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inter politics

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  1. COYR
    inter politics reacted to hydraulic ram in Birmingham City (H) Matchday Thread   
    Not had the best of times the past couple of weeks and it's meant I've not had the heart to come on the forum for a proper read, or even listen to the Forest match. But today I decided to crank up the Ramsplayer app and forget the other stuff.
     I cant say the first half helped, (apart from hearing the crowd chanting a few choice words for the EFL ? ), and yes I know, we only drew. But my Lord, the last quarter of the match had me buzzing. I just felt we were listening to team that wanted to fight and the last 10 minutes were a real lift.  
    Duck the EFL and all the other negative poo in the world - my team don't give in!
  2. COYR
    inter politics reacted to TomBustler1884 in Birmingham City (H) Matchday Thread   
    From first to last, that was emotional. From coming down Irongate and hearing the chants, seeing the flags, smoke and sheer number of people. Walking as one through OUR city, the onlookers shocked, smiling, proud, applauding, BEWILDERED. Booming through Cokc Pitt Island, then understanding the scale of the march as we crested the Pride Park flyover and looked forwards and back. 12,000 Derbeians from all backgrounds, a moment never to be forgotten.
    Then getting to Pride Park, heading into the tightly packed concourse, and out to the seat. The swell of noise as 29000 Rams roared their support. It all got a bit dusty as Jamie bellowed our anthem, spontaneous applause, all 4 corners of the ground united as one. The flags, the scarves, the banners, bleeding black and white.
    Good of the lads to give us an hour for a breather before taking us back to the raucous highs of earlier to snatch a draw on this day of days. Home to scour the socials and catch a breath.
    I'll never forget this one, I'm more devoted than ever. We're Derby County, we'll fight to the end.
  3. Like
    inter politics reacted to Charlie George in Birmingham City (H) Matchday Thread   
    Yeah he was there. Sat in West Stand with Jonno.
    Spoke to him and thanked him for his efforts for Derby County. His reply,was thanks,it means alot and this is our club.
  4. COYR
    inter politics reacted to RoyMac5 in Birmingham City (H) Matchday Thread   
  5. Clap
    inter politics reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    I won't attempt to speak on behalf of Derby fans, only myself and politely request to be excluded from this apology. 
    Boro and Wycombe are owed nothing, no apology and not a penny. 
  6. COYR
    inter politics got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    Good news if true about no more player exits..come on Derby, let's do this!
  7. Like
    inter politics got a reaction from Indyram in The Administration Thread   
    Good news if true about no more player exits..come on Derby, let's do this!
  8. COYR
    inter politics got a reaction from Sly in The Administration Thread   
    Good news if true about no more player exits..come on Derby, let's do this!
  9. Like
    inter politics got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Good news if true about no more player exits..come on Derby, let's do this!
  10. COYR
    inter politics reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    "I've just come off the phone with them (administrators) five mins ago. Where we are at, there is no big update I can give you.
    There will be no players leaving.
    They have reassured me Tom Lawrence will not be going and that is pleasing because he is a player I want to keep.
    Everton approached my agent and asked me to interview for the vacant job which I turned down. I have a job here I am doing, which is an important job to me and that means me getting the team ready for Sunday."
  11. Clap
    inter politics reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    So Gibson wants the world to see he was right and be able to never shut up about "systemically cheating for years" because of his Mel Morris obsession more than he actually wants money (but he does want some money, "only" in the single millions).
    Go have dinner with Mel and ask him to appologise if that's your beef but duck right off with you're I'm the good guy in this pish.
  12. Clap
    inter politics reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Festy Ebosele   
    This is amazing
  13. Clap
    inter politics reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly. Apologise to all 72 clubs, amend the rules to make them clearer with what amortisation method they wish clubs to use going forward. That's it.
    It's ok putting out a 10pm statement saying they have no vendetta, but when they are forcing the club to rewrite its accounts for previous seasons, is it any wonder we feel a little aggrieved by.
    What really gets my goat is, Gibson initially kicked off about the stadium sale, meanwhile the Forest owner down the road is moving players/money between his 2 clubs, season after season and no other owner has questioned who sets the valuations?
    The fans of that club have the balls to laugh and call us cheats. For what exactly? I bet not one of them can clearly state what it is Derby have done wrong, they will mumble their way through a stadium how much, dodgy accounts line.
    They belong down Hooters where all the other tits are on show.
    Oh, back to Gibson, the guy who sold the clubs tax losses, how he can even think about even lifting his finger to point at other clubs is beyond me.
    Anyway, sorry I quoted you in all this, every so often I just have to write it all down in the hope that someone, just one person looks at this and says, you know what, that's a bit dodgy what they are doing to Derby.
  14. COYR
    inter politics reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
  15. Clap
    inter politics reacted to angieram in Wayne Rooney   
  16. Clap
    inter politics reacted to maxjam in Urgent Question on DCFC in Parliament   
  17. Clap
    inter politics reacted to maxjam in Urgent Question on DCFC in Parliament   
  18. COYR
    inter politics reacted to Topram in The Administration Thread   
    They’ll take our points they’ll take our players they’ll try take our club but they won’t take our pride or spirit 
  19. Clap
    inter politics reacted to Heisenberg in Patrick Roberts - Gone to Troyes on loan   
    The oracle has spoken! ??
  20. Like
    inter politics got a reaction from DCFC1388 in Patrick Roberts - Gone to Troyes on loan   
    Often the issue with creative players at this level, very inconsistent. The more consistent ones obviously end up in the top leagues sooner rather than later.
  21. Like
    inter politics got a reaction from bimmerman in Christopher Hugh Martin Fan Club   
    Shame but best of luck Chrissy.
  22. Clap
    inter politics got a reaction from Anon in Neil Warnock is a National Treasure   
    Just like he was winding up his physio at Chelsea..
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