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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. 19 minutes ago, On the Ram Page said:

    Good team then! Still don't get your point unless its another sly dig at Paul Warne?

    When Man U were somewhere near their peak - coach was McClaren and Manager Ferguson - but we all knew who was in charge.

    No digs intended, merely asking the question of whether the situation with PW/RB is similar to that we had with WR/LR.

    I think it is. I think it's the same share of responsibilities. I remember PW hinting at RB being the better tactician/coach. Add in that RB wasn't successful as a manager and you see that there are many facets to management and getting the mix right is paramount. McClaren was the ideas guy, the tactician, the hands on man and, yes, Fergie was in charge. I think we have a similar situation now and had it with the previous management as well. That was the question asked. No ulterior motives. I don't believe I mentioned anything about it being a bad idea or that maybe Rb should be #1... if you read that into it then it's not on me.

  2. On 05/01/2024 at 19:03, Van der MoodHoover said:

    They're googling to find all the stat websites 👍

    One would hope they had their targets sorted before the window opened so any googling will have taken place last year. January deals are notoriously difficult. Personally, I don't expect anything, barring possibly an extension for JJ, until the last 10 days or so of the month.

  3. The Rooney / Rosenior partnership had many fans thinking Rosenior was the better coach, the better tactician, the better footballing brain. Rooney, nevertheless, had the senior role. LR looked the more busy, the more vocal in the technical area during games.

    I am of the opinion that, from what we see on matchday and from bits and bobs during training from Moor Farm that get posted via #RamsTV seem to show a similar situation in that Barker is the better coach, the better tactician, the better footballing brain. PW, nevertheless, had the senior role. RB looks the more busy, the more vocal in the technical area during games.


  4. 12 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    There’s a striker in league one banging them in - very experienced at a much higher level 

    has taken part in 16 league games and has 8 league goals this season 

    Doesn’t run around a lot but doesn’t need to it seems 

    would probably have got us promoted last season if we had taken him on to help McGoldrick 

    yep he’s still good enough and out of contract in a couple of weeks - Chris Martin 

    yet we don’t need him short term, what use would a goal every 2nd game be? 

    What's the point of putting someone like Coldplay on our wish list when we know that Chris doesn't meet PWs requirements for all the things he wants a striker to do?

  5. On 01/01/2024 at 20:59, Jram said:

    He was utterly anonymous the few times I saw him play for Forest Green but hard to judge given they’re one of the worst teams I’ve ever seen 😂

    I thought he was a better footballer than his owd fella but much less of a physical presence. Take the best of Dad's game and add it to the best of young uns game and you've got yersen a footballer.

    Having said that, if we do sign him (unlikely as the story was in the Daily Fail) he'd best get used to oppo fans chanting "your Dad wasn't very good and neither are you" or words to that effect 😉

  6. The joys of living abroad and TV companies not being interested in L1 games. That means I can get all the League 1 games via my RamsTV subscription.

    Already booked flights etc for Burton, Reading and Bolton. Doing the Toyota Lounge gig for Bolton so I hope they get knoscked out of the FA Cup in the next 2 rounds...

  7. 4 hours ago, jimtastic56 said:

    You really have ripped one of our players to bits there. The game is all about opinions , but at least Fornah wants to be here and will be here for the foreseeable future. As for Bird , he needs to drop into Tier 3 .

    ... not sure if you missed the news...... but Derby ARE in Tier 32 of the English footballing pyramid 🙂    and, as a Derby player, so is Max Bird.

  8. 3 hours ago, TINMANTED said:

    and the quality of cover whilst he is missing,nyambe shooting off for a nothing international cap,risking injury,leaves us extremely exposed

    When we signed him, the club was aware he's be absent during the 2 international breaks in the last 1/3 of 2023.

    When he was offered an 18 month extension on his contract, PW and his staff knew, barring injury, he'd be off the represent Namibia at AFCON. Maybe they know something you don't. Maybe missing him for January is deemed by those whose opinion counts to be well worth what he can deliver over the next season and a half.

    Maybe PW is happy as it will allow him to revert to his, apparently, preferred back 3.

  9. 16 hours ago, RodleyRam said:

    NML was so innocuous that it felt like he was subbed off at half time? Might want to check your facts there m'lud.

    It's almost like you didn't actually watch the game before commenting but I would never suggest such a thing...

    65 minutes. Memory playing tricks. Can I claim age as the cause  🙂 ? I got the time of his substitution wrong. 

    BTW - you DID suggest such a thing

  10. It seems a lot of fans don't see what Bird does in a game. Let's have a look back at last season. We had a run of around 20 games unbeaten and Bird was focal in that run. Then he was out for a lot of games with injury and the unbeaten run ended and we fell away.

    Back in the 70s a lot of fans had similar comments about the likes of McGovern and Durban. As with Bird, you only really appreciate what they do when they're not there.

  11. 17 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Probably not, there's too many other things to do. I was just taking a break from looking for our next holiday to book. Thanks for asking though mate. 👍 

    Burton and Derby Jan 13 to 16. Fuerteventura from the 18th for a week. A week in Derby in March for the Reading and Bolton games. Still deciding where to go in Feb, April and May. Stay in NL from June to the end of August, Germany in September, UK October, somewhere in the sun in November.... sorted.


  12. A "comedy" of errors. Starting with the starting XI, maybe? Some of our not so young players looked off the pace and pace was the catalyst in the game. They were quicker just about everywhere. Hourihane and NML being the 2 "worst" IMO with Nat taking the biscuit. He roasts full backs for fun, usually, but I don't think he did his man a single time before his HT substitution. He totally forgot about tracking back too. On half a dozen occasions I was shouting at the screen for him to track his man. The first time led to their first goal, his "man" providing the assist. A totally preventable goal. No surprise that CH and NML were off at HT and Foz was on a yellow and had had a knock to his knee so probably wise to sub him off too.

    Their 2nd saw our defence fail to follow the movement of an opponent and he nodded home, totally unmarked. I know I'm old fashioned when it comes to things like strikers hunting in pairs. I also remain old school when it comes to defending corners. A man at the post would have prevented their equaliser.

    Their 3rd? How often have we seen us fail to properly clear the ball and pay the price? Nels and Cash got in each other's way, ball only partially cleared, came back in, Jones was stood in an offside position, one of our defenders got his head to it and it fell to Jones who poked it between JWs legs... because our player had purposely made contact with the ball, Jones was no longer deemed offside, in perfect accordance with the current offside Law.

    All too often, as has happened quite a lot this season, they had players allowed to make 40 or more yards without a challenge. Get into 'em I say.

    The better side on the day won. We get back up, dust ourselves down and we start over again.

  13. 14 hours ago, Dcfcsr92 said:

    We need new CM there was a massive hole in our team today with bird and hourihane. One of the worst games i have seen bird play! He should of just stayed in bed because he was a waste of a player today should of just played with 10 men

    Bird did far more than CH. He was playing for two as CH was off the pace all game. Great pass to Barks in the lead up to the first goal.

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