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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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7 minutes ago, maxjam said:

So lets have a new Jamie Jenkins stat, cos I know you all like those...



Without passing comment on covid and its toll, perhaps if the Govt had simply funnelled £37bn into the NHS rather than track and trace and whatever other failed schemes they dreamed up we'd be in a far better position already.

To be fair thats not a very good comparison as I think its most likely that Covid was already running amok in this country by then.

I think a comparison to 2019 would give a better picture.

Anecdotally, I heard on the 29th December that there were more people in Royal Derby Hospital ICU that had tried to take their own lives (2), than there were Covid patients (1). Second hand information though so I have no idea if true or not.

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5 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

To be fair thats not a very good comparison as I think its most likely that Covid was already running amok in this country by then.

I think a comparison to 2019 would give a better picture.

Anecdotally, I heard on the 29th December that there were more people in Royal Derby Hospital ICU that had tried to take their own lives (2), than there were Covid patients (1). Second hand information though so I have no idea if true or not.

How did people know about Mike Ashley's bid back then ? 

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25 minutes ago, maxjam said:

So lets have a new Jamie Jenkins stat, cos I know you all like those...



Without passing comment on covid and its toll, perhaps if the Govt had simply funnelled £37bn into the NHS rather than track and trace and whatever other failed schemes they dreamed up we'd be in a far better position already.

Defo worth listening to somebody who stoops to going on that jokers show.

Lest we forget.


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51 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I listened to the this girl and her father interviewed on Radio 5 this morning. Her dad said that there are currently 117,000 children suffering from long covid.

That seems crazy high to me. Anybody else heard anything remotely like that?

Captain Sir Tom inspires long Covid girl's walking challenge

Her experience was pretty traumatic for a 9 year-old kid, especially when kids don't get it.


Sad for the poor girl hope she gets back to normal soon. However I don’t believe the numbers at all, and what a surprise as the threat of Covid is receding the BBC pull out it’s fear trump card “long Covid” 

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4 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Defo worth listening to somebody who stoops to going on that jokers show.

Lest we forget.


So?  We're back to the equivalent of slagging off the host (Joe Rogan) because the guest is credible (Dr. Malone).

What has this even got to do with covid?  Maybe Jamie Jenkins can't get a gig on BBC cos they don't actually want to hear the facts.  All they seemed to want to do was push the 90% of people in ICU were unvaccinated before Christmas when it was around 40%.

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2 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Defo worth listening to somebody who stoops to going on that jokers show.

Lest we forget.


Well when they are blocked from MSM maybe they have nowhere else to go.

It then feeds into the opinion that these people can't be making a valid point if they can only get on TalkRadio.

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2 hours ago, maxjam said:

So?  We're back to the equivalent of slagging off the host (Joe Rogan) because the guest is credible (Dr. Malone).

What has this even got to do with covid?  Maybe Jamie Jenkins can't get a gig on BBC cos they don't actually want to hear the facts.  All they seemed to want to do was push the 90% of people in ICU were unvaccinated before Christmas when it was around 40%.

I'm not sure if you're referring to me when it comes to Joe Rogan, but I don't really have much of a strong opinion and never commented on his interview with Dr. Malone, so there is no equivalence.

I liked his comedy way back and I've listened to a handful of his podcasts, but more so when he had comedians like Doug Stanhope on.

Rogan is clearly super smart and whereas I didn't like the way he danced around the issue of getting vaxxed I don't object to him. He certainly drills down on issues.

Mike Graham is a right-wing shock jock plank who cut that interview short after a minute making an utter fool of himself.

Boris Johnson said at his press conference this week that 91% of people in ICU with covid are unvaccinated and that over 60% of hospital admissions are unvaccinated.

But maybe the BBC and Boris and the Tory Party are colluding to mislead people?

And Starmer is supporting that by getting Labour to vote in favour of restrictions.

How paranoid do you have to be to think the BBC, Labour, the SNP and the Tories are all in cahoots?

And whilst we're at it lets throw every Government in the entire  world other than maybe N Korea.



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1 minute ago, Bob The Badger said:

I'm not sure if you're referring to me when it comes to Joe Rogan, but I don't really have much of a strong opinion and never commented on his interview with Dr. Malone, so there is no equivalence.

I liked his comedy way back and I've listened to a handful of his podcasts, but more so when he had comedians like Doug Stanhope on.

Rogan is clearly super smart and whereas I didn't like the way he danced around the issue of getting vaxxed I don't object to him. He certainly drills down on issues.

Mike Graham is a right-wing shock jock plank who cut that interview short after a minute making an utter fool of himself.

Boris Johnson said at his press conference this week that 91% of people in ICU with covid are unvaccinated and that over 60% of hospital admissions are unvaccinated.

But maybe the BBC and Boris and the Tory Party are colluding to mislead people?

And Starmer is supporting that by getting Labour to vote in favour of restrictions.

How paranoid do you have to be to think the BBC, Labour, the SNP and the Tories are all in cahoots?

And whilst we're at it lets throw every Government in the entire  world other than maybe N Korea.

Did he also mention that 40% of admissions being recorded as Covid admissions are with something completely unrelated? Didn't think so.

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4 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

Well yes when I posted about people choosing to die at home surrounded by their family rather than in hospital that brought a laughing emoji from archied I see. Not sure why.

Because your excuse that people choosing to die at home explaining excess none covid deaths at home is laughable ,,, NOT anyone dieing  anywhere ,hospital or home 

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12 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I'm not sure if you're referring to me when it comes to Joe Rogan, but I don't really have much of a strong opinion and never commented on his interview with Dr. Malone, so there is no equivalence.

I liked his comedy way back and I've listened to a handful of his podcasts, but more so when he had comedians like Doug Stanhope on.

Rogan is clearly super smart and whereas I didn't like the way he danced around the issue of getting vaxxed I don't object to him. He certainly drills down on issues.

Mike Graham is a right-wing shock jock plank who cut that interview short after a minute making an utter fool of himself.

Boris Johnson said at his press conference this week that 91% of people in ICU with covid are unvaccinated and that over 60% of hospital admissions are unvaccinated.

But maybe the BBC and Boris and the Tory Party are colluding to mislead people?

And Starmer is supporting that by getting Labour to vote in favour of restrictions.

How paranoid do you have to be to think the BBC, Labour, the SNP and the Tories are all in cahoots?

And whilst we're at it lets throw every Government in the entire  world other than maybe N Korea.

The Joe Rogan comment was aimed at the forum in general, one of whom called him a right-wing bullshitter.

Boris actually said that 90% of people in ICU had not had their booster with 60% not having had any vaccine.

This has admittedly grown from the 48% it was before Christmas but still nowhere near the 90% everyone was reporting.

You don't have to be paranoid to think the BBC, Labour, the SNP and the Tories are all in cahoots.  They can all have their individual reasons for prolonging the fear.  

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14 minutes ago, maxjam said:

The Joe Rogan comment was aimed at the forum in general, one of whom called him a right-wing bullshitter.

Boris actually said that 90% of people in ICU had not had their booster with 60% not having had any vaccine.

This has admittedly grown from the 48% it was before Christmas but still nowhere near the 90% everyone was reporting.

You don't have to be paranoid to think the BBC, Labour, the SNP and the Tories are all in cahoots.  They can all have their individual reasons for prolonging the fear.  

Omicron has clearly changed the rules of the game and whereas there was a solid reason to mandate the vaccination of health staff with delta, that's not as clear cut now and may need reassessing. But, I will let the experts assess it, not a lone wolf statistician

I'm happy to admit that, and that things look more hopefully once we have got over this hump.

We can have a conversation around that, but if you really think those 4 disparate groups all have their reasons to stoke fear that are purely selfish, then it makes sensible debate impossible.

Starmer could have brought Johnson down if he'd voted with the rebels. There is nothing he'd like more. But he will have seen all the data and know all the arguments and he clearly thought it was best for the country.

Your guy Jenkins won't have ALL the facts and he won't have been in aALL the conversations, he's not even a medical expert. All he can do is link to page 45 in a document so people can read some stats out of context. And even then his links don't even ducking work.

I have no ability to read data even if I could see it, but I do know stats can be made to say almost anything if you want them to.

If scientists all started changing their mind and saying we need to stop the vaccination programme, I'd be thinking, 'wow we need to stop the vaccination programme'.

I wouldn't be scrolling through Twitter trying to find some dude who didn't think that to then say the consensus is wrong as you're doing.

You entire argument is just the regurgitation of another person's argument. And one that you're so heavily invested in will never change no matter what you hear or what you see.

Too many people in this thread and just looking for *evidence* to support what they already believe rather than trying to get to to the truth.



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3 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Sad for the poor girl hope she gets back to normal soon. However I don’t believe the numbers at all, and what a surprise as the threat of Covid is receding the BBC pull out it’s fear trump card “long Covid” 

I was dubious of the number so I went to try and find out. Plus I wondered if I misunderstood and he was talking about people in general with long covid.

It seems like there are several thousands, but the picture is unclear at best.

Here is a report in the BMJ.

Long covid: One in seven children may still have symptoms 15 weeks after infection, data show

And for what it's worth, the story (on the radio) was about her trying to raise money for the NHS. It was her dad who mentioned long covid in terms of numbers.

Personally, long covid concerns me more than covid itself and, in comparison, it has had very little coverage on the BBC, at least on Radio 5Live.

But you've clearly decided to the contrary.



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19 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Your guy Jenkins won't have ALL the facts and he won't have been in aALL the conversations, he's not even a medical expert. All he can do is link to page 45 in a document so people can read some stats out of context. And even then his links don't even ducking work.

I have no ability to read data even if I could see it, but I do know stats can be made to say almost anything if you want them to.

If scientists all started changing their mind and saying we need to stop the vaccination programme, I'd be thinking, 'wow we need to stop the vaccination programme'.

ONE part of my argument has been interpreting official data that the Govt puts out.  I happened to stumble across Jamie Jenkins who according to his twitter bio is an award winning analyst and previously Head of Health/Job stats at the ONS - so more than qualified to confirm what I had already concluded looking at the data.

Whilst he may not be privy to conversations that politicians, sage or whoever have, he is more than capable of interpreting the data.  For example, in the run up to Christmas we were repeatedly told that over 90% of people in ICU were unvaccinated.  This was false.  Even if the latest data had been marginally out of date re. what was actually happening inside hospitals, two weeks later it is still false. 

I am fully capable of looking at all sides of an argument and reaching my own conclusions thanks ?  Understanding that the Govt and media regularly don't tell the truth about numbers sick in hospital to push a narrative is just one part of the broader issue, but it is quite possibly the biggest one when it comes to manipulating the general public to think a certain way.

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

Personally, long covid concerns me more than covid itself and, in comparison, it has had very little coverage on the BBC, at least on Radio 5Live.

But you've clearly decided to the contrary

Yes I have decided on the contrary as I have seen a “long Covid” story on the BBC news app at least once a week. And it’s coverage increases as Covid gets less impactful to the population, it was the same last summer, hospitalisations dropped and out came the long Covid stories. The continuation of the fear tactic from the MSM has to be driven by some rhetoric, when Covid dissipates out comes long Covid. 

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