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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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10 minutes ago, Archied said:

Yeah what would women know about their own bodies and the menopause ?
when you can explain everything away then that’s dogma

What's the percentage of women affected? Let's say 20 million have had their jabs. What's 4000 as a percentage?

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11 hours ago, Andicis said:

Very few people are b. Most people have credible grievances with the fact that ''follow the science'' has turned into ''follow the really poor quality modelling which will inevitably be massively wrong in one weeks time''. You say you're not seeking to tar everyone who is unhappy with the same brush, yet are clearly pushing that way with your post, so who are you kidding? The amount of moonbat conspiracy theory types is a tiny fraction. Not worth bringing up, yet you do, in a way that I assume is to discredit legitimate arguments. 

You're not the arbiter of what is and isn't 'worth bringing up'. Who are you kidding?

I felt like posting something, so I posted it. I didn't post it to get a reaction.

You can read the post however you want to read it, but there was none of the subtext you've tried to apply to it intended. I was even crediting the majority for not following B to the stated conclusion. It is always quite revealing when you make a general statement to see just who pipes up and gets defensive, seemingly thinking it was aimed in their direction though.

A tiny fraction is still a lot of people, you wouldn't be weighing up the pros and cons of someone in their 20s risking side effects of the vaccination vs getting covid otherwise.

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Just now, GboroRam said:

What's the percentage of women affected? Let's say 20 million have had their jabs. What's 4000 as a percentage?

What’s the percentage of those affected by covid ? Do percentages only really matter if they support your argument?

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17 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

We should only really be concerned about looking for trending in side-effects that pose a serious health threat IMO

I think that given the fact a number of experts have stated that we simply can't know the long effects of the new MRNA vaccines and that they are already showing unexpected behaviours I find it concerning that not only this Government, but Governments all around the world quickly moved from reopening after we've vaccinated the elderly and vulnerable to vaccinating the entire population.

We're basically hoping that everything will be fine and any long term effects will be inconsequential at best.  

I am not sure I would have taken that approach given that the vast majority of under 50s, certainly those decades under 50, are at minimal risk to begin with.  Surely the mass vaccination of an entire population should come with absolutely zero risk? 

Maybe this will be our 'Great Filter' moment....

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3 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I think that given the fact a number of experts have stated that we simply can't know the long effects of the new MRNA vaccines and that they are already showing unexpected behaviours I find it concerning that not only this Government, but Governments all around the world quickly moved from reopening after we've vaccinated the elderly and vulnerable to vaccinating the entire population.

We're basically hoping that everything will be fine and any long term effects will be inconsequential at best.  

I am not sure I would have taken that approach given that the vast majority of under 50s, certainly those decades under 50, are at minimal risk to begin with.  Surely the mass vaccination of an entire population should come with absolutely zero risk? 

Maybe this will be our 'Great Filter' moment....

Yep spot on , perhaps the public ( older in general) have been scared so much that they not only need to be vaccinated themselves they also need every man woman and child to be vaccinated to feel personally safe ( as long as we wear masks ,social distance and work from home forever) no matter whether the young are virtually at no risk from covid ,

those at risk in the short term from covid less concerned by any problems that vaccines may appear long term crack on but ffs stop forcing it on the young who don’t need it , they have and will suffer enough to supposedly save us old farts ,

ancidis , read ,listen ,research then go with your own gut feeling do not be pressured

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9 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

That's a novel way of saying "you can prove anything with facts"

I'm just going to let Darwin do what Darwin does from now on with some of these contrarian sceptics who place their own knowledge and interpretation of 'facts' above those of 'experts'. If they're unlucky, they might win an award. Perhaps we could call it 'The Gove Award'.

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20 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

What's the percentage of women affected? Let's say 20 million have had their jabs. What's 4000 as a percentage?

Q. How many women having an early menopause, does it take to stir up a news story?

A. 4000. OK. You got a problem with that? You men have ducking no idea what a curse the menopause is, and don't get me started on the pain of child birth. No you can't hug me you bar steward. Can't you see I am sweating.

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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

I'm just going to let Darwin do what Darwin does from now on with some of these contrarian sceptics who place their own knowledge and interpretation of 'facts' above those of 'experts'. If they're unlucky, they might win an award. Perhaps we could call it 'The Gove Award'.


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18 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I think that given the fact a number of experts have stated that we simply can't know the long effects of the new MRNA vaccines and that they are already showing unexpected behaviours I find it concerning that not only this Government, but Governments all around the world quickly moved from reopening after we've vaccinated the elderly and vulnerable to vaccinating the entire population.

There's a difference between 'can't know' and knowing nothing about their behaviour. How long have they been around? 

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5 minutes ago, Eddie said:

As opposed to the usual source, the chosen man in the pub.

Oops Eddie , you are far closer to pubs than me , I don’t frequent them and my posts are NEVER clouded or driven by alcohol in my system ??‍♂️. But no matter trot that stuff out all the same???

it’s been a long time but one of the side effects I clearly remember around drink is the belief of being unswervingly right

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1 minute ago, Archied said:

Oops Eddie , you are far closer to pubs than me , I don’t frequent them and my posts are NEVER clouded or driven by alcohol in my system ??‍♂️. But no matter trot that stuff out all the same???

Wasn't a snipe at you - oh, forget it. 


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2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

The scientific method

Over history science has been proven to be right and proven to be wrong too, it just happens that it’s now become the new church and anyone questioning the chosen high priests at any given time are declared heretics to be burned at the stake 

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