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Gerry Daly

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Posts posted by Gerry Daly

  1. 21 minutes ago, Terry Hennessy said:

    "And why would he sign up for a pay as you play..."

    It would get his career back on track. I'll give you an example. At the age of 62 I found myself unemployed. I had some years previously been a Recruitment Consultant. Surprise surprise nobody wanted to employ me. I joined a company on just that basis. Make a placement...get commission. I had no basic pay. I became the biggest earner in that company until I retired some years later....the same could work for him if he could prove his fitness...


    We have wasted enough time and money on him. If you can remember Terry Hennessey you can also remember John Chiedozie 

  2. 11 hours ago, Sidd10 said:

    Play off hopefuls both in for him but he wouldn’t be good enough for us? 

    I think this is his agent feeding stuff to journalists to try to position him in the market and drum up interest. I will be very annoyed if we go back yet again to Sheffield Wednesday for one of their cast offs. I hope and believe we have younger, more left field, more imaginative targets now

  3. Yes. Lets not forget we have got out of league 1 in double quick time. We could very easily have been doing a Bolton and spending a couple more seasons in it. We are a big club, eventually we will rise but we need to build some foundations for a while. I think we are in for a GSE type period of incremental improvement for a couple of seasons. But there will come a point if we are managed carefully that we become a plum opportunity for an investor   

  4. 12 hours ago, ilkleyram said:

    Misremembering I think! It was over on the B stand side of the pitch in the Normanton end half of the BBG

    You are right. I don't think he was clattered by Smith either, just fell awkwardly. Anyway, that was a long time ago now and not very relevant to transfer rumours! Now we are in June and contracts are finishing and people are coming back from holidays we should start hearing things soon

  5. Surely we must have offered Sibley a much reduced contract or he wouldn't be considering going to Rotherham(if that's actually true of course) There is no way Rotherham will be offering anything like what he was on here - whatever that was. They are a very small club that's just been relegated to league 1    

  6. 46 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    From what i can recall, Charlie went up for a header with Stoke captain Alan Bloor and fell awkwardly on what was a very hard pitch (it was a freezing cold night). I don't remember anything controversial about the challenge, just the usual robust aerial challenge that was common in those days. Others may remember more detail than me though. Stoke were actually more of a footballing side in those days, with the likes of Alan Hudson, Jimmy Greenhoff and Geoff Salmons playing for them. Pulis' team were a different beast altogether.

    Yes, I think he dislocated his shoulder. Stoke weren't a dirty side in those days, just a normal robust 70's outfit. They were a pretty good team actually, not far short of us. Denis Smith was a tough player. I always fancied Mike Pejic as a player and Alan Hudson would have got into our side no doubt about it, brilliant player 

  7. 12 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    I wish Sibley all the best, but surprised it’s Rotherham under Steve Evans. 

    He was such a special, special talent. The best I’ve seen in a Derby shirt at academy level and it will be rough to see him leave because I always thought he’d put it all together, maybe he will away from Derby, I really hope he does anyway. 

    If we have offered him reduced terms, which I imagine we have, then we aren’t due any compensation either. It’s obviously not what I would’ve done in Warne/Clowes’ position. I’d have made sure the contract was signed a long time ago, but nothing I can do about it so I’ll try and not worry and just hope the club know what they’re doing. 

    Was he ever a more special talent than Tom Huddlestone, Will Hughes or Giles Barnes? I don't think so personally. 

  8. Hopefully there will be some rumours on this thread eventually. I think Warne and a lot of other managers and players are on their holidays so we won't hear much for a couple of weeks

  9. 1 minute ago, angieram said:

    Who did that "shrewd recruiting"? 

    Because GSE were very hands-off, who was scouting and signing those players? 

    Clough. He spent our money very wisely and very carefully. He was a great manager for us and it was such a shame how he was treated. If he had been allowed to continue and given the backing Mclaren was we would not be in the position we are now

  10. Yes of course but my point was that the Brighton's in particular try to get the players before they can be developed and sold on for good fees then loan them out. Anyway, even so its still possible to join the party by building a team that has a mixture of players but in particular some good loans. Having done that though you are faced with the problem of recruiting most of a new team that can then survive in the Premiership. Its harder to stay there than get there.   

  11. 7 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    And you could say that the closest we came was by doing it the right way.  We built slow and steady under GSE and let Clough build a team - OK, partly their own doing in their first 2 windows.  Sometimes you need to move slowly to move quickly.  I think it’s better to have steady, focused and controlled growth than trying to throw money at it and hope for quick results.

    I agree except for the fact that in recent years we have seen the emergence of recruitment departments at all of the bigger clubs using IT to keep tabs on all emerging talent anywhere and looking to hoover it up. So clubs that develop slowly are always at risk of 1 step forward two steps back

  12. 1 hour ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    He’s been pretty open on mental health struggles. A lot of his recent career has been down to lack of confidence and also managers not playing to his strengths. Manning was the wrong manager for him, Buckingham plays to his strengths. Warne’s tactics would be perfect for him and I think he’d thrive here.

    Hes still a serious player, the play off final proved that. Oxford need to do everything possible to keep him as i really think he’ll do well in the championship next season. I would be very happy if we signed him.

    But if Warne wants to play with wing backs why would we want another winger when we have NML, CBT and Barkhuizen?  

  13. There are still quite a few who seem to be blinkered about Sibley. He's not a patch on Bird and Knight, nowhere near. To say he will go to a top Championship or even more laughably a Premiership club is crazy. He needs to go to a league 1 or league 2 club, play week in week out and prove himself. I think he will sign a new contract here anyway and carry on being squad player

  14. 17 hours ago, The Key Club King said:

    It does worry me looking at the table about who we can compete with financially. There are some very well-funded teams just hanging around lower mid-table.

    It is obviously up to Clowes what he choses to put in to the club - he has earned the right to pretty much do as he wants really. The last time we were in the bottom 6 or 8 in terms of budget is when GSE and Clough were in charge and that ended in protests as they were "only" covering £2 or £3 million pounds of losses each year. 

    I think there are some key differences between now and the GSE era

    1. We had not just come back from near oblivion and having been punished by the EFL with relegation which we then overturned in two seasons. There is a huge level of good will right now

    2. We all know David Clowes is not a billionaire, unlike several of the GSE funders so nobody expects him to lose a big chunk of his family fortune gambling on us

    3. Clowes has made it clear that he is here, and reluctantly because there was no alternative, to stabilise the club and run it sustainably. There is no sense whatsoever of him wanting to get us to the premier league as soon as possible. GSE on the other hand clearly thought that if they chucked some money at it they could get us back into the prem and make a killing. When that didn't work they hauled up the draw bridge and went for a long term option, always with an eye on selling and getting their money back 

  15. 1 hour ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Thogden gets a lot of s*** but thought that was a really good blog that he did. 

    He gets it from idiots who do nothing, produce nothing. He gets off his a**e and does his blog that loads of kids watch. He's young enough to see plenty more ups and downs anyway 

  16. 2 minutes ago, MadAmster said:

    Les Green was 5'8"

    I think this Thompson lad is taller than both Les Green and Colin Boulton. But keepers were shorter in those days. To me he looks similar in stature to Lee Camp who was a good championship level keeper

  17. 8 minutes ago, Shuff264 said:

    I think he could have offered us something if we were still in League 1, but the Championship is probably too big a step

    He's at the age where he will improve rapidly as the full man's strength kicks in. I bet he plays a few games for us next year and then  really kicks on the following season

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