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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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44 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

If you have a problem with any particular post please use the report button. 

Speaking of echoes...

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7 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

I know that they delayed releasing anymore restrictions but surely got to tell football clubs that they can start selling season tickets again as each week goes by the new season gets even closer.

The government have never said they can’t sell season tickets. The problem for many clubs, Derby included, is that if there are restrictions on attendances at the start of the season, they may already have enough/too many rolling over from last season.

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On 22/02/2021 at 17:38, David said:

Personally, I am sick to death of this topic, it’s a football forum, here to discuss Derby County and 95% of user reports are from the Coronavirus threads, previously Politics.


5 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Despite all the people complaining, not one post was reported. 

I don't like reporting stuff since David made his doomsday post - it looks like we're responsible for most of the grief on the forum and I'd prefer it if another thread wasn't shut down. 

Looks like the thread has been cleaned up overnight anyway ? 

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2 minutes ago, maxjam said:


I don't like reporting stuff since David made his doomsday post - it looks like we're responsible for most of the grief on the forum and I'd prefer it if another thread wasn't shut down. 

Looks like the thread has been cleaned up overnight anyway ? 

Yes, I do sleep sometimes.

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12 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

If you watch that video with the "bottles it" title, you might be surprised to see Andrew Neil basically agreeing that extending restrictions is the right thing to do.

You might have well been watching him say exactly the same thing on the bbc.

I enjoyed the big caption that said "General public seem to be in favour of extending lockdown"

That must have driven their core audience straight to the keyboard in rage ?


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6 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I enjoyed the big caption that said "General public seem to be in favour of extending lockdown"

That must have driven their core audience straight to the keyboard in rage ?


Only if you've already pre-judged both the content and the viewership ? 

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17 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I enjoyed the big caption that said "General public seem to be in favour of extending lockdown"

That must have driven their core audience straight to the keyboard in rage ?



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16 minutes ago, Archied said:


I thought they were supposed to be some revolutionary new media outlet that wasn't afraid to broadcast unpopular opinions?

So the perpetually enraged will be expecting it to be their go-to channel for hearing what they want to hear. Not to have them point out that actually yes, the majority of the general public support extending the lockdown



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17 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I thought they were supposed to be some revolutionary new media outlet that wasn't afraid to broadcast unpopular opinions?

So the perpetually enraged will be expecting it to be their go-to channel for hearing what they want to hear. Not to have them point out that actually yes, the majority of the general public support extending the lockdown



In other words...



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32 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I thought they were supposed to be some revolutionary new media outlet that wasn't afraid to broadcast unpopular opinions?

So the perpetually enraged will be expecting it to be their go-to channel for hearing what they want to hear. Not to have them point out that actually yes, the majority of the general public support extending the lockdown



Projecting much?

I imagine a lot of people just want to hear the news and not be spoonfed a narrow selective version of it - after all one of the core principles of GB News was to bring the full picture. 

Straight away we have Andrew Neil slagging of Boris, covering a demonstration outside Downing Street then qualifying it with most people are supportive of an extension.  Thats infinitely better than the BBC and Sky who almost completely ignored literally tens of thousands of people 'Marching for Freedom' through London the other week ?

And for what its worth, the real 'perpetually enraged' you talk of are still trending on twitter this morning - still trying to organise people to stop buying products from companies that advertise on GB News ? Why is it always lefties that not only don't want adult discussion, but also don't want you hearing about alternative opinions in the first place? 

My wish is that one day Google or Intel advertise on something they despise and they have to pack up using their PCs etc and we won't be subject to their inane ramblings for a bit.  Ah well, in the meantime there is always #gowokegobroke 

Edited by maxjam
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24 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Why is it always lefties that not only don't want adult discussion, but also don't want you hearing about alternative opinions in the first place? 

So much for your supposed apolitical standpoint ?

In answer to your question, maybe it's because it would involve interacting with people like you who constantly label them as 'woke' or 'loonies' or other such puerile terms, whilst prattling on about other folk being incapable of holding an 'adult conversations'. 


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I personally think anyone saying that we should continue with lockdown is very selfish and only thinking of themselves (And probably because it doesn't materially affect them).

Also - why do we think opening up will create more cases, especially at the rates that SAGE think. Lockdowns have shown around the world they don't always work, multiple countries including us have shown mask mandates don't work - I'm not convinced the numbers would materially change if we opened up 100%.

What I do know is that the Million on furlough and the industries that are desperate may stand a fighting chance of survival. 40,000 businesses went bust in Q1 this year (Maybe that's 100k jobs) and from July onwards this number in my opinion is going to really start to hit home. Imagine being told that in July, if you're an events business, or a hospitality business, or a nightclub or a travel company, or an airline, or a company making meals for air line companies (I could go on and on) that you will need to start contributing to the furlough payments yet you cannot even legally open? Just imagine that - it may not affect you personally, but put yourselves in the shoes of that business owner who is probably desperate to support his and her employees and the stress it'll be causing them...

Then, the 5 million on waiting lists for operations, the 10,000 people less who have not had breast cancer screenings (against 2019 numbers), the 40,000 less who have not had cancer referrals (against 2019 levels) and so on. The NHS isn't shut - I get that - but the fear culture, the do everything at arms-length culture, the stress (I've had anxiety which I've sort medical help for - thankfully its only mild), the mental health of people.

All for what? I get the other side of the argument - but the constant stream of lies just makes me angry. The constant stream of SAGE forecasts which are so far off the mark its just laughable. The decisions made by ministers and government scientists whose jobs are safe, no matter how wrong their predictions are, their share options in companies who are making a fortune, whilst single parents with children are wondering how they will support their kids because they're on 80% wages. It makes me furious.

The 3 deaths we saw yesterday, the average death count being around 10 a day now, 10!!! out of 1000 plus who die every day, that's 1% of deaths are covid - and guess what - a number of these people still have underlying conditions anyway! 

Honestly - it infuriates me the sheer hypocrisy. I actually want to see Boris and his G7 chums having a BBQ with no masks - that's normal - that's relaxing, that is the atmosphere we want, but then to not allow the rest of the country to enjoy it, that's not right. 

I hope the tide turns, I hope people rally, I hope there are peaceful protests, I hope as of the 21st June people do start to rebel. These politicians and ministers (Not all of them) need to wake up and smell the coffee. It does make me angry.

Sorry - Rant over.

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16 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

So much for your supposed apolitical standpoint ?

In answer to your question, maybe it's because it would involve interacting with people like you who constantly label them as 'woke' or 'loonies' or other such puerile terms, whilst prattling on about other folk being incapable of holding an 'adult conversations'. 

We're all having a conversation on here and most of the time despite strong disagreements, its in good faith ?

'Woke loonies' are the idiot twitter minority that try to cancel things before they have even aired a minute of content or go after advertisers when thay doesn't work.  

If you are going to engage in adult conversation you can be as far left or right as you want, not only will I be happy to have a chat, but I will be respectful doing so. 

If you are going to try to cancel someone for simply having a different opinion to you, or attempt to use quite nefarious methods to prevent those opinions shared at all, then yes I'm going to call them woke loonies as we'd have no starting point for a conversation anyway.

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12 minutes ago, maxjam said:

We're all having a conversation on here and most of the time despite strong disagreements, its in good faith ?

'Woke loonies' are the idiot twitter minority that try to cancel things before they have even aired a minute of content or go after advertisers when thay doesn't work.  

If you are going to engage in adult conversation you can be as far left or right as you want, not only will I be happy to have a chat, but I will be respectful doing so. 

If you are going to try to cancel someone for simply having a different opinion to you, or attempt to use quite nefarious methods to prevent those opinions shared at all, then yes I'm going to call them woke loonies as we'd have no starting point for a conversation anyway.

Ever so reasonable until you revisit the post that elicited my response...

1 hour ago, maxjam said:

Why is it always lefties that not only don't want adult discussion, but also don't want you hearing about alternative opinions in the first place? 


1 hour ago, maxjam said:

My wish is that one day Google or Intel advertise on something they despise and they have to pack up using their PCs etc and we won't be subject to their inane ramblings for a bit. 

Free speech for everyone except....

Anyway, it's a lovely day other there so I shall bid you adieu for the time being.

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4 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Ever so reasonable until you revisit the post that elicited my response...


Free speech for everyone except....

Not sure you've furthered your argument?

Yes free speech for everyone  ? No exceptions. 

'My Wish' was referring to woke lefties that by their own standards would censor themselves ?


9 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Anyway, it's a lovely day other there so I shall bid you adieu for the time being.

Its probably not for this thread anyway.

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Sage scientist Professor Graham Medley has been setting out the reasons behind the government's decision to delay.

Asked whether the country could have returned to hundreds of Covid deaths a day again had the remaining coronavirus restrictions been ended, Prof Medley he tells BBC Radio 4's Today: "Oh easily. I think we still might at some point."

He points out that "government risks are not the same as individual personal risks", adding that "government risks are primarily based upon healthcare, and whether the healthcare can continue to function."

He adds the focus of that risk is on "how many people end up in hospital, how many people end up in high dependency in hospital" and how to prevent this.

"So it's really an uncertainty at the moment, it's too early to say for sure what will happen at the peak of this next epidemic."

Challenged further on the idea that the UK could once more see hundreds of Covid deaths a day, he says it is "quite possible it is not a certainty".

"There is a lot of uncertainty, but I think that's quite possible."

So his assertions seem to be based on 'risk' but with no explanation of it. It's so easy to bandy words around without bothering to really consider their implications. He could just as easily said 'it's possible that vaccinations have mostly broken 'the link' and hospitalisations and deaths will remain low' but I doubt Radio 4 would have interviewed him then!

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10 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

So his assertions seem to be based on 'risk' but with no explanation of it. It's so easy to bandy words around without bothering to really consider their implications. He could just as easily said 'it's possible that vaccinations have mostly broken 'the link' and hospitalisations and deaths will remain low' but I doubt Radio 4 would have interviewed him then!

I think much is based upon one thing - a single 'inflexion point' in a graph - the point at which hospitalisations stopped falling and started to rise again.

It's interesting to note that now, 70% of those in hospital are under the age of 65, whereas in January, only 35% were in that age range.

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