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Comrade 86

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Everything posted by Comrade 86

  1. Bit unfair. You have to actually show up the first place, if you're going to leave early.
  2. We've only lost 4 of our last 22 in the league, so I'm not sure why we should expect to lose 3 of our next 10.
  3. Arsenal hitting 80% possession stats here, away from home 😂 They actually look better than Citeh and Liverpool.
  4. Never seen fans leave this early. Lots of them too, not just the odd one 😂
  5. I think Galloway's by-election win should be viewed for what it is; a protest vote and a very clear hint to both Labour and Tory parties that people are furious over our dereliction of duty as a civilised nation in respect of the Gazan war and specifically, our continued veto of any attempt to call a lasting ceasefire. And that's before we even address the bombing runs undertaken against Yemeni targets in our name in response to Houthi attacks on our shipping lanes that we've brought upon ourselves with our open support of the Israeli war crimes. There are over 30,000 dead Palestinians (the vast majority pf them women and children) with in excess of 10,000 lying dead and rotting, buried in the rubble that was once their homes. Add to that over 2 million injured and displaced Palestinians now slowly starving, or dying through disease in S. Gaza. Nobody wants to see reprisals against ordinary Israeli civilians, but I'm afraid that right now, the urgent humanitarian crisis lies further afield than good Old Blighty and in the grand scheme of clusterfucks, the appointment of Galloway to the commons is but a mosquito on an elephant's arse.
  6. How is his position still tenable? F1 seems to be trying to shoot itself in both feet right now. Suleyman the latest to be investigated. Quite how he was deemed the best guy available to head up the FIA, lord knows. Perhaps the lure of petrodollars was too much to resist?
  7. Was amazed to see how many turned their noses up at him as a prospect. My only concern was whether we could afford him! Not a long term option, clearly, but right here, right now he's gold dust. Fingers crossed he continues in the same vein as he's begun. Him and Collo in a two upfront would be a thing to see.
  8. Not sure Mason Bennett's career arc really emphasises your point, Stive! 😂
  9. Hopefully that earns him some more significant gametime. He's a prospect alright, though I think it'll be after the next pre-season that we see him in and around the senior matchday squads. He's only recently turned 18 and if he continues to work hard, he really ought to have a good career in the men's game ahead of him, with a little luck, beginning with us in the Championship next season.
  10. Thank you for pointing out that Hamas also kill people and that killing people is bad. May I respond by saying that I agree entirely and that the IDF should therefore desist immediately, or be hauled to the Hague to answer for their war crimes? I'm more than happy to see the Hamas commanders suffer the same fate if my solution seems inequitable.
  11. A hearty 'yes' to the flag idea and obviously more than happy to chip in. As for the content, I think less is more for these things. My suggestion would be just go with 'B4', or perhaps something that honours him, like the 'BE MORE B4' tag which commemorates both Daniel and his outlook on life. That said, anything that would elicit a smile or a chuckle from all who remember him so fondly, would be lovely. I'd like to think B4 would bloody love this idea.
  12. I can so see B4 shaking his fist at you right now and chuntering, 'don't you bloody dare!' 🤣
  13. So sorry to hear of your loss, Chellaston. Glad at least to hear you have footy and your family to rally round and that you're finding some balance again. Hopefully the lads will provide a deal more cheer yet, before end of season and us lot are always here if you need a sounding board.
  14. When did Danny Ric last compete with any teammate? I'm rooting for Yuki too. He's the faster driver and doesn't trade on his teeth and the fact he's prepared to drink Bollinger out of a sweat soaked racing boot. Ricciardo seems a nice enough guy, but boy is he dim and he's nowhere near as quick as he once was.
  15. Bucko and co doing some sterling work, it would appear. I wasn't overly enamoured when I heard he was taking over, but it seems I massively underestimated him and the rebuild has been as rapid as it's been impressive. Really quite excited by the U18s group too. We now find ourselves blessed with some serious talent again, so I just hope we can find a way to hang onto them long enough to get them contracted. Cruz Allen for instance, has been at the club since he was 10, but is on the radar of half the PL it would seem. Honestly not sure I could cope with the likes of Manure, Chelsea and Liverpool harvesting our best young players for buttons again 😔
  16. Over 30,000 Palestinians now murdered, over 80,000 injured, over 10,000 still buried under the ruins that were their homes and in excess of 2 million displaced without access to food, water and medicines. When is enough, enough?
  17. Mad fecker would play on crutches if they'd let him 🤕😂 Jokes aside...
  18. Fair enough mate, though we're miles apart on the last two paragraphs. I remain hopeful irrespective and ultimately Warne will be judged on what he achieves, or fails to, nothing else. Ii seems to me that opinions at either extreme are fairly entrenched now and whatever happens, I think it's clear that rightly or wrongly, Warne will always polarise opinion.
  19. Sunday lunch at the Tyson's should be a nice chilled affair... #crying DIsclaimer - 😂
  20. Comrade 86

    Archie Brown

    Didn't seem to have any affinity for the club at all. Fist visit back with the MC academy side he got himself sent off after playing well, but acting like a prize whopper. Think he might have kicked Cash actually, though perhaps I've mis-remembered.
  21. Comrade 86

    Chris Martin

    I'm not ITK but I'm told Warne wants to make Chris his first signing next season and will 'pull out all the stops' to get his man.
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