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Posts posted by Ramshankered

  1. 3 hours ago, Cisse said:

    As some of the older fans on the site might know I have always had Port Vale as my number two team so it makes me really happy to see them promoted. I didn't expect however that both of my favorite teams would play on the same level though. But next season should be nice as I can see both of my teams getting promoted once again. ?

    Awesome.Excited Talk Show GIF by The Drew Barrymore Show

    Congrats! My second team *was* Wycombe. What a difference a year makes. ?

  2. 15 hours ago, Ramslad1992 said:

    Not at all mate! Congratulations.

    You can give me the pointers with yours as mines not coming until end of May time. The midwife recommend a really good book called ‘men, love and birth’ which is a baby book written by a bloke for blokes essentially. It’s been really helpful so far. Good luck with everything ? 

    Likewise mate – big congrats! 

    Admittedly I've not done a whole lot of reading – that books sounds good tho. I'll grab it on Audible so I can listen to it while I'm building baby furniture!

    I dunno what your hospital offers, but if they do a antenatal classes take them – we had 4 x 2 hour classes that were immensely helpful (and free). We've paid 100 big ones for Baby Bump Club (a.k.a unofficial NCT) and they're essentially giving us the same info we've already had for free. Gawd-bless the NHS. 

  3. On 03/04/2018 at 20:57, AmericanRam said:

    Been depressed a bit for past couple days as new relationship I'm in isn't going as well as would like it too.

    Hopefully things will start to get better in regards to that sooner rather than later.

    Stick with it mate. These things can just be teething issues as you try and get used to each other's habits, etc. 

    I've been with my other half for six years now. The first 3-6 months were wobbly AF tho! 

  4. On 26/01/2018 at 09:44, Lambchop said:

    Even if it’s unintentional her approach is still having a negative affect on your gf’s working life, which can’t be good for the school either. You'd hope that a good Head would at least offer guidance to the HoD and reassurance and support to your partner. As others have said, it’s stressful enough without having someone on your back all the time.

    Having been part of a department that went from being close knit, positive and supportive to a majority being ill and/or leaving within the space of a year, I’ve seen the impact a poor HoD can have. I really hope it gets sorted for her. 

    Very, very late reply but thanks for this – she's got a meeting soon with her line manager (poor sod), so she'll be going in all gun's blazing. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Lambchop said:

    It sounds like it’s borderline bullying then. If she doesn’t already, I’d begin keeping a record of every incident, email etc and make the Head aware of what’s happening. A colleague of mine did just that and the offending party got a warning, which reigned her in considerably. 

    Might also be worth talking to her union rep or HR about it. 

    Tbf, it's not quite as malicious as bullying. More a combination of the new HoD having a bit of an abrasive management style, not being a natural leader and not having very good people skills. 

    My gf does have a meeting with her line manager (who she shares with her HoD) coming up – so I've been pushing her to do what you've advised. Listing out every issue and explaining why her approach to management is causing tension. If nothing happens after that, then she will probably have to speak to the head.

  6. 43 minutes ago, coneheadjohn said:

    Tell her to keep her head down,they never hang around long,they usually promote them to get rid...hope she’s ok.

    Thanks man. It's up and down at the moment. Yesterday she came in 8pm (having starting work at 8am) and was pretty upset about it all. The really frustrating thing for me is, there's little I can do to influence things other than lend an ear when she needs to vent. 

  7. 41 minutes ago, Lambchop said:

    That’s a lack of experience and management skills on her part then. We had one like that a few years previously.

    Your instincts are spot-on. It's her first management position. Incredibly frustrating for the gf – footing the brunt of her learning process and daily mistakes as she stamps her authority. It would be much easier to cope with if she was a nice person. But she treats my other half like she's beneath her. Sends her passive aggressive emails. Creates deadlines out of thin air. You get the jist.

  8. 46 minutes ago, Lambchop said:

    Just get out of teaching before it makes you really ill. You don’t realise how much damage you’re doing yourself by forcing yourself to carry on when it’s making you feel like that.

    I carried on until I started getting migraines every week. Eventually I went to the doctor, who signed me off for six months. That was three years ago... I never went back. Once I stopped I completely collapsed; I hardly left the house for the first three months. 

    I doesn’t matter what noises people make, if you don’t feel supported then you’re not being, at least not in the way that is right for you. We had a new department head, and within one year three of us had gone off with long term stress conditions and a further seven resigned or took early retirement. 

    The pressure is immense and the whole system is absurd, in my opinion. You mustn’t feel that it is your individual weakness that is making you struggle, it is actually the ones who are strong enough to keep going when the situation is awful  who end up suffering like this. 

    I have several friends who have been through it, got out of teaching and never looked back. I know it seems impossible when you rely on your salary, but there’s always a way and nothing is more important than your health. 

    My girlfriend is having similar problems at the moment. New head of department is creating work for the sake of it – asking for schemes of work to be re-written in a new (ridiculously long) format. Nothing wrong with the old format. She's just trying to stamp her mark on things to make herself feel important and relevant.


  9. 14 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    My 14yo lad loves board games, we got him Dead of Winter last year and Pandemic this year (he usually takes them round to his Grandads at the weekend!) as birthday presents

    Not a huge fan of board games myself but Dead of Winter is pretty good as is The Resistance (not played Pandemic yet), I actually had a lot of fun playing that last Christmas! I enjoy deceiving my fellow players to reach the victory goal purely for myself :p

    Anyway, links to games are here. Other shops are available!




    Heard good things about Resistance. Not played it yet though. Tbf, it says a lot that boardgames aren't your thing but you can still get a kick out of a game like Dead of Winter. 

    Pandemic's pretty good as a gateway game much like The Resistance. Once you and your lad have played a few rounds, I'd recommend picking up the terrorist expansion – adds a whole new dimension to the gameplay when one of you is trying to ruin everyone else's day! :) 

  10. Just now, Lambchop said:

    Ooh, don’t know those, what’re they like?

    The best thing about Christmas as a child was that we always got a new board game and all the aunts and uncles had to play it. That and the Binatone, of course. 

    There's been a massive resurgence in board game systems the last few years. Stuff that's more fun / complex than classics like Monopoly and Cluedo. 

    I'd recommend having a browse of https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/ - great site for video reviews and news.

    Pandemic is a co-op game where you work together to prevent the outbreak of a deadly disease across the globe: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-17-pandemic-review

    For Dead of Winter, think zombies! It's another co-op game, where you work together to keep the team alive – gathering food and medicine, while fighting zombies. The twist is, each of you have a secret objective – some are innocent (e.g. you hoard food, so you need to secretly stash supplies), others more sinister (e.g. you want to get everyone else eaten by zombies!). There's usually a good dose of paranoia in each game: https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/videos/review-dead-winter/

  11. 9 hours ago, Lambchop said:

    Anyone play Dungeons and Dragons? With dice and bits of paper and actual role playing?

    Don't do computers but I’ve got a 9th level fighter I’m pretty attached to. 

    Not D&D, but a mate of mind has rekindled my interest in some of the more obscure Games Workshop games. 

    Currently painting up a Blood Bowl team in DCFC colours. 

    I'm also a fan of board games. Things like Pandemic and Dead of Winter.

  12. 2 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

    Any big consumer based business uses cheap labour, and cuts corners to avoid tax.  Nike, Amazon, Sony, Tesco even Primark.  If you stopped buying products based on company's business practices you'd have to live in a tent, live off the land, and make your own clothes out of old potato sacks and frog spawn...

    I take your point - but that doesn't mean you should stop holding companies to account where possible? I personally think it's a case of moderation.

    For example: I'm aware of Amazon's very many dubious practises, so I've cut down my orders from say, 10-20 a year, to max 1 or 2 (usually only in emergencies or exceptional circumstances). 




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