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Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.


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2 hours ago, Wignall12 said:

Guardian reporting that this is being investigated by Prem league and they are looking at 6 clubs in particular who were sailing close to breaking spending limits in the lat reporting period. Those clubs include Everton Leicester and the Gumps . Sorry couldn't do the links to the article. 

All sales will be stopped.  As will Derby getting 3 million quid for Kellyman.  You know it will happen.

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On 02/07/2024 at 15:37, G STAR RAM said:

Both clubs can record the sale proceeds in this year's accounts, whilst spreading the purchase costs over x amount of years.

Clever move but clearly done to circumnavigate P&S rules, you guarantee if we had done it the EFL would be retrospectively changing the rules again. 

The Premier League will definitely try to close the loophole, but I don't think they'd have the balls to do what the EFL did. The Premier League teams are much better at kicking up a fuss than we were. And there's more of them banding together.

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47 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

All sales will be stopped.  As will Derby getting 3 million quid for Kellyman.  You know it will happen.

That's going to be a little difficult as contracts have been signed, Breech of contract is not looked on favorably by the courts, It's just another loophole that will be closed...eventually.

Clubs now know the value of a good accountant 

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2 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

All sales will be stopped.  As will Derby getting 3 million quid for Kellyman.  You know it will happen.

A spokespeople said "we were going to impotently do nothing until a Mr S. Gibson of Teeside pointed out it'd f*** over Derby County, so we felt morally compelled to act"

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21 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

The Premier League will definitely try to close the loophole, but I don't think they'd have the balls to do what the EFL did. The Premier League teams are much better at kicking up a fuss than we were. And there's more of them banding together.

how can you close this loophole? how can a league tell clubs what a player is worth when players like anthony go for 90 million. 


clubs can just point to the million examples of inflated fees for average players and say they are fair value. i think these transfers put an end to ffp in its current form 

Edited by alram
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