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England to take 3000 fans to Ukraine


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Think Terry and Rooney are the only ones who give a ****. Trouble is if we take Terry there might be problems with other players which is a shame because he is probably the only one who will put his body on the line for the 3 lions. As for gerrard he only cares about Liverpool pretty sure carrager wrote something in his biography saying the Liverpool players used to stay on there own when with England

Carragher also wrote about his missed penalty (against Portugal?) and thought "oh well, at least it wasn't for Liverpool".
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But Mr Campbell had this advice for fans thinking of travelling to Euro 2012: "Stay at home, watch it on TV. Don't even risk it… because you could end up coming back in a coffin."

They've been properly playing up this racist card for the Polish and Ukranians haven't they. I wonder what bought all this on. They've had all year to discuss this and arrange safe travel, accomodation etc... but have left it until the last minute to frighten fans, families of the players or indeed enrage football hooligans and create a fandom war.


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Blimey, just caught the last 5 mins of Panorama. I think I'd agree with Sol Campbell and stay away.

Hyped up journalism or not, that doesn't look like a good place to be. Shocking scenes.

If any of you lot are going over, stay safe. No game of football is worth risking your life for.

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Germany is a multi cultural nation, all those who keep tagging the place as 'nazi facists' need a wake up call. Poland and especially Ukraine are having difficulty accepting different ethnicities into their countries. The scenes in Ukraine were quite worrying, not just on a football level.

I'm posting on another forum and the Polish stuff seems to be limited to just a few mad ******** like it was over here back in't day, but the Ukranian stuff is political.

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As I have said before, there is nothing to worry about going over there, they will be fighting amongst themselves as normal, the average age of the idiots was about 15 years old, as usual the British journalists are trying to stir up trouble before the tournament starts, after all, if Roy does a half decent job, where else will the stories come from??


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Reports about violence have been made since they were awarded the championships - its Beeb known about for ages.

One thing that will be different to the film at the end of Panorams will be more police presence and stewarding in the ground.

Still a sorry state of affairs at that club match - and those doing it were older than 15.

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The police did nothing to help them poor Indian supporters.

Shameful, I don't know how anyone can say other wise?

Fight themselves? Oh yeah, when there's loads of black foreign supporters on their "patch"

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Reports about violence have been made since they were awarded the championships - its Beeb known about for ages.

One thing that will be different to the film at the end of Panorams will be more police presence and stewarding in the ground.

Still a sorry state of affairs at that club match - and those doing it were older than 15.

But the police don't care. Chief of police in one of the towns denied there was any racial chants or gestures, when they were shouting Sieg heil with arms out he said they were pointing at the opposition fans, not doing a Nazi salute. Pathetic. Uefa should hang their heads in shame giving a tournament to countries where this goes unchallenged. If anything like this happened in England our clubs would be thrown out of European competition etc etc, because it is eastern Europe no-one seems to care. I was ******* fuming watching that programme.

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It is tin pot teams with tin pot fans....all of who need arresting and throwing away for ever....but they will be up against a "robocop" type of police force in the summer, they are pathetic, just like the journalists who are playing with themselves over the thought of trouble kicking off.

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Can you imagine setting fire to a scarf in the South East Corner? Or standing there chanting, wearing a mask, or balaclava? Poor Nick has to jump through hoops to allow a bloody flag into other grounds and sometimes gets refused ffs.

I just hope that the powers that be are right when they say security will be stepped up for this competition. I would have thought that they would have had to have shown what measures they are going to put in place before they got the 'gig', but then again, the world is run by greedy, selfish people, where only money talks. Sadly.

I think (hope) there will be less trouble than expected - but no thanks to the BBC, who have, more or less, dropped down the gauntlet, for other countries ****** to go over and have a go.

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