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Posts posted by Malagaram

  1. 21 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Even though we all knew relegation was almost likely happening it's still absolutely gutting to see us finally fall through the trap door. It's so hard to stomach, hope Mel is feeling an extra dose of shame tonight the useless ****. If we'd just won a couple more games away then we'd have been able to do it I think but it wasn't to be. We'll mourn today and start the re-build on monday for what will be a tough division 3 campaign. 

    Division 3 !!!!!???????

  2. 6 minutes ago, Black ('n' White) Sheep said:

    Can only look forward now...

    Let's get the takeover done and let WR offer contracts to the players he wants to stick around.

    Let's give some game time to any more promising youngsters that could break through next season.

    And there are a lot,lot more bad things happening in this world than Derby County F C being demoted to Div 1,looking forward already to tearing up league 1

  3. 3 hours ago, sage said:

    With the spiralling cost of fuel and other essential items, particularly the cost of heating your home, it has been been reported that a further million people will be plunged into poverty over the next month, with half of them children. Many families will be faced will the awful choice of eating or heating.

    The UK average spend of food and drink is £40 a week. However many survive on a fraction of this. Therefore to shine a light on this, experience a little and raise some money, My lad and I will be living on £1 a day each on food and drink for a week, a total of £14 for the two of us.

    We are going to start this on Easter Monday (a kind of belated lent) and hopefully manage the full 7 days. Obviously this won't be easy but I won't pretend this is anything like suffering many people will be going through around the country.

    Almost 2 years ago, David and I launched a campaign on here to raise money for the Derby Mission Food Bank when many people were laid off due to Covid. I am looking to do the same again, with anyone who can afford it donating to the same cause. I am hoping we can raise £1000. I will be donating the difference in what I would normally spend on a supermarket shop for the two of us. 

    I will set up a specific DCFC Fans donate account and provide a link in the next couple of days.

    In the meantime, maybe posters could share experiences and ideas around this area. Many on here will be able to donate but many posters may also need help, so I hope we can come together and help each other.

    I will do a diary entry on here on how we manage, how we shop, what we eat and how we feel.


    Will donate

  4. 3 hours ago, David said:

    It's looking a bleak situation for them, can see the government letting them sell tickets and merchandise again but in a separate bank account that can in turn pay bills.

    They wouldn't stand by and watch them go out of business.

    I was thinking it's harsh by Barclays, although I guess this is a natural step in the process when assets are frozen.

    Heard on news tonight that our goverment will do everything in its power to stop Chelsea going out of business,but why hasnt the same goverment done anything to help Derby County F.C.

  5. On 27/02/2022 at 15:43, ketteringram said:

    Anybody think he's not mad enough to use it?

    The last time a similar situation to this arose,1944,Hitler was found with a bullet through his head in Berlin,whose to say a Russian Dictator will not be found like a rat in a sewer in Moscow,with the same ending as Hitler,there will come a time he will become so unpopular,this is how it will finish.

  6. 40 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

    Well do we wakeup tomorrow morning to the news that there is no longer a football league club in the city of Derby?

    Are we going out of existence without a whimper, due to the silence of what appears to be an incompetent administration team?

    Worst things are happening in the Ukraine.

  7. 6 hours ago, David said:

    The no politics rule was reactive, not proactive. Let's be clear about that.

    Reactive to the same small number of members that were arguing and reporting posts on a daily basis.

    I suspect the same small number of members will move from the Covid topic into the Russia/Ukraine topic.

    I'm all for having a topic, however on the understanding that there is an automatic 7 day post restriction put in place for the every insulting/abusive post towards another member on this forum.

    If you pick up 2x 7 day restrictions in under 60 days it moves to a 30 day restriction.

    You post in the topic fully understanding the consequences, and any questioning of moderation is done privately.

    We can have a warning above the topic to serve as a reminder.

    I don't like having restrictions on any topics that can be discussed, at the same time I hate having moderators spending their days trying to moderate squabbles outside of the main purpose of this forum.

    This forum was built as a response to the abusive atmosphere on the DET forum, our off topic section was a fun, light hearted distraction from the football.

    As the community has grown, things have changed, there is a demand for more serious subjects, I'm not against that, however I am adamant that this will not be a free for all to become abusive.

    Currently on holiday, will let the moderators who I haven't spoken to yet also sign off on this, as they are the ones who also have to run the forum.

    If the majority say yes on the above, a topic will be opened by a moderator. Until then, can I ask you to respect the rules currently in place. I will link this in the moderators room and group chat in the hope a decision can be made imminently....a lot sooner than 48hrs.

    I always thought that England was a country of free speech,seems I was wrong

  8. 9 hours ago, Cisse said:

    Keep following Sepän Viisari in Helsinki. They deal a lot of Rolexes and for a decent price. You have to be quick though. Submariners go really quick. Rolex prices have gone through the roof in recent years. I wonder how long this can continue.

    Thankyou,will add them to my watch list.

  9. 1 hour ago, DavesaRam said:

    It's brilliant when you are in  a game when the ball simply won't go in, neither will it fall to a Derby player when it breaks loose or bounces in the penalty area, and we still win!

    Yet another great performance, and apart from 10 minutes after Tom's red card when we went into shock and started playing too cautiously, we simply kept on going and going and going. It seems that Jason Knight's "Never Stop" attitude has rubbed off on the rest of the squad. I think Knighty was man of the match for me, because not only did he keep going non=stop till he was subbed, he affected the play really well. And he has built up a great understanding with Nathan Byrne, playing give-and-go into the corner 4 or 5 times in a row towards the end of the second half. Why Peterborough never picked up on it I don't know, and he got several crosses in as a result.

    The ref didn't do too badly today, or perhaps it is better to describe him as not as bad as the usual rubbish we get. But he missed some glaringly obvious fouls. Coulson's two-footed lunge at Ebosele a few minutes before the sending off was a straight red. The ref saw it and waved play on, booking the guy a few minutes later. Festy did the right thing, going straight up the wing and skinned him, with there only being one result. Peterborough were so out of touch that time wasting and fouling became a major tactic, so well done Festy. And there is a delicious irony - the ref booked a Peterborough player for time wasting way before time added on at the end, which is almost unheard of, but even after an entire season of the refs letting opposition players time waste for almost the entire 90 minutes, Derby ended up with more bookings for tie wasting than Peterborough! He also missed the forearm smash on Tom Lawrence, and must have been trained by Mike Dean (ask Beilik!), but Tom was stupid for taking things into his own hands. His foul could have resulted in a really nasty injury. Unlike Crooks, Coulson will remember the incident for quite some time.

    Once Tom went off Max Bird stepped up and took responsibility, driving the team forwards, and good old Louie Sibley. He made a big impact on the match, with a shot just wide within moments of him coming on, and was buzzing about all over the place. His willingness to run at the defence caused loads of problems, but I was sure his shot was going to drift wide, because it was that sort of match - as per my opening sentence, so to see the ball nestle into the inside netting was brilliant. And what a difference bringing him on into his best position. Who'd have thought that would work? !!!!! I can imagine, and hope, that he will get the next 3 games in the number 10 role. And apart from only being brought on with minutes to go and being played out of position almost every time, he hasn't really produced what he can do, apart from the few times he has actually been played in the middle. Rooney has actually said that he was holding Louie back from first team action in the same that he did with Max Bird last season. Well, let's see what he can do.

    And Mr Cashin - wow, what a debut! He looked like he was the seasoned pro bringing years of experience to a young side. More so than Thompson, nothing fazed him. He just dealt with everything with aplomb and didn't put a foot wrong. not even a misplaced pass! We've got an absolute jewel there!

    And the fans - apart from being shocked at Tom's red card for a few minutes, we were LOUD. I got home with cauliflower ears, like I'd been toa rock gig. And it was normal for the ground to be empty within 10 minutes of the final whistle. But not anymore. Walking outside the ground watching people wearing huge grins and singing their heads off is brilliant. It wasn't this good during Stevie Mac 1, and they were great times. I've been a Ram since the Brian Clough years, and this is the best time ever! THANK YOU, YOU RAMS!

    And wayne and the team.

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