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Feeling deflated

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah the fight has gone from me I'm afraid.

Football is supposed to be my release from every day life and I've found myself more stressed about this than my job and kids.

Just wish they would do whatever they want to do and let us fans just get back to watching football.

Right now I feel that if we are liquidated I will never watch a football match ever again.

Look buddy we shall raise again and when we do we shall stick two fingers to lot of them.

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2 minutes ago, Anon said:

Is there no hope of perhaps seeing it as an opportunity if the worst was to happen? I've also been drifting away from the game, but mainly due to a massive disconnect with the absurd amount of money in the game. Being forced to haul ourselves through the non league pyramid and have the chance to set up a fan owned club would be one of the few scenarios that would reignite my interest.

Possibly. There would be something in playing on a park with jumpers down that would remind folk of the real game they fell in love with before it became all super Sunday, talk us through that goal Alan, he had a right to go down, bit of gamesmanship etc etc


But it wouldn't have the connection. It wouldn't have that history and those relationships built up through DCFC. I wouldn't be part of that journey. So I wonder how long the enthusiasm would last? 

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With everyone here. I actually hardly ever watch football on TV, The Prem leaves me cold, I can see the technical ability of top players of course, but the one sided nature of many matches and the sheer pointlessness of watching Southampton v Brighton for example...no thanks.

But put me at a Derby game and I am like kid again, kicking every ball, arguing every decision, still doing a mental with every goal....

This could be lost forever.....EFL, Gibson the Wycombe irrelevance.....I hope you get the same coming back at you....**nts

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5 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Look buddy we shall raise again and when we do we shall stick two fingers to lot of them.

To be honest I don't see how the EFL can lose this war. They have nothing to lose. There's nothing we have to hurt them with. 

Even Boro or Wycombe.... they can't really lose anything. 

They've all set about a club on its knees and the very best that we seem to be able to hope for is to be able to field 11 players in August that don't have a cigarette at half time.

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24 minutes ago, Alpha said:

To be honest I don't see how the EFL can lose this war. They have nothing to lose. There's nothing we have to hurt them with. 

Even Boro or Wycombe.... they can't really lose anything. 

They've all set about a club on its knees and the very best that we seem to be able to hope for is to be able to field 11 players in August that don't have a cigarette at half time.

Look I know things dont look good I am worried sick we are considering a fund raising so we can take gibson on and efl our selfs I have not given up hope look we are Derby we will keep fighting.

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Just now, B4ev6is said:

Derby county is our club and we need to keep fighting we have efl and boro and wycombe on the run and they know it.

As @Alphasaid, we are kidding ourselves if we think we can win the battle against the EFL.

Mel Morris also thought he could win the same battle and look how it has ended.

Just look at the arrogance in their statements they are answerable to nobody, other than Steve Gibson, and they know it.

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3 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

As @Alphasaid, we are kidding ourselves if we think we can win the battle against the EFL.

Mel Morris also thought he could win the same battle and look how it has ended.

Just look at the arrogance in their statements they are answerable to nobody, other than Steve Gibson, and they know it.

Look why do you think efl keep changing freaking minds because they just hacked off wrong set of fans off.

Look we can win this fight I know we can.

Look I wish I could go infront of this bloody panel I make them back down because they would have no choice.

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46 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

As @Alphasaid, we are kidding ourselves if we think we can win the battle against the EFL.

Mel Morris also thought he could win the same battle and look how it has ended.

Just look at the arrogance in their statements they are answerable to nobody, other than Steve Gibson, and they know it.

This is why we need a court decision. I'll take that whichever way it rolls and move on. Sick of these Bamfords.

Advice to the world: don't be wearing Middlesboro colours anywhere in view of me.

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This is really hard at the minute. I want to log in to here, or Twitter, or any official news station and read/hear the latest news. But I’m just feeling so pessimistic and low, knowing that only frustration will follow. I suppose the news can be like that, but football isn’t supposed to be like this all of the time.

Im glad we don’t have a game this weekend, as I need to turn off football for a few days. There will be some who find this very hard, as football makes up the majority of their weekend. If that’s you, I hope you find some support and positivity.

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4 hours ago, simmoram1995 said:

After the EFL statement yesterday and news today about Festy , coupled with poor communication by the admin , the scavenging at our carcass by boro and Wycombe and generally no support from the other clubs themselves ( their fans aside). I feel absolutely deflated! I feel we are unfortunately at the end of the road and I feel gutted writing this as I hate being negative, as fans we have been a beacon of hope it this absolute poo show this season and Rooney has restored pride to name pride park when many like lampard , rowett and Mclarren are considered snakes for jumping ship! But I feel unless the sports minister takes a stand properly and doesn’t just say the word “Pragmatic “ on repeat and money can be made be generated by rich and famous fans to get a good lawyer to take this case to high court where we get a fair say. All I see is a kangaroo court , bidders pulling out and liquidation and over 130 years of history gone.

what Mel has done , Pearce and the Administrators continue to do is destroy the foundations of which we hold dear! They’re not just destroying a club, it’s history , but it’s culture , pride and heart of Derby as a city and family and home and community of  the people who attend pride park in their numbers! ?


we fight to the end 





feeling the same. if we survive (prob relgated to L1) I'm not looking forward to next seaon without the young players that have shown so much this season.

Need some news from Quantuma: Get to Court or liquidate us (I can see a takeover happening now)

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4 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah the fight has gone from me I'm afraid.

Football is supposed to be my release from every day life and I've found myself more stressed about this than my job and kids.

Just wish they would do whatever they want to do and let us fans just get back to watching football.

Right now I feel that if we are liquidated I will never watch a football match ever again.


4 hours ago, Alpha said:


It's hard enough maintaining the illusion that it's not completely and utterly full of poo. 

But if you take away the one emotional and historical attachment then what you left with?

Do you actually find the PL title race exciting? Do you feel the buzz of Ronaldo, one of the greatest players ever, returning to the Premier League? Do you rush home for that big Champions League clash between Real and Bayern?

Cus if the answers no then you'll drift away from a sport full of justified cheating, corruption, greed and hypocrits. 

What is it without YOUR team? 

It's a load of poo imo. There's only Derby County. 

I'll be done with football/soccer if the worse happens.  DCFC is in my blood and heart and nothing can replace the RAMS

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5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah the fight has gone from me I'm afraid.

Football is supposed to be my release from every day life and I've found myself more stressed about this than my job and kids.

Just wish they would do whatever they want to do and let us fans just get back to watching football.

Right now I feel that if we are liquidated I will never watch a football match ever again.

I’m sadly at the same point as you @G STAR RAM ?

The fight has well and truly been drained from me

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I am trying hard to remain positive and focus on all the good things I have in life and have a degree of control over. However I feel low and disillusioned, mainly over how nasty and vindictive the business of football has become. Like others if Derby is liquidated I am finished with professional football and will focus on supporting my grandchildren in whatever sport and team they play for. Greed and ambition are the death knell.

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11 minutes ago, Sinistra ram rousse said:

I am trying hard to remain positive and focus on all the good things I have in life and have a degree of control over. However I feel low and disillusioned, mainly over how nasty and vindictive the business of football has become. Like others if Derby is liquidated I am finished with professional football and will focus on supporting my grandchildren in whatever sport and team they play for. Greed and ambition are the death knell.

I think it's always been like this. But with the bigger sums of money involved it seems more modern. Football clubs have always been playthings for owners egos. 

I guess it's whether the sport eats itself or finds a way to deal with the huge amounts of money now involved in football.

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7 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah the fight has gone from me I'm afraid.

Football is supposed to be my release from every day life and I've found myself more stressed about this than my job and kids.

Just wish they would do whatever they want to do and let us fans just get back to watching football.

Right now I feel that if we are liquidated I will never watch a football match ever again.

This is EXACTLY how I’ve felt this week….

Started to think about the golf bats in the garage with the cobwebs on..

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