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Comrade 86

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Everything posted by Comrade 86

  1. It looks super-drivable. I guess it's weird to saying that but even when Merc had a hybrid nobody could get near, they still produced a couple of WDC winning cars that were basically trying to kill their drivers. The last two cars have been essentially undriveable on the edge, but this thing looks pretty sweet at the lower ground clearance. They have some clever new-fangle stuff that even allows them to alter the geometry of the front axle too which is a very Mercedes approach, so it appears to be very competitive. The only caveats as yet are that it was an unusually cold evening and it was only running 3rd or 4th best on the medium compound tyres. Have to be at least mildly optimistic of some proper racing this year though, right! 🙏 Yeah, it seemed to fall off a cliff, but worth noting that on the medium compound it was fastest I believe. One thing I did notice though was how much Verstappen's head was moving. Not the crazy levels we saw initially with the new regs, but significant all the same. Where that appeared from, who knows, as it wasn't evident in testing. That gives me pause for thought as to their 'demise' as they've definitely changed something on the car. I'd expect them to be a different kettle of fish in qualy and the fact that Max only bitched once makes me think they've a bit up their sleeve and he was told to STFU after his first lap outburst, but they might not have anything like the advantage I first feared. Setting aside Hammertime, hilarious to see more Hornytime stuff emerging and yes, that's a story that has gathered legs 😂
  2. Merc looks rapid on the soft compound. So many variables as you say, that it's hard to be dogmatic, but to my eye, it looks a very good car. Very stable and watching Hammy, there's none of the chopping we saw as both drivers struggled to tame last year's car. Hammy more than George, looks positively serene by comparison. I'm almost hopeful! 😋 *Very cold night though apparently, which may explain some of the swing
  3. So we're plonking Bradley in their penalty area and hoping the ref doesn't notice we've got 12 players on the pitch?
  4. No exactly subtle, is it!
  5. Yeah, I'm always astounded to find people being supportive on a supporter's forum. Psychopaths!
  6. Everything is ******** ****. Verstappen completes first lap in FP1 and Lambiase gets his first dose of Verstappen 'charm' of the new season 😂 EDIT: Car is literally jumping, says the grumpy Belgian. Porpoising? That'd be ironic.
  7. 1Wildsmith 4.5 - A poor game from Joe. Having thought he was the best of two pretty strong keepers for the division, I now find myself questioning that call. What on earth has changed? 24Nyambe 6.5 - He seems critical to our ability to be resolute in defence. My heart sank when I saw he was injured. His absence, along with Fozzy's has been a sobering experience. The game changed the moment he left the field. 7Barkhuizen 4.5 - Seems to have gone back into his shell. This was a poor effort. 35Nelson 6.5 - On the end of some nasty stuff but fought to hold the line. He'll have better days. 5Bradley 5.0 - A dip in form after several pretty decent outings. I'm not sure we can play him and Nyambe without losing our shape a little, if it means sacrificing Cash in the middle. 6Cashin 7.0 - One of only two players who I thought really shone in an otherwise very ordinary team performance. He really is a good young player and a role model for the team, including his elders. 2Wilson 6.0 - I think his form has dipped a little in recent weeks, but with injuries requiring reshuffles and him not being played as is optimal, there is some mitigation. Needs to work hard to improve his delivery to fulfil his threat. 12Smith 7.0 - Has been something of a revelation in recent games and if he chooses to continue with it, perhaps Warne now has a midfield 3 to work with. He must surely start the next game? 17Sibley 5.0 - One of those games that give his critics ammunition. A sadly nondescript performance. 32Adams 6.5 - Gave his all and despite errors, that at least earns him credit with me. He's instantly made himself a standing fixture in any line-up and a few others might want to buck their ideas up as he's making them look half-arsed. 27Blackett-Taylor 5.0 - Can't say I know too much about the lad really. Some on here spoke highly of him and he fits the profile of a good signing, but I've yet to see what he's about. Very early days and carrying a niggle, are the valid excuses, but much more will be expected moving forwards. 11Méndez-Laing 5.5 - Is basically getting double-teamed out of every game at the moment. Depressing that we've yet to work out how to use that to our advantage. Nate ran hard and tried his best as he always did, but it was an unequal struggle. 8Bird 6.0 - Has been magnificent in recent weeks, but this was a subdued performance from Max. Not a game he appeared to enjoy at all and I'd hope to see him back to his best quickly, as we need him in form if we are to prosper. 25Gayle 6.5 - He looks pretty sharp and he buzzed around taking up good positions and making positive runs throughout. I think he's a good signing, but we do need to think about how we play to his particular strengths. Perhaps Max could play a slightly higher line and look for to put him in behind defenders with his passing ability? 10Waghorn 5.5 - Nice to see Waggy return to the fold. How we could use some return on our investment in him and Wash. Not their fault they got injured, but I'm hoping Waggy can at least chip in with a few late season goals. I think he'll need to. WarneWatch: Bit frustrated to be honest. Every time we appear to settle on a system that the players can grasp and execute, we immediately set about changing it. I'd say yet again that we should revert to what clearly worked best, but it seems that for the most part, we're going to start with a back 5 and despite having recruited to service that formation, it seems to yield as many tribulations as triumphs. For me this team looks best with a flat back 4. I'd go with Nyambe - Nelson - Cash - Fozz with Bradley as first alternate for the CBs. Injuries have again plagued us this season and continue to do so, but I feel that even a back 4 with Sibs at LB works better than the alternative. As it is, we've dropped the ball these last two games and a significantly different mindset and performance is now mandatory to address increasing disquiet among the fanbase.
  8. All just felt like Marko being a t*** to me. It'd have been hilarious if Horner had turned out to be some serial shagger, but he's the little miss goody two-shoes of the pitlane, the kid at school who constantly grassed everyone up to the teachers, isn't he? Anyway, someone's getting fired and then it's business as usual, it would seem.
  9. Bless! We'd better win tonight now.
  10. All of this has got me thinking; if the broccoli botherers conspire to spend a 1/4 £billion and STILL get relegated WITHOUT any points deduction, would it then be applied the following season in the Championship instead? It's not really a punishment otherwise, is it? Just a thought though, as it's perhaps a tad highly unlikely and I think anyone actively wishing for that is clearly a horrible person.
  11. Agreed. It's horrible to watch any boxing great go too long, not just for their legacy, but more importantly for their health. He's a bona fide great. I think nearly everyone agreed that he took the first fight with Canelo. The second I didn't think he did enough to get a decision in a title fight, but the 'loss' was marginal. It's a shame that in recent years us fans end up talking about the scoring as much as the fights themselves. Fans and the fighters themselves even more so, deserve better.
  12. So he did have the money temporarily then, which is precisely the point that's been made. In actual fact, it wasn't even temporary, as we now know none of it was returned. The guy embezzled the money, used it to meet the burden of proof in terms of his financial wherewithal and was able to provide bank transfer information that both Quantuma AND the EFL ratified, with both confirming as much. As we now know, only anti-money laundering checks prevented the transfer completing and it was only at that point, where everything unravelled. From the US Attorney's Office Report: According to the indictment, Mr. Kirchner – who served as Slync’s CEO from 2017 until 2022, when he was terminated by the Board of Directors due to allegations of misconduct – allegedly converted at least $25 million in investor money to his own personal use. Records indicate that Slync raised roughly $7 million in its Series A investment round and roughly $50 million in its Series B investment round. All investor funds, which were supposed to be used for “product development and other general corporate purposes,” were wired into the company’s account at Silicon Valley Bank. Mr. Kirchner allegedly misappropriated the investor funds in various ways: Between April 2020 and March 2022, Mr. Kirchner allegedly initiated nearly 100 wire transfers moving money from Slync’s Silicon Valley Bank account into the company’s account at JPMorgan Chase Bank – an account only he had access to. He then allegedly wired much of the money from the Chase account to his personal bank accounts. https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndtx/pr/slync-founder-chris-kirchner-indicted
  13. The Angel - Ashraf Marwan, President Nasser's son and special adviser to Anwar Sadat, begins to sell classified information to Mossad. Is his motivation simply greed, or has he a nobler cause? No spoilers from me, but well worthy of a watch. It felt quite balanced which I had not taken for granted and Marwan Kenzari and Toby Kebbell are both excellent playing Ashraf Marwan and his Mossad handler respectively. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5968274/ Leon Osman - 8.5/10 Netflix
  14. I've been an advocate for Bradley all season in that I've stated that I didn't believe his early performances really showed us what we signed and his recent form has to some extent vindicated that opinion. That said, Nyambe has to start games IMO. From a defensive perspective, I'd still go with him, Nelson, Cash and Fozzy* and rotate in Sonny as needed, or start him if we really have to play a 3. Given how much better we can look at times when playing a 4-3-3, fans' frustration that it does not happen more often is understandable. We're not going to creep over the line with damage limitation tactics and whilst I agree some of our players need to be more brave, perhaps Warne himself does too. I do think the eulogising of Barnsley is a bit daft though. Folk saying categorically that we can't beat them over two legs, if indeed if even comes to that, I find unfathomable. Have folk not learned, even after nearly two season in this division, that anyone can beat anyone and on what basis have they suddenly become world beaters? If we're as poor as some choose to make out then a scrappy 2-1 win at home should hardly set pulses racing. *fitness notwithstanding
  15. Christ! You're a grown up, but you really need that explaining to you?
  16. Lovely to have you back Royetta. Also lovely to see you reinvigorated by yesterday's loss too. #silverlinings
  17. A few on here, myself included, opined they were a far better side than their league position suggested and even than they showed against us and that they would trouble other sides in the mix, which drew predictable scorn. They duly have though. They scored 3 away from home at Bolton and didn't concede against Portsmouth. This will not be an easy game, especially if they choose to play football rather than simply kicking the shyte out of us for 70 minutes, then having a go.
  18. Positivity!? From a football supporter?!?! On a football forum??!!?!??! Be honest now RR, have you taken your meds this morning?
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