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  1. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Embargo.   
  2. Haha
    Gringo reacted to Ram-Alf in Embargo.   
    One of Winstons put downs when in Parliament to a female MP, She said, If I were your Wife, I'd put poison in your tea, Winstons reply, If I were your Husband i'd drink it.
  3. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Embargo.   
  4. Clap
    Gringo reacted to Premier ram in Embargo.   
    NO , NO ,NO
  5. Clap
    Gringo reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Embargo.   
    We should absolutely not just roll over and accept a points deduction for two reasons. One, because we haven't so far been found to have done anything to warrant it and two, we can't just let the EFL arbitrarily make up punishments on the fly because they are under pressure from other clubs. Taking that kind of conduct to it's logical conclusion potentially leads to all sorts of nonsense not just for DCFC but for every club in the pyramid down the line.
  6. Clap
    Gringo reacted to MaltRam in Embargo.   
    Maybe we haven't done anything worthy of a points deduction?
  7. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Embargo.   
    Yes you are correct, you have no understanding about going into administration.
  8. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from SFox1993 in Embargo.   
    Yes you are correct, you have no understanding about going into administration.
  9. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from gccrowdpleaser in Embargo.   
    Yes you are correct, you have no understanding about going into administration.
  10. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Embargo.   
    Yes you are correct, you have no understanding about going into administration.
  11. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from RammingStone66 in Embargo.   
    Yes you are correct, you have no understanding about going into administration.
  12. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from Crewton in Time to walk away Wayne   
    Because the minute he did not buy Carlos Costapacket for a very reasonable £10million and numerous other expensive acquisitions all on expensive wages then the criticism would start; 
    * No ambition
    * why won't he spend all his money on the club
    * The price of burgers in the concourse are too expensive
    * We want free away game transport
    * we hate the new kit 
    *Rooney out
    * We need a new owner*
    etc etc etc etc
    The key to buying DCFC is to be able to fund the burn rate of cash required to satisfy the aspirations of the supporters.
  13. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from Retro_RAM in Time to walk away Wayne   
    Would you buy the company you work for?
  14. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from Kathcairns in Time to walk away Wayne   
    His net worth is $170million, approx £125million, so yes he could buy it but with all the criticism he has received on here, why would he?
  15. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Time to walk away Wayne   
    His net worth is $170million, approx £125million, so yes he could buy it but with all the criticism he has received on here, why would he?
  16. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Time to walk away Wayne   
    His net worth is $170million, approx £125million, so yes he could buy it but with all the criticism he has received on here, why would he?
  17. Clap
    Gringo reacted to JfR in Embargo.   
    I think when discussing the P&S breach for the implementation of the amortisation policy, which is the crux of the current situation between the club and the EFL, it should be noted that the disciplinary commission explicitly concluded the club did not act "recklessly or in bad faith" in implementing the policy, did not "consciously attempt to conceal the true nature of the amortisation policy that it was applying" and that they did not act "carelessly or unreasonably by implementing the amortisation policy as it did", and as such that there was no fault on the club's part that the policy was ultimately concluded to have been against P&S rules.

    I'd also note that the conclusion wasn't that fault couldn't be demonstrated on the club's part, but that there was a demonstrable lack of fault on the club's part. For that reason, I find it hard to blame Mel, or indeed anyone at the club, for something that happened "without any real fault on its part". While the policy may not have complied with P&S rules, the club honestly believed it did so. Furthermore, this conclusion wasn't simply a case of ego and rank ignorance, rather, the club reasonably came to this conclusion following appropriate discussions with relevant authorities to receive assurances to ensure as such. 
    I think there's very legitimate criticism to made on how the money was spent during this period, as I don't think anyone could deny that there were at least a few bad investments during this time, but I find it hard to attribute fault to the club for the underlying accounting process during this interval when the disciplinary commission assigned to assess this process concluded that the club acted "without any real fault" in implementing the process.
  18. Clap
    Gringo reacted to Crewton in Embargo.   
    Fans shouldn't be too surprised if, after telling the owner to "GTF out of our club" often enough, he does precisely what they've asked him to do.
    Complaining about someone simply following instructions seems a bit precious. 
  19. Angry
    Gringo reacted to TuffLuff in Embargo.   
    Don’t particularly want to get into this too much and fear putting my head over the parapet with this, but I have long wondered how much our local investors in the last 20 years have had the true best interest of the football club at heart. I guess what I’m saying is who’s come in with the intention of being the chairman for 10-20 years with a long term plan. To me, it’s been a plan to get that prem money asap and that pursuit over 20 years has been absolutely fruitless.
  20. Clap
    Gringo reacted to Ram-Alf in Baseball Ground Memories   
    There were several younger females in the 70s that would stand at the back of the Vulcan Street End, I started in the Kids Pen, Then moved to the Columbo End as a very young teen where me and my mate would climb up the corner near the floodlights and tie ourselves with scarves to the metal fence with the away supporters walking underneath us.
    Getting older a move to the Vulcan Street was a must, With the red metal fence walkway seperating home and away fans, Many a suicide fan would jump them to have a close chat with the away fans, At the back of the Popside where a hot bovril was served there was no segregation and all hell would break loose at HT, A fence was later put up to seperate both waring factions, Then a portion of the Columbo and Vulcan street was segregated for the more normal fan, So home fans would enter the Columbo end to great the away fans, All cash turnstiles so no checking the fans, Eventually moving to the Ossie End after Chelsea and Leeds wrecking the seats fiasco, Then onto the more sedate "C" Stand Paddock ?.
    As a football arena I don't think there was a more intimidating ground than the BBG, Away players who were going to take a corner at the "C" stand paddock area would often have a change of heart when scores of Lads got to their feet and hurl abuse at them, Away players would often have their shorts pulled on when taking a throw in, Or if you were a Fulham player...getting kicked/tripped, The Hunter/Lee fracas, Lee was initially punched... the reason...Lee was a master at tripping himsel up in the penalty area, Which he did when Hunter was chasing him down, Ref gave a Pen and we scored, Hunter bided his time, And got a good one in right on Lees nose, Ref sends them both off then the fun began with Lee throwing several punches and NOT one landing on Hunter, Only for Hunter to fall over, Word has it that Hunter refused to come out of the changing rooms until Lee had left the BBG.
    For me, DCFC lost something when moving to PP, I bought a ST in the East stand, The view was great right in line with the 18 yard line, The Atmosphere was lost for me, It became more sterile, But I Lived with it I guess, As long as I have my memories I can always visit the BBG anytime I choose ?
  21. Angry
    Gringo reacted to Jayram in Embargo.   
    Words fail me. Look at what he has done to this club in 6 short years, look at the state we are in both on and off the pitch. He is the sole architect of this chaos. 
    He will eventually walk away from the mess he has created with his fortune very much intact while our club will be lucky to survive.
    We owe him nothing but contempt for what he has done. 
  22. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from jono in Embargo.   
    No their crimes are far far worse than ours, to illustrate this I will repost something I posted a few days ago;
    "How many points deduction will Reading get based on these results?
    Reading made operating losses of £43.5million, compared to £40.7million the previous year, while accumulated losses totalled £138million.
    Wages were 211 per cent of revenue - slight progress somewhat compared with 226 per cent the previous year. Nevertheless, this is is still above the level recommended by UEFA, which is 70 per cent.
    My guess is a fixed penalty £100 fine and a kindly reminder to keep their losses under £100million next submittal."
    These numbers are taken from their filed accounts and show that have driven a transatlantic liner through the P&S regulations. This only illustrates even more clearly the vendetta against the Rams, the numbers involved in over spend would/should trigger a 21 points deduction, will it happen, I predict not.  
    p.s. Also they have sold their ground, their training ground and the land around the ground, to themselves.
  23. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Embargo.   
    No their crimes are far far worse than ours, to illustrate this I will repost something I posted a few days ago;
    "How many points deduction will Reading get based on these results?
    Reading made operating losses of £43.5million, compared to £40.7million the previous year, while accumulated losses totalled £138million.
    Wages were 211 per cent of revenue - slight progress somewhat compared with 226 per cent the previous year. Nevertheless, this is is still above the level recommended by UEFA, which is 70 per cent.
    My guess is a fixed penalty £100 fine and a kindly reminder to keep their losses under £100million next submittal."
    These numbers are taken from their filed accounts and show that have driven a transatlantic liner through the P&S regulations. This only illustrates even more clearly the vendetta against the Rams, the numbers involved in over spend would/should trigger a 21 points deduction, will it happen, I predict not.  
    p.s. Also they have sold their ground, their training ground and the land around the ground, to themselves.
  24. Clap
    Gringo reacted to Rammeister in Ravel Morrison   
    There is an article about him in The Sunday Times today.
    ‘My mum gave up half her life for me, so if I give up, I’ll have let her down’
  25. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from ck- in Embargo.   
    The answer is "blowing in the wind"
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