. But, no, I do not like his tactical approach. But if he is successful at Derby then, of course, I will be delighted because it means that Derby are successful.
    And we all want that. 
    Regardless of tactics, team selections, signings and substitutions. We are all Derby.
    So let's all enjoy the wins - together.
    Please let's understand differences of opinion are fine, healthy, a good thing - they are not signs of "hate".
    Thank you. COYR 🐏
  23. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to DanS1992 in Derby v Blackpool (A) Match Thread   
    Pleased with that. Good game and enjoyable to watch. Don’t rate Warne, but well done, got it spot on today. More of that please, but at home 👍
  24. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ellafella in Derby v Blackpool (A) Match Thread   
    If Carlsberg did away days…

  25. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Carl Sagan in Its like Clough all over again...... Bored Stiff Today!   
    Agree very much with the original post. Clough did some great things, but wasn't capable of taking us further and his football was oh so dull. Crowds were going through the floor. Warne has shown he's not capable of taking us forward either, and again his football is dull. Attendances are going to plummet unless something can be done. It's not too late to bring someone (Mac 3 would be great) in who can take what I maintain remains a reasonably talented squad, and turn us into a team that's good to watch and will win automatic promotion. 90-95% of managers could do at least as well as Warne with these players. 
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