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Posts posted by 1of4

  1. 52 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:



    Humans quickly become acclimatised to the current situation and quickly forget. I think you're all thinking of the Donald Trump who left office, bitter and twisted and off on the extreme fantasist wing of the Republican party, and not the relatively recently declared Democrat who came to power. After the Sandy Hook massacre in late 2012 recently re-elected Obama made a speech demanding change.

    How did Trump react? This is how:


    When going for the Presidency, Trump couldn't run as a Democrat despite having been registered as one for many years. Why not? Because the Trumps and the Clintons were such good friends, their daughters best friends, and Hilary was obviously going to be running for the Dems. The only thing that matters to Trump is winning, so he had to go about winning the Republican nomination instead. And the problem is the party activists who largely choose are bonkers and very different to most ordinary GOP voters - these are the people you have to convince to win. So that's what Trump did. He destroyed all the other candidates and got the nomination. Did he believe all the things he had to say? Of course not - like an episode of The Apprentice (and as someone who sometimes works in entertainment TV I've watched every episode of Trump's remarkable show) it was solely about winning. The ultimate narcissist got his wish. But he would do anything to be liked and is *so* easily manipulable. The Dems had a chance to lure him back onto their side.

    But the day after Trump's inauguration in 2017 there was the Women's March. A few weeks later there was the March for Science. Everything so polarized and full of hate on both sides. Trump saw that these fanatics on the left were never going to love him, so he stuck with the fanatics on the right instead. Chance missed.

    If Trump was so much of an advocate for gun control, why did he roll back many of the gun restrictions introduced by Obama after the Sandy Hook shootings?

  2. 7 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Thoughts on the windfall tax?

    Seems a bit odd to me that the cap is going up £800, so they take £400 per person off the energy suppliers, give it to us so that we can use it to fund our soaring bills - in other words we give it straight back to the energy suppliers



    We should be doing the same as the French government and make the energy companies  restrict any rise in prices to 4%. Maybe our government should also copy the french and hold a share of the energy companies.The

    Probably would have been best if we had never allowed all our utility services to be sold off in the first place. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    You seem to have misunderstood. This would have been his landmark policy as he came into office, long before anything happened to do with Covid and vaccines. I was working in America for all the GOP debates and much of the election stuff and then would watch other things directly on American TV (rather than the UK versions) when back here. Trump totally dominated the GOP at that point and could have done what he wanted because he was bigger than the party. A democrat could never do it. Tough for any other Republican. That's why Trump feels like he was the one chance and I'm convinced he could have been shifted into being a unifying President (in some ways as Reagan was) because, deep down, Trump just wants to be liked/adored. But the Dems never gave him a chance and so the opportunity was lost.

    What TV were you watching that made you think Trump could become a unifying President?  Could it have been Fox and Friends or maybe those more moderate middle of the road presenters Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.

  4.   Hopefully the ownership of the club will soon be resolved and we can get on with preparations for next seaon. But with the possibility of more points deductions, along with strict financial spending limits that are being imposed by the ELF. Will we be looking at another season like the one we have just experienced, with the EFL doing everything it can to hamper us?

    Will the club be able to put a viable team out, that will be able to compete on an even footing with the other teams in league one?

  5. Listen to people who are pro-gun and they'll tell you, good guys with guns will stop the bad guys with guns.

    Well its being reported that the so called good guys, the police, stood outside the school for over 40 minutes doing nothing, while the slaughter of children took place inside. So the theory put forward that more guns for the good guys will stop the bad guys looks a little flawed.

  6. Last year the Governor of Texas removed many restrictions making it easier to own gun, in a state where other school shootings have already taken place.

    And what solution as the Lt. Governor of Texas suggested to stop these shootings. A call for more guns and have every teacher to carry a gun. Madness, pure madness.

    Many American schools regularly carry out drills on what to do if there is a shooting in the school. If I was a parent in the USA and wanting to keep my children safe. I'd be demanding more control on who can get a gun, instead of checking that the kids had their shooting drill.

  7. I've stopped caring what other fans perception of us are. There's probably dozens of clubs who could be in financial difficulties, if some of loopholes used by these clubs were closed by the ELF. 

    Unfortunately Morris rubbed certain ELF officials and club chairmen the wrong way, with his views on how poorly the league was organized and run. So they shut down the loophole he was using, while ignoring all the other loopholes being used by various clubs.

  8. Before I can think about looking forward to next season, I need the new owner to be in place by next week, so Rooney or whoever is our manager, will have the time and hopefully the financial resources to assemble a squad that is capable of competing in this league. Then I'll look at how many of the 8 grounds I've never been to, I'd like to visit. 

  9. I don't think there's anyone that is truly committed to wanting to spend the money required to buy the club and the stadium.

    If someone does eventually put pen to paper and buy the club, it will come to late to stop those players that have said they would like to stay signing for other clubs. Also most if not all of those still under contract, to save money, will be gone along with Rooney and the rest of the management team. Leaving  whoever comes in as manager, needing to build an entire new squad, probably on a shoestring budget. Meaning we will start next season at a considerable disadvantage and little chance of vying for promotion. 

    Sorry this is all just speculation probably due in part to my glass half empty demeanour and with how every potential buyer has acted during the bidding process.

    With this latest hold-up to the club being sold. I'm more worried than I've felt all this season, that the next time I watch a Derby team play. It will be a supporter owned club called AFC Derby County, who are ground sharing with Mickleover Sports and playing none league football after being liquidated. I

    I suppose we might be able to buy PPS in ten or so years time, after we've climbed back up through the divisions.  That's if Mel hasn't managed to sell PPS after finding another use for it. Maybe he could put the previously rumoured roof on it and Ashley could buy it to use as a Sports Direct warehouse.

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