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Ewe Ram

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  1. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Norman in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    Question. Why do some of you have to be such dicks to other people who have a different opinion?
  2. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Malagaram in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Agree,agree a massive nobber and also a cnut
  3. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Gaspode in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    I'd be happy if they both disappeared up their own backsides and I never heard from either of them again....
  4. Haha
    Ewe Ram reacted to sage in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    I have heard similar tales of hotels in Turkey who have separate dining rooms for Russians and people from Nottingham.  
  5. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from SKRam in Football is done   
    I’m trying to tell myself that the pundits (why do we need 3 no marks?) have to justify their presence and keep talking about something, and that may be hard, but no excuse for ‘winning penalties’ and ‘he had every right to go down’. Don’t excuse cheating, don’t bring conning the ref into football as a new skill, it’s ruined the game already 
  6. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Football is done   
    I’m trying to tell myself that the pundits (why do we need 3 no marks?) have to justify their presence and keep talking about something, and that may be hard, but no excuse for ‘winning penalties’ and ‘he had every right to go down’. Don’t excuse cheating, don’t bring conning the ref into football as a new skill, it’s ruined the game already 
  7. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Football is done   
    I’m trying to tell myself that the pundits (why do we need 3 no marks?) have to justify their presence and keep talking about something, and that may be hard, but no excuse for ‘winning penalties’ and ‘he had every right to go down’. Don’t excuse cheating, don’t bring conning the ref into football as a new skill, it’s ruined the game already 
  8. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from angieram in Football is done   
    I’m trying to tell myself that the pundits (why do we need 3 no marks?) have to justify their presence and keep talking about something, and that may be hard, but no excuse for ‘winning penalties’ and ‘he had every right to go down’. Don’t excuse cheating, don’t bring conning the ref into football as a new skill, it’s ruined the game already 
  9. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Ellafella in Football is done   
    I’m trying to tell myself that the pundits (why do we need 3 no marks?) have to justify their presence and keep talking about something, and that may be hard, but no excuse for ‘winning penalties’ and ‘he had every right to go down’. Don’t excuse cheating, don’t bring conning the ref into football as a new skill, it’s ruined the game already 
  10. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Football is done   
    I’m trying to tell myself that the pundits (why do we need 3 no marks?) have to justify their presence and keep talking about something, and that may be hard, but no excuse for ‘winning penalties’ and ‘he had every right to go down’. Don’t excuse cheating, don’t bring conning the ref into football as a new skill, it’s ruined the game already 
  11. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Football is done   
    I’m trying to tell myself that the pundits (why do we need 3 no marks?) have to justify their presence and keep talking about something, and that may be hard, but no excuse for ‘winning penalties’ and ‘he had every right to go down’. Don’t excuse cheating, don’t bring conning the ref into football as a new skill, it’s ruined the game already 
  12. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to SuffolkRam in Football is done   
    A culture change is needed in football.  This talk of winning penalties, attackers being clever is ridiculous, when a player dives call it out for the cheating that is.  
    You think these ex-pros would take the same opinion if it happened against them when they played.  don’t think Cowley would have been that understanding if mcgoldrick had done that when we played them at fratton park!
    When it’s as obvious as it was last night it needs to be dealt with retrospectively.  Doesn’t help us but it should be punished.
  13. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Rammy03 in Football is done   
    Since when did contact automatically mean penalty? This is the problem with football at the moment. Too many penalties being given. Refs not punishing blatant cheating. It's pathetic. I hate to see it, if one of our players did it I'd say exactly the same. When we actually start booking players for diving, we will see it disappear from the game.
  14. COYR
    Ewe Ram reacted to SK47 in Football is done   
    On the way home and I'm absolutely livid. Firstly because we did everything right first half. We nullified them, kept a great shape, and we looked a level above them.
    2nd half we came out and let them dictate. We allowed them to walk through us at times, but the most irritating part of it all was how gun shy we were. Plymouth proved that if you shoot, you score, even if it takes a deflection. Countless times we had an opportunity to shoot first time but we took an unnecessary extra touch and squandered it.
    The free kick in the last couple minutes was us in a nutshell. You're 20 yards out, perfect position, yet we f***** about trying to be too clever and again, came to nothing.
    We need to sort that out because we're gifting too many points to teams solely off the back of our own naivety.
    I hate Plymouth, I hate the shitty accent, I hate their ugly mascot, I hate their inbred fans. Proper ruined my week.
  15. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Sparkle in Football is done   
    That word Simulation has no place in football - it’s cheating nothing else
  16. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Sparkle in Football is done   
    I can take losing it’s not that important but I hate cheats and they stay cheats for the rest of their lives - those sky panelist’s were a disgrace to football 
  17. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Loughborough Ram in Football is done   
    Watching SKY it's easy to see that football is eventually going to die. 
    Whatever her name is, Jamie Mackie and Cowley 1 or 2 discussing tonight's penalty, said its a hard one to call, justifying the player cheating by saying White stuck his leg out so minimal if any contact was enough to dive, and praising the ref for giving a positive decision.
    THE GAME IS DYING, and this mealy mouthed approval is just helping it on his way.
    The Plymouth guy dived, they beat us because they cheated and that is apparently OK. We'll it isn't ok with me, you make your own minds up
  18. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to G STAR RAM in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    Jamie Mackie basically admitting he cheated before concluding it was the correct decision tells me all I need to know about what has happened to the once beautiful game.
  19. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Leeds Ram in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    Didn't deserve to lose that. We controlled the second half until they broke through White and got a spawny goal. Then their tales are up and the ref falls for a dive. White shouldn't have had his leg dangling, but still, it's NEVER a penalty. I was worried at halftime that at times the pressing in midfield left the back 4 overly isolated. White cannot play that role and should only play as a playmaker in a midfield 3 i.e., the hourihane role. Not only did the first goal come from White getting done too easily, Roberts just didn't track back quick enough meaning the defence got too narrow leading to the space on that side. 
    I must admit my patience has snapped with these officials. When that penalty was given I almost accidentally threw the remote through the tv and I still can't understand how it was given. It feels like every week they fu** up to a game-changing degree now and has cost us 4 points this week really. I think the club should look into making a formal complaint to the league (as forest has done over var decisions) because it's getting borderline ridiculous at this point. 

    On a final note, I don't fancy Plymouth for autos. I think they'll lose at Barnsley and be overhauled by them or Ipswich. They weren't that impressive tonight and didn't look as good as Barnsley the other week. Hope just for that shocking dive they stay down. 
  20. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Those who are under 55 may be happy to know they have decommissioned the automatic invitations to the unpleasant colonoscopies. 
    They are very good as a tool for early detection, but ultimately too expensive I suppose. 
    Everyone will now only get the stool tests through the post, but every 2 years. 
    Gentlemen, never ignore anything that’s happening out of the ordinary, we may give you a hard time but we love you really and want you to be around as long as possible. 
  21. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Those who are under 55 may be happy to know they have decommissioned the automatic invitations to the unpleasant colonoscopies. 
    They are very good as a tool for early detection, but ultimately too expensive I suppose. 
    Everyone will now only get the stool tests through the post, but every 2 years. 
    Gentlemen, never ignore anything that’s happening out of the ordinary, we may give you a hard time but we love you really and want you to be around as long as possible. 
  22. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from jono in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Those who are under 55 may be happy to know they have decommissioned the automatic invitations to the unpleasant colonoscopies. 
    They are very good as a tool for early detection, but ultimately too expensive I suppose. 
    Everyone will now only get the stool tests through the post, but every 2 years. 
    Gentlemen, never ignore anything that’s happening out of the ordinary, we may give you a hard time but we love you really and want you to be around as long as possible. 
  23. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to SirBrian in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Having had bowl and prostrate scares and having the camera checks every year for 3 years cut down to every 2 years now not at all, just a blood test every 12 months for the prostrate, and told to monitor myself if i see any sign of blood contact the Doctor. They took a polop which was growing inside of me over 4cm long, you have no idea they are growing inside your body for there is no pain.
    Check your pee any sign of blood however slight contact your doctor.
    Check your poo any sign of blood however slight contact your doctor.
  24. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to David Graham Brown in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Last September I was playing football with my grandson,and hurt my knee. I didn’t bother the doctors because the knee gradually returned to near normal, but still quite painful at times. It was such a time I winced, and my wife “advised “ me to see the doctor,which I duly attended, knee examination, all OK, I asked for a PSA (having seen the information at Pride Park) check which he duly gave me the paperwork. The test came back 7.1, I’m over 70 so 6.5 is regarded as normal. I was dispatched to the Derby Royal, had the anal examination, ( for the first time) small lump found. In five weeks I’ve had a MRI scan,my prostrate biopsy done, and a QT scan,and I’m now on a hormone treatment plan. It appears they’ve caught the tumour early, and the prognosis is good, they say it will be eliminated. You do lose your dignity at times, but not going through that door and having the exam you could lose a lot more.
    A shout out to the doctors and nurses at the Derby Royal, they have been absolutely terrific, informative, and very understanding, and caring.
  25. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from i-Ram in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    I can beat that. You know those lovely displays of fruit they make in the dining room where they carve melons and things then put slices of fruit on platters? Well, I witnessed one family take the whole intricately carved melon! 
    Also sticks in my memory, a little tubby guy who headed to the lift every morning after breakfast with fists full of sausages, no plate or napkin, just sausages. God knows what or who he had in his room! 
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