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Gerry Daly

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Posts posted by Gerry Daly

  1. 52 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

    72 points over season, safe in mid table during a traumatic rebuild. Reckon he's safe. DC is hopefully looking longer term than just a few games.

    What ‘rebuild’. All of our signings, Wilson and to some extent Ward apart, have been old players on short term contracts. That’s to go with all the other old  players we already had on short term contracts. A rebuild would be about bringing in players for the future and setting the foundations for a team like Arthur Cox did. This is about trying to get promotion and then there will need to be the mother of all rebuilds


  2. 14 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    With an expensive Cat.1 Academy. Which will stand little chance of holding on to any real talent nor getting decent money for them?

    As we are in league 1, there will never be a better time to build a team based on academy graduates and young players recruited from other academies and so on. Much easier than trying to bring a young player into a premier league team. They have to be really exceptional to make the jump. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Nuwtfly said:

    Interesting points!

    I must say though I’m not sure I see the point in this thread as not only is Warne still very much our manager but I get the impression there is absolutely no chance Clowes will be parting with him

    Well the point of the thread is simply to see what people think, speculation is interesting. What I would say though is I don't think you have any evidence whatsoever for your impression as far as I can see. We have absolutely no idea what DC is going to do. Has he come out and said something supportive? No. I think if I was him and intended to see this purely as a rough patch and that we are in it for the long haul with Warne I would be inclined to say something. He will know the level of feeling, and it could probably do with dampening down. 

    I don't recall many managers and teams are Derby getting booed actually during the match, let alone at half time/full time. In fact the only time I really remember it happening was Phil Brown and Stern John. I can remember boos breaking out after yet another inept sideways pass from Stephen Pearson that went straight into touch as well. It may have happened during Nigel Pearson's tenure I can't remember. But nor many other times and when it does happen the manager is in big, big trouble  

  4. 11 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

    Chris Wilder would be the obvious one as he's style would suit the squad Paul Warne has assembled. 

    Darren Moore would just be more of the same so I can't see the point in that. 


    Several people have said similar - that Warne has assembled some sort of a route 1 squad, or a squad suited to pressing and 3 at the back etc. I disagree. He has assembled an old squad by adding predominantly old players to a squad that was already old. I think our squad is better suited to playing a slower possession game - and certainly 4 at the back. I don't particularly fancy Darren Moore either. I think a short term appointment to get us organised and sort this mess out, somebody experienced. Dare I say Neil Warnock? I bet he would absolutely love to have one last stand at Derby      

  5. I'll start with the possibility of Darren Moore seeing as he was at the game. Would he be an improvement? Well, in his favour he has managed a team in our division to promotion. Also though, and very much unlike Warne, he has managed two clubs of very similar size and stature to Derby in West Brom and Sheffield Wednesday. Out of work at the moment and no doubt would jump at the chance. Why was he at the game as well?  

  6. No it doesn’t take time. Or at least it doesn’t take loads of time. He has been here a year. Arthur Cox inherited at least as bad a situation playing staff wise. In my opinion we were much weaker in 1984 than we were when Warne was appointed. Within one season Cox had us motoring. And in 4 seasons we finished 5th in the old first division. From a slightly higher start point Jim Smith made rapid progress. With very little money so did George Burley. This chump has made no progress whatsoever in fact we have deteriorated. Clowes has seen the same stuff I have seen so he knows what can be done and what reasonable progress looks like and what timeframes it can be expected

  7. So do I but I remember thinking at the time how decisive and even ruthless Clowes was to get rid of Rosenior and appoint Warne. I think Clowes is very reasonable man and he doesn't come over as prone to knee jerk reactions but I suspect he won't be as slow to pull the trigger as many seem to think

  8. 42 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Curtis Davies last year was a player who's legs had gone.  You could see he still had the mental side of it, he could still read the game, sense danger, organise players around him etc, he just struggled to react quickly enough to it at times.  Sonny Bradley seems to have none of that.  He doesn't seem to read the game at all, attackers wander off him, he lets them go, they get the ball and we're in massive trouble.  Rinse and repeat.

    The big difference between Bradley and Davies is that in his prime Davies was a top class, premiership defender

  9. 22 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    Tbh, I’m more concerned with Cashin. Positionally all over the place and opposition players are targeting his lack of pace. I think this stretches Bradley’s defence work. Mix this with our midfield not gelling and I think he’s just a bit exposed whilst learning about the players around him. 

    I’m not one for showing my starting 11’s or completely ripping up the tactics board, but id Fozzy back into a back three or as two cbs for a couple of games. If we stuck with 352 id have Smith and Thompson sitting and take your pick from Bird, Hourihane or Sibley in the more attacking role. Smith covers the defence, Thompson breaks up play.

    Cashin needs to go back in the middle of a back 4. This guy Bradley? A dud, no doubt about it

  10. 6 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Reading between the lines our budget has already been consumed on our existing squad and we aren't going to get any players in better than the ones we already have with the pittance we have left in the kitty. 

    Or unless we sell someone

  11. I was surprised he made no changes for the Burton game but part of me understood that he was saying you were my first choice 11 last week, I believed in you then now go out and get me a result. We have two very winnable home games now, obviously the second one is easier on paper than the first. Win them and we have 9 points from the first 4 games and everything is looking good again particularly as we must surely have some reinforcements coming in. What will completely spoil it for me is if Bird goes. Let’s hope not

  12. 42 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    We definitely could have targeted more younger players. Here's a list of players from our main promotion rivals meeting, who (a) didn't cost a transfer fee (ie. free or loan), (b) are under 30, and (c) have been used in the league already this season:

    Barnsley - Liam Roberts (28, GK), Kacper Lopata (21, CB) Kyran Lofthouse (22, RB), Andy Dallas (24, CF)

    Blackpool - Matthew Pennington (28, CB), Albie Morgan (23, CM)

    Bolton - Nathan Baxter (24, GK), Joel Coleman (27, GK), Josh Dacres-Cogley (27, RB), Paris Maghoma (22, CM)

    Charlton - Lloyd Jones (27, CB), Panutche Camara (26, CM)

    Oxford - James Beadle (19, GK), Jordan Thorniley (26, CB), Fin Stevens (19, RB), Stanley Mills (19, RW), Rúben Rodrigues (27, CF), Mark Harris (24, CF)

    Peterborough - Romoney Crichlow (24, CB), Peter Kioso (23, RB)

    Portsmouth - Will Norris (29, GK), Conor Shaughnessy (27, CB), Regan Poole (25, CB), Jack Sparkes (22, LB), Ben Stevenson (26, CM), Alex Robertson (20, CM), Gavin Whyte (27, RW), Abu Kamara (20, CF)

    Reading - Tyler Bindon (18, CB), Tivonge Rushesha (21, CM), Lewis Wing (28, CM), Harvey Knibbs (24, CF)

    Wigan - Liam Morrison (20, CB), Kell Watts (23, CB), Sean Clare (26, RB), Matt Smith (22, CM), Jonny Smith (26, RW)

    Wycombe - Kane Vincent-Young (27, RB), Harry Boyes (21, LB), Freddie Potts (20, CM), Kian Breckin (19, CM), Dale Taylor (19, CF)


    Matt Pennington and Lloyd Jones would were my top 2 CB picks who didn't end up in the Championship, Jack Sparkes my top LWB pick. Harvey Knibbs in an AM role. Aaron Pressley and Tyler Walker (at sides lower in the table) were also my top 2 CF targets, etc..

    Its horrifying when you read that. What on earth have we been playing at

  13. 2 hours ago, LondonRam2 said:

    hi all

    What most concerns me about PW is his inability to just shut up when necessary.  Rambling interview answers, accidental revelations of what should be confidential and kept within the squad - he does seem to be verbally incontinent TBH and this needs to change.

    In your workplace, if your boss (who after all is responsible for your career) wanted you plaster your cubicle with photos of your family and asked inappropriate questions about them all the time, how long would it be before you reported that boss to HR?  Players are entitled, as professionals in the public eye, to a private life and to confidentiality.  Some of the stuff he says on the radio makes even me squirm, so I wonder how some players must feel?

    At what point does concern for his employees well-being morph into just David Brent-isms?  I wonder if we have now passed Peak Warne?  A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.  A footballer who has read a few Psychology books is also a dangerous thing.  This, remember, is a profession in which Roy Hodgson is regarded as a high level intellectual and Eric Cantona is apparently a philosopher by virtue of having a French accent and talking b******s.

    I'm not accusing PW of any malice at all, but I do accuse him of naivety in the extreme.  There is a reason why most managers choose their words carefully in interviews.  Also, an apparent lack of verbal and cognitive discipline in public makes one wonder if he isn't actually similarly disorganised in other respects and relying on his staff to make the difficult calls behind the scenes.  Note also the "election" of the team captain, which is actually a complete abdication of his own responsibility to decide who has the necessary leadership qualities to wear the armband, accept the responsibility for that choice, and appoint the right player.  A football team is not a democracy.  

    PW is very typical of the modern zeitgeist, in which everyone is all nicey-nicey on the surface, but underneath lurks a refusal to (a) grow up and accept the passing of time, (b) accept adulthood and the burdens and tough decisions that go with it and (c) accept that we can't be all things to all people all the time.

    At this club, bobble hats and bull***t will only take you so far.  He has adjusted badly to being at a larger club with much more press and public scrutiny, and the signs are that it's gone to his head.  Time to cut the c**p and focus on delivery IMO.

    "Popularity is a crime from the moment that it is SOUGHT".  No employer can ever keep everyone completely happy all the time, it just isn't possible, especially when you have 22 players competing for 11 starting places.  Gaining respect is more important to a manager than cultivating popularity, and respect lasts longer than popularity too.  In seeking popularity, my thesis is that PW has actually lost the respect of many people, hence the flat performances.  And a desire to be universally popular is nothing more than the manifestation of his own inner insecurity, and if he is to address that properly then he needs to take a sabbatical.  Failing that, just rig him up to a machine that delivers an electric shock if any answer to a question goes on longer than 30 seconds.  A few days of that should do it LOL.

    If PW lived up to his own hype, we should see (a) a team greater than the sum of the parts, (b) in an appropriate formation, (c) busting a gut for the manager and the club.  So what happened?  Last seasons' tropes are already evident again this season - lack of imagination, fragile under pressure, losing games in the last 15 minutes, wrong formation for the strengths of the available players etc etc.

    Warne lovers, by all means disagree or tell me I'm wrong.  However, when he was appointed we were 7th and we finished...7th.  Not a disaster, but not earth-shattering either.  

    That’s an amazing post, thank you. Particularly liked what you had to say about Roy Hodgson and Eric Cantona. So true. Also ‘at this club bobble hats and b*****t will only take you so far. 

  14. Thats really interesting, thanks for going to the trouble of doing it GOC. So a consistent and fairly sharp downward trend for Warne over 20 odd games or so. We should be getting better not worse. Thats the sort of metrics I would be looking at as the owner of the club or as the board of directors. Thats the sort of thing business people understand, they don't need to know how to set up a team etc. He's in trouble if he doesn't turn it round soon. Lose to Burton and see what mood the crowd is in next Tuesday night  

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