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Andy Gray and Richard Keys gaff.


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Agreed the whole thing blown totally out of proportion. Now i know his comments were wrong but who can honestly say they havent said something they shouldnt have when just having a bit of banter with the lads. He wasnt on camera or on air at the time.

Now he has been sacked from a job he has been doing for over 15 years and his name is mud so he will probably never be able to work in the game again

The point is they were not having banter!! It may seem harsh but his credibility is shot anyway.

It does seem weird that Gray has taken the fall. I wonder if the size of their respective contracts have anything to do with this. Any reason to get Keys off the box would do for me he has always been a tool!

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Hope it's not sexism as I was p1ssing myself laughing at those 'high' lights....That second goal was like something you'd get if the keystone cops actually played football.

Re Andy Gray and Richard 'monkey' Keys, can't stand them, but sacking is a p1sstake. There are few things that I find more obnoxious than know-it-all ***** who're up their own @rses, but the PC Brigade qualify as the most irritating bunch of ***** this side of the chuckle brothers.

Tell me about it, those darn PC Brigade. I also got sacked today because I mistakenly sent an email around my company, rather to my mate. In it, I said that we shouldn't employ gays as they can't do their job, that we can't trust any employee that wasn't white and then included a list of all the female staff ranked in order of sexiness.

Apparently, this is 'not on' and I've been sacked. Those PC brigaders-you can't even be racist, sexist or homophobic these days. I mean, when did a 'bit of banter' ever hurt anyone? Damn PC brigade, they make he so angry! I hate them, I hate them! They are the worst type of people ever. I'm gonna go as far as calling them Nazi's without understanding the deep irony of likening them to the most non-PC people ever. Like this...


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Tell me about it, those darn PC Brigade. I also got sacked today because I mistakenly sent an email around my company, rather to my mate. In it, I said that we shouldn't employ gays as they can't do their job, that we can't trust any employee that wasn't white and then included a list of all the female staff ranked in order of sexiness.

Apparently, this is 'not on' and I've been sacked. Those PC brigaders-you can't even be racist, sexist or homophobic these days. I mean, when did a 'bit of banter' ever hurt anyone? Damn PC brigade, they make he so angry! I hate them, I hate them! They are the worst type of people ever. I'm gonna go as far as calling them Nazi's without understanding the deep irony of likening them to the most non-PC people ever. Like this...



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It does sound like they were gunning for Gray.

If he'd come out and apologised, said he's an old dinosaur and accepted his views were outdated, I think everyone offended would have accepted it. How Gray can be sacked but not Keys I don't understand.

I think thats spot on. Whilst I dont agree with Andy Grays comments, an off the air comments such as this, and his harmless banter with some female assistant is the type which you see in any office on a daily basis.

To sack soemone for that is just way over the top reaction and suggests that Sky has some other agenda against Andy Gray or he has an agenda against them. I read he hadnt apologised whereas Ricahrad Keys has.

And what use is it saying he has had a warning then sacking him for soemething that happened before the warning.

Its pretty stinky if you ask me not that I will be too sorry not to see Andy Gray on the telly anymore.

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after listening to talksport for the last two days and reading comments on the net,its the men who are moaning about this.Women think its laughable and too much has been made of it. Just shows how soft the male population is getting.

Political correctness is going absolutely mad.

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The point is they were not having banter!! It may seem harsh but his credibility is shot anyway.

It does seem weird that Gray has taken the fall. I wonder if the size of their respective contracts have anything to do with this. Any reason to get Keys off the box would do for me he has always been a tool!

Of course it was banter 2 blokes having a laugh at something silly what the hell else would you call it?? They werent snorting coke off dead babies were they?? It was a joke between 2 blokes and if Joe public had said it to he mates in the pub im sure more than one of his mates would have sniggered at it

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I'm not a big fan of Andy Gray and I don't agree with his comments.

However, if you were wondering why there has been a firestorm of 'incidents' being dragged up from last month. Incidents that were never played out on air, but by some miracle have just surfaced. Has anyone wondered why Andy Gray has been singled out?

Surely it can't have anything to do with Mr Gray currently suing News of the World ( owned by Murdoch) over telephone hacking. Surely there is no link to him suddenly bring sacked by Sky Sports (owned by Murdoch).

Add to the above that the government are currently deciding whether to allow Murdoch to buy the rest of SKY or refer it to the monopolies commission. Don't forget they've already taken the decision away from Vince Cable for his anti-Murdoch outburst so Rupe will want to keep everyone sweet.

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Tell me about it, those darn PC Brigade. I also got sacked today because I mistakenly sent an email around my company, rather to my mate. In it, I said that we shouldn't employ gays as they can't do their job, that we can't trust any employee that wasn't white and then included a list of all the female staff ranked in order of sexiness.

Apparently, this is 'not on' and I've been sacked. Those PC brigaders-you can't even be racist, sexist or homophobic these days. I mean, when did a 'bit of banter' ever hurt anyone? Damn PC brigade, they make he so angry! I hate them, I hate them! They are the worst type of people ever. I'm gonna go as far as calling them Nazi's without understanding the deep irony of likening them to the most non-PC people ever. Like this...


haha, pig ignorance gone mad. This kind of attitude supports and breeds inequality. That's why you were sacked.

Andy Gray and Richard Keys were not joking, they were having a serious conversation.

There is another video of Andy Gray asking a female assistant to tuck him in, i'm not sure if he's pointing at his shirt or his penis but the woman clearly looked uncomfortable with his behaviour. Maybe this isn't the first time it's happened because he knows her name, and refused to look at him. Probably disgusted, because it's disgusting behaviour. A creepy bloke you hardly know pointing down his pants.

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I wonder how it'll affect the poor lady's career. Through no fault of her own, and for reasons unconnected with her competence or performance in her job, she's become the centre of a media storm. It won't be easy for her, running the line with the crowd so close to her, she's bound to get some comments from the crowds.

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what a load of ****** to be blunt,

this is going to sound so so sexist but woman do NOT belong in football, not as a ref, not as a linesman, not even as a ball boy,

its a MANS game let it stop that way!!:mad:

Totally agree Trig, the pc state of this country has gone mad :mad:

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what a load of ****** to be blunt,

this is going to sound so so sexist but woman do NOT belong in football, not as a ref, not as a linesman, not even as a ball boy,

its a MANS game let it stop that way!!:mad:

And here's me thinking dinosaurs were extinct......:rolleyes:

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i knew it would cause a reaction, thanks lyndsey i knew you you would get it,

ladyram im sorry , but i would not like to sea a woman doing a mining job, or a brickies labourer , i do honestly believe that football is a mans sport, not to say that woman cant go and watch and pass comment

but its a man oriented sport,

yes i might be a caveman , but i have the boloxs to say what i think.

after all ,its all you do-gooders thats wrecked the country you live in,i actually left the uk because you hip to be seen tree hugging brigade dont have the bolox to stand up for yourselfs

the funny part in all this is that 90+% of you actually think what trig says , but find it easier to hide and say nothing.

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