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Ewe Ram

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  1. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Alph in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    I agree with you, usually those people have Newcastle shirts on too. 
    I would never go AI again. 
    Blokes racing to the pool bar as soon as the server appears to open it to buy the first watery lager of the day at 10am. 
    Same people horribly drunk at 3pm and doing running bombs into the pool
    People loading their plates like jenga and leaving it just because they can
    Overweight men in 3/4 trousers and manky feet in flip flops presenting their grumpy wives with rum and coke all day hoping to cheer them up 
    Enforced fun. Little lithe people with shirts saying ‘entertainment team’ forcing you to play games  
    anyway, it’s adults only for me now. Peace and a relaxed atmosphere is my thing  
  2. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Rev in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    This could have been me writing this. I had very same experience. Scoured the country to get a bath panel, which I did, but even though it was sold as a direct replacement, it was too big. Had to pay a man who had specific tools to modify it. Now my Karndean floor is no longer pristine, the plaster is chipped and I wished I hadn’t bothered! 
  3. Haha
    Ewe Ram reacted to i-Ram in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    So amusing, as many were from Newcastle, but Leeds and Liverpool residents gave them much competition. I loved the grumpy wife/rum and coke observation too.
    Regarding People loading their plates like jenga and leaving it just because they can. There was one classic example where a very attractive 25’ish women sat next to us, and all was good until she opened her mouth. Must have been Leeds I would think, but every 5th word was an expletive of some kind. Anyway despite having 2 knives and forks, and a desert fork/spoon, on the table, she returned from her first and only foray to the buffet with a horrendous plate of food. Salad, chips, spaghetti bolognese, beef bourguignon and various meats. All piled up like a plate of sick. And on top was a slice of pizza which I don’t know whether she selected to eat, or it was simply a make-do ledge on which she had put a slice of cake. She did eat quite a bit of it to be fair, and fortunately with her mouth closed. Small mercies.
  4. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from i-Ram in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    I agree with you, usually those people have Newcastle shirts on too. 
    I would never go AI again. 
    Blokes racing to the pool bar as soon as the server appears to open it to buy the first watery lager of the day at 10am. 
    Same people horribly drunk at 3pm and doing running bombs into the pool
    People loading their plates like jenga and leaving it just because they can
    Overweight men in 3/4 trousers and manky feet in flip flops presenting their grumpy wives with rum and coke all day hoping to cheer them up 
    Enforced fun. Little lithe people with shirts saying ‘entertainment team’ forcing you to play games  
    anyway, it’s adults only for me now. Peace and a relaxed atmosphere is my thing  
  5. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from 48 hours in Sexism at Pride Park   
    I saw the original tweet and barely thought it was worth getting a reaction. 
    the irony is that probably more young lads are there filming to try and get reels of ‘limbs’ 
  6. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to CBRammette in Sexism at Pride Park   
    Perhaps the title of thread could be changed to "Lack of sexism at PP". Been attending matches since 83/4 - never witnessed any sexist behaviour at any matches. All this from one idiot on twitter?
  7. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from SaffyRam in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  8. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from CBRammette in Hospitality   
    If he’d prefer a more informal thing then this is a good option. 
  9. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Hospitality   
    We do the Captains Club once a season. We go for a night match and it’s great. You get a buffet meal, free tea and coffee, a pudding buffet after the match, programme and a player (we had Shaun Barker). It includes a balcony seat under the scoreboard. There’s a pay bar. 
    not as good this season as before, only because there seemed to be a lot of people for the number of tables, there’s no reserved tables. 
  10. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from CBRammette in Hospitality   
    We do the Captains Club once a season. We go for a night match and it’s great. You get a buffet meal, free tea and coffee, a pudding buffet after the match, programme and a player (we had Shaun Barker). It includes a balcony seat under the scoreboard. There’s a pay bar. 
    not as good this season as before, only because there seemed to be a lot of people for the number of tables, there’s no reserved tables. 
  11. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from 48 hours in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    But these small, less developed players aren’t usually thrown into experienced teams, they’re carefully managed and slowly integrated. They grow older, fitter, more muscular etc. 
    women don’t do that, they aren’t biologically able to match men with their physique 
  12. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  13. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from CBRammette in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  14. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from S75 Ram in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  15. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Sufferingfool in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  16. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from sage in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  17. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from 48 hours in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    I’m female and I’ve got a sense of humour about these things. We’re not allowed to have a bit of banter? 
    I’m personally not a fan of shoe horning women into roles just because it’s expected not to discriminate. But she did well and deserved to be there. Can’t say the same for one or two linos I’ve seen, but I’ll leave that. 
    I’m really not keen on women commentators either, or interviewers. The good ones are very few and too many aren’t there on merit. (I get that this is subjective and just my opinion). 
    Don’t give anyone a job just to tick boxes, and I’m sticking to that. 
  18. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from i-Ram in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    I’m female and I’ve got a sense of humour about these things. We’re not allowed to have a bit of banter? 
    I’m personally not a fan of shoe horning women into roles just because it’s expected not to discriminate. But she did well and deserved to be there. Can’t say the same for one or two linos I’ve seen, but I’ll leave that. 
    I’m really not keen on women commentators either, or interviewers. The good ones are very few and too many aren’t there on merit. (I get that this is subjective and just my opinion). 
    Don’t give anyone a job just to tick boxes, and I’m sticking to that. 
  19. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from ramit in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    I’m female and I’ve got a sense of humour about these things. We’re not allowed to have a bit of banter? 
    I’m personally not a fan of shoe horning women into roles just because it’s expected not to discriminate. But she did well and deserved to be there. Can’t say the same for one or two linos I’ve seen, but I’ll leave that. 
    I’m really not keen on women commentators either, or interviewers. The good ones are very few and too many aren’t there on merit. (I get that this is subjective and just my opinion). 
    Don’t give anyone a job just to tick boxes, and I’m sticking to that. 
  20. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  21. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Crewton in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    But these small, less developed players aren’t usually thrown into experienced teams, they’re carefully managed and slowly integrated. They grow older, fitter, more muscular etc. 
    women don’t do that, they aren’t biologically able to match men with their physique 
  22. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from DavesaRam in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  23. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  24. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from SKRam in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    We’ll tell you when you’re funny. 
  25. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from SKRam in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    It doesn’t matter how much we might think it’s a great idea to be that inclusive, men and women are not physically able to be equal. Mentally yes, physically not at all. 
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