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Posts posted by Malagaram

  1. 1 hour ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    You'll be in line behind Gibbo. He's dislocated multiple fingers typing furious emails to the EFL lambasting them for.... 

    -adding on 6 mins when the ref was briefed using footage of that ref in afcon

    - not using Var to disallow the goal

    - not sending Bielik off for dangerous play

    -not awarding a free kick to Birmingham when mengis hand was flagrantly shoved into the ball in the penalty area..... ?

    Time added on by Ref for blatant timewasting,their keeperwas booked for timewasting.

  2. 32 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    Unfortunately, as much as I’d love a few other clubs to get their comeuppance and go through the same poo we’re going through for exploiting loopholes (Boro and Forest I’m looking at you). I suspect that our debacle will prove to be the catalyst to the EFL getting their poo together.

    like it or not, Forest are almost as big a club as us. Imagine if, after all this, the EFL hasn’t learnt any lessons and Forest are in a similar position. That simply won’t be allowed to happen any more, I don’t think. 

    best we can hope for us the efl close the loophole, tell Forest they can’t do it anymore, and that hamstrings Forest enough that they spend the next decade in mid-table obscurity and the owner bails out. 

    We need Forest to beat Cardiff tomorrow.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Malty said:

    Given that many fans have bought season tickets and merchandise this year for a club that is continually being hamstrung by entities outside of their own control … is there scope for actually starting legal proceedings as a fan body again is the efl I wonder? 

    After all we are paying to see a team in a league  that purports to be a competition, but actually is clearly not a competition for Derby. How can we compete with a depleted squad and a 21 point deduction?

    Could Crowdfunding be arranged for an appeal for DCFC,I would certainly contribute and I am sure there would be thousands raised.

  4. 4 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    I beg to differ, This Popodopo fella has a following, He shoots his mouth off with numbers and "facts" which he clearly knows nothing about, Those with little knowledge of our circumstances start to agree with him, For the simple reason he comes across as very knowledgable when in reality he knows bugger all, Those that take the bait then tell their fellow mates down the pub, Who then tell their mates at work, Who then tell their family and the whole "football world hates us"

    Now there is those and there is a good few outside of PP that...not Maguire as he gets his education from this board, That understand where DCFC are at, We've accepted our punishment(reluctantly)Reading have accepted theirs, Now it's all those others that called us "CHEATS" turn to accept their punishment, Do I have sympathy for the ordinary fan...what is the ordinary fan?

    My sympathy lies with those honest enough to understand where DCFC is/was, And not with those simpletons who jumped on the DCFC bandwagon of cheating.

    Who is this Popodopo fella that is talked about,not their owner cause he is the man who owns Hargreaves Lansdowne,a big financial institution,please enlighten me

  5. With all the talk of yorkshire puddings reminds me of being a young teenager and living with my parents always on a sunday before the roast beef my mum used to make a large yorkshire pudding with herbs added before it was put in the oven,can remember sage and a sliced onion.It was always served as a starter with plenty of gravy,yummy.Does anyone else remember eating yorkshire puddings like this.My mother was raised in Dublin,but lived part of her early wedded life in Sheffield.

  6. On 14/12/2021 at 16:28, Malagaram said:

    Dont want to be a spoil sport but I can see the time coming when we will get a total shutdown on all sports where fans are attending and even all football,rugby,horse racing and any others where large masses are attending.

    Dont think it will be to bad for us,give time for DCFC to get its act together,maybe even cancel this season and hey ho we might still be a champiuonship team next year.

    See how many covid cancellations there are this Saturday

    19 matches gone for Saturday 18th,surely now is the time for the EFL to agree to a voluntary closure,and why are there only 32% of players who have had the antivirus injections

  7. On 14/12/2021 at 16:28, Malagaram said:

    Dont want to be a spoil sport but I can see the time coming when we will get a total shutdown on all sports where fans are attending and even all football,rugby,horse racing and any others where large masses are attending.

    Dont think it will be to bad for us,give time for DCFC to get its act together,maybe even cancel this season and hey ho we might still be a champiuonship team next year.

    See how many covid cancellations there are this Saturday

    Its Started,

    Leicester v Tottenham

    Chelsea v Everton

    Southampton v Brentford

    Watford v Palace

    West Ham v Norwich

    Everton Leicester

    Reading v Luton

    Millwall v Preston

    How many more by Saturday ?

  8. 15 hours ago, RAM1966 said:

    So where would we be with nobody vaxxed?  In another lockdown.  As other have said its about mitigating risk, Im on the train to Birmingham this morning (essential journey for work), young d*ckheads sitting together with masks around thier chins.  That's what the main cause of infection is.  Unless you are exempt, there is ZERO excuse for not wearing a mask.

    Passports do have an effect, it encourgaes some people to get a vaccine that may not have been bothered to do so....  I know people that can't be arsed, all of a sudden they can....

    Pleased you are not too badly infected by it, I too suffer from asthma, so its reassuring to know I will hopefully be not too bad ?

    Regarding those that have been jabbed not being too ill, I think this is as a result of a lower viral load.  This has a knock on effect, the lower the viral load, the lower the effects.

    Have a great Xmas....

    Well Spoken,and have good and safe Xmas

  9. Dont want to be a spoil sport but I can see the time coming when we will get a total shutdown on all sports where fans are attending and even all football,rugby,horse racing and any others where large masses are attending.

    Dont think it will be to bad for us,give time for DCFC to get its act together,maybe even cancel this season and hey ho we might still be a champiuonship team next year.

    See how many covid cancellations there are this Saturday

  10. 15 hours ago, RandomAccessMemory said:

    Exactly, the rule states the safety car will come in at the end of the following lap (which would have been the final lap) after the last lapped car goes past the leader, not about 5 seconds later at the end of the same lap!

    You’d be going in the wrong direction, the EFL are based in Preston ?

    You are right but there is an office in London

  11. 30 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    I try not to think of how RB and Verstappen would be right now if the boot was on the other foot. 

    Makes me think of flying to Abu Dhabi armed with bad intentions and a pitch fork. 

    You would be better driving down to London armed with your bad intentions and a pitch fork and taking it out on those tossers at EFL H ouse

  12. 4 hours ago, Malagaram said:

    A Royal Engineers Bomb Squad rushed to Bristol Royal Hospital to be presented with a patient with A World War 2 Anti Tank Missile stuck up his rectum,his excuse was I fell over and sat on it,I kid you not ,its a very strange world.

    The story was true,got the wrong hospital,should have wrote Gloucester,bet it made his eyes water.

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