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England to take 3000 fans to Ukraine


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It's a huge problem. It happens over here, it happens over there in varying ugly forms.

I just refuse to ignore it, am not offended when a non British person points it out and am willing to discuss the topic because I feel it ruins it for the people who attend such things as football for entertainment and celebration.

This kind of thing ruins it for people like us. It needs to be addressed, but like I've said the officials over there are ignoring it. At least in Ukraine, not so much in Poland.

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I said that I wouldn't post over the summer but this thread intruiged me.. I can relate to what PBW is saying, as central american nations recieve the same from Canada and The US..

There are kidknappings, murders, racial assaults, suicides, alcohol/drug related gang fights, shootings, stabbings, robberies, car thefts, police invasions, protests and much more in EVERY COUNTRY..

This is the world we live in.. The British media are famous at it.. I'll tell you what, I feel far more safe living in a country that has taken over 40,000 lives in the since 2007 in the drugwar than I ever did in the UK.. Why? Because as a proportional percentage given against the overall population it's absoloutely minimal.. Should we hide it? Of course not, it's a problem, but what country doesn't have a problem? There are no perfect places, or shall I say that every place is indeed perfect?

Incidents in Poland and Ukraine don't represent the overall state of the affairs out there.. Do they recognise they have a problem? Yes they do, like all countries should.. Do they take offence to those tarnishing the whole population with the same brush, yes.. And once again they should..

Sol Cambells comments and videos shown are a joke.. An absoloute joke.. It's the same if the people and the media from Poland and Ukraine urge fans to stay away from England because a person has been beaten to an inch of his life on a Friday night in an Indian takeaway and it's been recorded and tarnished as a 'normal English Friday night'

Those that are scared and lap up what the media say will never get to see some of the most beautiful and intruiging places in the world.. I feel sorry for those people.

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Incidents in Poland and Ukraine don't represent the overall state of the affairs out there.. Do they recognise they have a problem? Yes they do, like all countries should..

If you had seen the program, you wouldn't have wrote that, because they denied they had a problem.
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.. Do they take offence to those tarnishing the whole population with the same brush, yes.. And once again they should..

Sol Cambells comments and videos shown are a joke.. An absoloute joke.. It's the same if the people and the media from Poland and Ukraine urge fans to stay away from England because a person has been beaten to an inch of his life on a Friday night in an Indian takeaway and it's been recorded and tarnished as a 'normal English Friday night'

Those that are scared and lap up what the media say will never get to see some of the most beautiful and intruiging places in the world.. I feel sorry for those people.

Firstly, the whole of Poland and Ukraine were not tarred with the same brush. This is the common misconception all those who are defending Poland and Ukraine are making.

Sol Campbell may have over reacted, his comments were a little strong. But I think he can be forgiven after some of the treatment he has received based on the colour of his skin. Those shots of the Asian lads receiving a beating were concerning, in full view of everybody. There was absolutely no fear in what they did. Some of the people getting out of the way were laughing.

This kind of stuff happens everywhere, sure, but for the officials to deny it happened (in Ukraine) was crazy. Everybody who watched the program saw it. In Poland they at least had a program of recognising hooligan behaviour. In the UK, though, if there was that kind of facist, racist graffiti donning our train station walls there would be a moral outrage. They would clean or cover it. Instantly.

There are no perfect places, but at least making the effort to clean up that kind of rubbish should be made. It's typical that all over the world young people are struggling to find a place in society so they resort to this primal behaviour, and the people in power deny there is a problem. This kind of debate is healthy in helping to change that.

Saying those who are concerned by that behaviour will never get to see some of the most beautiful places in the world is rubbish, it's a large place. Poland and Ukraine is under the microscope at the minute, during the tournament I'm sure we'll see some of quality of those nations. Like all tournament, we are shown what concerns the population of the world sometimes. Take Beijing olympics for example, lots of negativity surrounding China at the time, but the games were one of the best.

I'm sure England receives a lot of negativity all over the world, in fact I know this to be true. England receives a lot of negativity in England, it's about trying to make a difference and improve. We've got the olympics coming up, much discussion about riots and protests from the anarcho campers, unemployed etc.. Should make for interesting reading, viewing as well as the games. Just because Poland and Ukraine aren't usually in the news doesn't mean it should be ignored. For once, it is. I used to remark to my Polish friend how little we heard about that part of Europe, never mind before they were part of the EU. The microscope is on them, and the Ukranians, and we've seen some worrying stuff. Like I've said earleir, hope the tournament is fantastic, the euro's are my favourite and I'm sure it will be.

Will they be complaining that we're praising them,(for a great tournament) if that should happen. Of course not.

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I'll tell you what, I feel far more safe living in a country that has taken over 40,000 lives in the since 2007 in the drugwar than I ever did in the UK.. Why? Because as a proportional percentage given against the overall population it's absoloutely minimal..

That is a truly shocking figure, so much so I had to research the numbers. It is actually worse than that on the evidence of the "international homicide rate" which ranks Mexico as the 18th joint worst country (out of 200+ countries) across the globe for murder. That is not minimal, its appalling. You are stastically 14.63 times more likely to get murdered in Mexico than in the U.K per head of population. A country is only as safe as its most unsafe area.

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That is a truly shocking figure, so much so I had to research the numbers. It is actually worse than that on the evidence of the "international homicide rate" which ranks Mexico as the 18th joint worst country (out of 200+ countries) across the globe for murder. That is not minimal, its appalling. You are stastically 14.63 times more likely to get murdered in Mexico than in the U.K per head of population. A country is only as safe as its most unsafe area.

Not only that, but if you wander into the wrong bar, the locals turn into Vampires, then your fooked, makes England, Ukraine and Poland look like paradise :-)


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