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Posts posted by WystonRam

  1. 6 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    Just my opinion but you’d be pretty silly to go to every away game and not purchase PRIORITY membership.

    Why? It is an extra expense. It is simply ridiculous that fans that go away to every away game don’t get second priority. Lots of people will buy a membership and buy ONE away ticket in a season, but won’t bother for any other game.

  2. 4 minutes ago, rammieib said:

    No issue for me. You know at the beginning of the season buying the membership gets you priority yet people moan every year when they announce the ticketing approach. Why? It’s very clear and if the membership raises 100k of revenue then perfectly fine by me.

    You go to away games ?

  3. 4 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    But when we tried to play the 'covid card' it was just an excuse?

    Difference between us and a few other clubs is their owners are continuing to fund their clubs, and are not, at the moment, placing their clubs in administration . As long as owners can support financially, under the current rules a lot are going to get P&S points deductions , but not the additional points for administration, in my opinion.  If the Bristol Ciyy chairman did what Mel did then they would be in a worse state than us, their chairman is in for £265M ?!? Blackburn and Stoke also spring to mind.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    My thread on the subject has been locked, so thought this thread better than starting a new one...

    How did things go, with regards to covid passes, and getting in?  Not seen any whinging, so assume all went smoothly?  Was there a hi-viz ring around the perimeter, or straight up to the turnstiles as normal?  Any delays, or missing kick off due to delays at the gates?  Did everyone arrive early just in case?

    I had to miss out due to hospital visiting, and watched from home, so just wondered what folks' experiences were, once they got to the ground?


    Just showed the covid pass(mine is on my phone) to the extra stewards in place, there was extra fencing in place where the checks were done. Once the pass was shown you were let through to the turnstiles .  

  5. One of the main sticking points is the post takeover potential for Boro and WW to continue their pursuit for damages. Until that is sorted nothing will be resolved. Liquidation may be the only way to guarantee they cannot continue, as a reformed club would not be liable. However, the reentry point to the football pyramid would also be a critical negotiation point with the football authorities.

  6. 4 hours ago, Kathcairns said:

    Thanks, but dont take my phone to the match, im not one of those people where it is stuck to their hand? if dont get in with the paper one will be getting in touch with my mp. They have got to realise some older people don't do technology.

    If you cannot use a digital pass or cannot download and print it, you can ask for a letter.



  7. 14 hours ago, Kingpin said:

    Or just buy a membership to guarantee a ticket?

    This loophole was closed a few years ago to stop people who did not go to away games doing exactly this. It is now away members first but must have been to X away games already, then non members based on numbers of away games.

    I used to know people who bought an away membership and did Forest as their only away game of the season.



  8. 16 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    So if we want to sign someone from another clubs junior ranks we can’t because we would have to pay a fee because they came through an academy?

    If a fee is required whatever it is , not until the end of this season.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    Any one know if the EFL? rules would allow us to sign pre-contract agreements with players available next summer?

    As best I can understand the strict budget controls end at the end of this season so if an “agreement to sign” did not increase the cost before then it would be ok?

    If so I think this would give something to go for in January assuming take over etc…

    As long as we do not pay any fees or compensation , we can sign pre agreements, and as long as we do pay over the total club wage bill limit, to avoid another -3 points this season, yes.

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