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Comrade 86

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Everything posted by Comrade 86

  1. Hello ladies and gents. My name's Louie Sibley! Get in you beaut!!!
  2. Come on lads. Notch a 2nd and this lot crumble. Need to be clinical.
  3. 2028 for the concluding part of the trilogy, apparently! I watched the first one thinking it was a standalone film, not the first instalment of something that required a 7 year investment πŸ˜‚
  4. Sadly I'm expecting exactly what we saw last season, save for the Ferrari and Merc being far more comfortable to drive. Really disappointed in Hamilton's latest qualifying effort and now wondering whether we'll ever see him top the podium again. This whole level the playing field with new tech regs has really not worked out too well, so I'm praying for some drama and to at least see some dicing at the front, not just within the pack behind. Please!!! πŸ˜‚
  5. One of the most shameful incidents I've seen in my entire life. I'm at a loss for words. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68445973
  6. I was joking Gerry, but my initial post does very clearly close with the 'So that's my pointless attempt to pick a team, which will doubtless resemble PW's selection not one iota πŸ˜‚' so your comment did seem somewhat redundant.
  7. Saved me the trouble. Much more polite too, though my intended response used fewer words πŸ€”πŸ˜‹
  8. Can anyone who does audiobooks explain how they do different characters please? Is it the same person or multiple persons. Sorry if this is a daft question, but I've never 'read' a book that way and am intrigued.
  9. Laughing as I did initially find the film confusing too, but the more leisurely pace of reading versus 2 hours of film makes it easier. It's one of those books that makes you marvel at the imaginations some folk possess and there's always copies in charity shops too which is handy! πŸ˜‚
  10. Ted's a good shout. Agree he may find it difficult to find a dance partner. The weight move would be intriguing mind! Is Tsyzu related to you know who by any chance? I don't know too much about him. Was a big fan of Kostya though.
  11. Weird one as anabolic steroids don't just vanish out of your system. If you use them and are subject to any kind of rigorous testing, you are almost certain to be caught. Suspect the club have tried to cheat his rehab time and this is the net result of it.
  12. Last three were LA Confidential by the doyen of crime writers, James Elroy, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell. Very different books, but I loved them all.
  13. Just been thinking about the fight calendar through to the summer, as it feels like a bit of a fallow field, but there's actually some decent stuff coming up. For me, the absolute standout dish is the battle of the Ruskies, Beterbiev v Bivol, though I remain thoroughly intrigued to see whether Ngannou can catch up with Joshua. I'm also looking forward to seeing whether Usyk can put Fury away, though Usyk may find himself getting smothered all night, which rather tempers enthusiasm for the fight as a spectacle. Elsewhere, Loma, an all time favourite for me, takes on Kambosos and that has to be worth a watch, while I'd expect Hainey to dismiss Garcia without too much bother. I'm really hoping Caterall can confirm the form and beat Taylor a 2nd time to set the record straight(ish) and that's a big domestic fight to look forward to. Conor Benn vs Eubank Jr is a fight yet to be made, with the latter camp reportedly not keen at all, but otherwise, it's it's a half decent crop, with a few quite hard to call and the only downside being that I think it's March before any of this kicks off. Any others I've missed or that you chaps are looking forward to in particular?
  14. He looked hugely improved and was bossing it. I've always thought he was a real prospect and was not alone as I think he was 3rd in on @Ellafella's rankings. It was very much a kick to the guts as was the loss of Embleton who'd barely kicked a ball in anger too. How very different things could have been had we had fewer injuries to key personnel. Hopefully this lad returns none the worse for his setback.
  15. I think many of Warne's critics seek to explain their grievances sensibly. Sadly, this lad or lass ain't one of them. I'd just move along if you value your sanity. Frankly, I'd view that particular laughing emoji as a badge of honour πŸ™Š On a slight tangent, I think our support at games has been excellent recently, home and away. It does seem to me that most who go to games are at least trying to lift the players and coaches and I really hope we see that again today, even if things don't immediately click. Big game for the players AND the fans then as while we may not need a '12th man' today, it certainly wouldn't hurt our chances. #BEMOREB4
  16. Must-win games are something of a clichΓ©, I suppose, but you'd have to think that anything less than 3 points today would be a serious dent in any aspirations towards the auto slots. Not just from a points perspective, but perhaps more importantly for the morale of the entire club and its fanbase. It's hard to understand or accept the way we have capitulated from bright starts over the last few games and I think the players and the coaches have to be putting down a clear marker today. I also think we've been very lucky indeed in that those immediately around us have underperformed too and the pack who were way back even a few games ago, are now right on our heels and we need to show vastly more character today than has been the case of late. The gaffer must lead the way in terms of how he sets up and what message he conveys to the players, likewise the lads themselves, who simply must be braver. I can't accept that experienced pros who routinely fail to execute the even basics, do so solely because of the coach. As for the team selection, I'll admit I'm finding it hard with the injury list still substantial and some players looking short of match sharpness. It's very clear to see how much damage the absences of both starting FBs has done and still it goes on with Ryan now crocked again and Fozzy only just back in training. My finger in the air selection with suggested alternatives / subs would be... The formation would be a not uncommon variation on a 4-3-3, but with a focus on deploying players where they typically play best and with the aim of providing some balance whereby we have our lefties deployed on the left where possible, likewise the righties on the right. This means I have the mildly controversial pick of Joe Ward at RB, but I don't believe we've seen anything like the best of him as yet and I'd be reasonably confident that he is the best cover for the absent Nyambe, with Korey Smith starting in MF. For much the same reason, I'd have Elder at LB. He's the nearest to like for like with Fozzy and like Fozz, he can whip the ball in early and at pace and that may well play to Gayle's strengths more than floated balls delivered from out wide. Nelson and Cashin pick themselves and Wildsmith retains my slightly diminished confidence in the 1 spot. Bradley drops from the starting line up as he looks best in a back 3 and I'm hoping that's not our preferred route today. Bradley has become a hate-figure for some, but he's shown he's a decent player. Sadly, the system he seems to need to prosper seems to suit him far more than any other current personnel. I don't mind a back 5 as an attacking set up, I just don't like it for us when we're trying to keep things tight and if I had to play one formation, it wouldn't be a back 5. Midfield is an even bigger quandary and while I'll doubtless get pulled up over it, I've plumped for Bird and Smith either side of Ebou. Hourihane seems to wander too deep to make use of his passing ability and I think Korey and Max could do some damage today with Ebou screening the back four to give them the required freedom. Up top, Barks starts on the left with doubts in my mind as to CBT's fitness. Neither has looked great in recent games, though CBT has clearly had an issue of some sort. I'd look to give him 30 minutes to show what he can do against tired legs, assuming that's not beyond him. Gayle to start at 9 and notch his first goal for the Rams today, with Nate restored to the flanks where he most often prospers. Wags and Wilson to provide energy when Gayle and Nate tire, with Sibs a wildcard depending on how things stand. Louie's been trying hard to improve his team-play of late and I'd hope he'd continue to get gametime. He must show more than last time out though, as he won't get many more chances if he doesn't. As it is, I'm going with a 3-0 win and Gayle to net first today, but in truth we simply must secure the win today, however we play. Anything less, is nowhere near enough, now we've squandered our advantage with back-to-back losses. A huge step up is then the order of the day and a resounding win with a clean sheet the aim. So that's my pointless attempt to pick a team, which will doubtless resemble PW's selection not one iota πŸ˜‚ COYR
  17. Him and Healey were probably the last decent two we've had. The game is won and lost at 9 / 10 as often as not, so it beggars belief that we can't find anyone who can zip it off either hand directly off the floor. It's a drill I can remember doing countless times as a kid and I'm wasn't even a 9. With Dupont absent, Gibson-Clark is in a league of his own in this tournament. Depressing really.
  18. It was a poor performance all-round. Our ball handling was incredibly poor. I shan't revisit them but the stats were pretty damning. I do expect a bedding in process and I accept that'll mean that the less experienced players will need time to acclimatise to test rugby, but yes, I couldn't agree more that seeing Danny Care at 9 was depressing and Ford whose distribution is typically very good, was a mile off his best. I'm afraid it will take a little more time than it ought. Players talking about how 'heavy' the England shirt weighs need to have a serious re-think if that's the case. It'll be interesting to see what side Borth picks this week, as Ireland appear to be the only team who have turned up for the 6N this year and are levels above what we saw last week. Ah well, we could be France I suppose, who have somehow conspired to go from world beaters to also-rans in a matter of mere months, but if nothing else, it does illustrate the need to have a solid 9/10 axis. France will have theirs back in time though, whereas for England, the search continues. It's frustrating.
  19. Ferrari and RBR duly find a huge chunk in Quali1. Merc over half a second back. Oh dear 🀐
  20. My post wasn't intended to be taken seriously buddy so I think I'd best leave this for the adults to discuss πŸ˜‹
  21. Yeah, the image files are already out there on Reddit and the like. Long story short, he appears to trying it on with what I assume to be the female member of staff in question. The stuff I've seen is pretty tame, if a little weird. Certainly enough to get you sacked these days and obviously Geri will be planning to have him neutered now, but then he was playing away with her before dumping his first wife, so perhaps there's some karma there. I think he's in trouble to be honest. It seems the long knives are out and won't be forced back into the block easily.
  22. Elite level plate-spinner required. Must be able to simultaneously herd hangry cats whilst also always displaying the patience of Mother Theresa and the diplomatic skills of Kofi Annan. A penchant for being regularly abused by perfect strangers a definite asset. Remuneration package to include tea, sausage cobs and copious thanks from above.
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