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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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3 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I stopped watching when his opening comments were about how "a thousand" people in the comments of his previous video claimed to have had covid in November/December 2019 - therefore it must be true.  It's just yet one more example of an "influencer" influencing people to believe that the bad winter cold they had, might have actually been some sort of freak unexplained early covid-19 case which then must highlight how everyone is lying to us and we should trust no one (apart from the old attention-seeking retiree in the video of course)

So I'm going to be assume that his talk of excess deaths is also completely biased into trying making people believe it was the covid vaccine wot dunnit and it's a cover up - save myself the bother of watching any more of his crap

Leave the official inquiry to do its stuff



People turning off, as soon as they hear anything that challenges their own views, is one of the biggest problems with todays society...

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Went to our local health centre yesterday for an appt. with our diabetic nurse,and after all checks we asked when we were due a covid and flu injection,we were told to follow her to the injection room and within 5 minuites we(my partner)and I had both jabs,flu in the left arm and covid in the right,none of this waiting like I hear of in the UK.

Cant fault the Spanish health system.

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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

People turning off, as soon as they hear anything that challenges their own views, is one of the biggest problems with todays society...

There is a difference between having my views challenged and immediately realising that he's a grifter talking rubbish

You yourself said "Shouldn't need to take guesses" and then followed it up with "Especially as a lot of people are guessing that the excess deaths are due to the vaccine"

Which is the thrust of his video - he's guessing that it's due to the vaccines and trying to encourage others to get angry about his guess

On that basis - you should have switched it off too as you admit - we shouldn't be guessing? There is an official inquiry


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News story today on excess heart attack deaths


and an old one from August that I'm sure I posted at the time.



But I guess there are those that will choose not to read what is out there and then claim nobody is investigating it.

Far more likely to be caused by 5G masts, anyway.

Edited by Wolfie
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I was being pestered by repeated texts and emails in recent weeks to get a Covid booster.

They even sent me the link to the list of conditions which put me at high risk. I don't have any of them but assumed my (under control with medication) high blood pressure must be the reason I was being told explicitly in the same email, in bold, to go online and "tick the high risk box".

So I did as I was told and booked a jab for this week.

Guess what....I went along and was sent away again. Told I'm not eligible because I'm not over 50 (almost there) and don't have any high risk conditions.

No S*** Sherlock.

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

There is a difference between having my views challenged and immediately realising that he's a grifter talking rubbish

You yourself said "Shouldn't need to take guesses" and then followed it up with "Especially as a lot of people are guessing that the excess deaths are due to the vaccine"

Which is the thrust of his video - he's guessing that it's due to the vaccines and trying to encourage others to get angry about his guess

On that basis - you should have switched it off too as you admit - we shouldn't be guessing? There is an official inquiry

Your first line has just backed up what I said.

Also, if you turned off after his opening sentence how do you know what the 'thrust of his video' is? You've made up your mind without even watching it.

I watched his video because I want to know the stats.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

It amazes me how easily people have been conditioned to being dealt a s*** hand and being told they should be grateful for it.

I will never think myself lucky for having the best part of a year of being separated from my family.

Well, it wasn't addressed to you but to @Archied who appeared to be suggesting that "the western world" had been uniquely affected by Covid lockdown policies, when that is far from true.

As for being "conditioned" you can FRO with that one.

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3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Shouldn't need to take guesses, all of the things that you note should be pretty quantifiable, hence why I and others are questioning where the experts, who were quoting excess deaths on a daily basis thoughout the pandemic, are not doing the same now?

Especially as a lot of people are guessing that the excess deaths are due to the vaccine. You'd think experts would be keen to provide evidence to prove otherwise. 

Probably just not as sexy a story for the media to sell tbh. I'm sure the experts are continuing to investigate and drawing up conclusions right now. Just not being stuck in front of a camera to talk about it.

Covid was a new and shiny thing, talking about populations getting fatter causing more heart disease isn't really news to anyone.

Edited by JoetheRam
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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Your first line has just backed up what I said.

Also, if you turned off after his opening sentence how do you know what the 'thrust of his video' is? You've made up your mind without even watching it.

I watched his video because I want to know the stats.

OK - fair point. So I watched the whole thing, and it was exactly what I expected it to be. 

Sometimes you don't have to sniff your shoe to know you've trodden in something the dog did

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2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

There is a difference between having my views challenged and immediately realising that he's a grifter talking rubbish

You yourself said "Shouldn't need to take guesses" and then followed it up with "Especially as a lot of people are guessing that the excess deaths are due to the vaccine"

Which is the thrust of his video - he's guessing that it's due to the vaccines and trying to encourage others to get angry about his guess

On that basis - you should have switched it off too as you admit - we shouldn't be guessing? There is an official inquiry


For what it's worth I don't think he did actually guess that it's due to vaccines in that video. He was just presenting the information in a way that could easily be interpreted as "ooh there's more unexpected deaths now than on average during Covid", without explaining what else it could be (it could be vaccines, but it's probably not), leading to people with a pre-disposition of thinking it must be the vaccines to think their case now has this as evidence to support their position. If I could be bothered I would look up the stats for a myriad of other diseases and causes of death that have risen and posit an opinion as to why the increase is nothing to do with vaccines, but my lunch break is only half an hour long.

He was, and is heavy on suggestion, leading people up the garden path to add 2+2 and nudging them in the direction of 5.

He'll probably make loads of money doing so too.

People made up their minds on Covid long ago and it's a waste of time discussing it thinking anyone will change their opinions now.


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1 hour ago, Crewton said:

Well, it wasn't addressed to you but to @Archied who appeared to be suggesting that "the western world" had been uniquely affected by Covid lockdown policies, when that is far from true.

As for being "conditioned" you can FRO with that one.

Wasnt a criticism, just an observation.

I include myself in it. I now buy a litre of diesel for £1-70 and think its good because it was £2-00 a couple of months ago, completely ignoring the fact it was £1-20 just 8 months ago.

I just saw your comment about thinking ourselves lucky that we were only locked up in our houses and separated from our families for 9 months, because of what is happening in China, as being the same sort of thing.

Apologies if it offended you.

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15 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

OK - fair point. So I watched the whole thing, and it was exactly what I expected it to be. 

Sometimes you don't have to sniff your shoe to know you've trodden in something the dog did

Not sure you have watched it because nowhere does he blame the excess deaths on the vaccine, which is what you was expecting.

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22 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Not sure you have watched it because nowhere does he blame the excess deaths on the vaccine

he doesn't come out and say it - because that would quite rightly get his channel flagged for misinformation, but it's clearly what he's driving at. I mean here more or less says it here

"we had this mass vaccination campaign, we had people bouncing up and down about it politicians and medical officers and scientific officers strutting over the Telly every night and now we've actually got higher levels of death so no one seems to be commenting on it at all it is utterly bizarre and inexplicable"

If his point really is just "there needs to be an investigation into this" then why make a 17 minute long video when you could just say. "There is an investigation - look here https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/"

He's just a grifter trying to monetise people's worst fears. Sorry if you liked his video.


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5 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

he doesn't come out and say it - because that would quite rightly get his channel flagged for misinformation, but it's clearly what he's driving at. I mean here more or less says it here

"we had this mass vaccination campaign, we had people bouncing up and down about it politicians and medical officers and scientific officers strutting over the Telly every night and now we've actually got higher levels of death so no one seems to be commenting on it at all it is utterly bizarre and inexplicable"

If his point really is just "there needs to be an investigation into this" then why make a 17 minute long video when you could just say. "There is an investigation - look here https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/"

He's just a grifter trying to monetise people's worst fears. Sorry if you liked his video.

Don't really have an opinion on his video, other than it provides some stats on excess deaths. Something we had rammed down our throats on a daily basis for over a year but now, when the figures are even higher, complete radio silence. Strange don't you think?

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2 hours ago, Crewton said:

Well, it wasn't addressed to you but to @Archied who appeared to be suggesting that "the western world" had been uniquely affected by Covid lockdown policies, when that is far from true.

As for being "conditioned" you can FRO with that one.

Erm where did I say / suggest that ,, I live in the western world so experience what’s going on around me and news is more readily available regards the western world , I have little knowledge of how the lockdowns work in China , how they affect their industry and economy, do I take it your saying chinas economy is on its knees ? 
in terms of next in line crisis ,, climate crisis, I hear it’s very different to us in the U.K. or have I got that wrong too ? 
net zero ? , net zero is the amount net zero policies in the U.K. will affect temp reduction regards climate crisis which is costing this country trillions and putting us at the mercy of intermittent power sources and at the mercy of others for the fossil fuel we need to keep the lights on in the country when we have it under our feet ,

I hear China is supplying most of the equipment needed for this crazy folly or am I wrong there too,

yep think myself lucky I’m not in China?

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2 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

For what it's worth I don't think he did actually guess that it's due to vaccines in that video. He was just presenting the information in a way that could easily be interpreted as "ooh there's more unexpected deaths now than on average during Covid", without explaining what else it could be (it could be vaccines, but it's probably not), leading to people with a pre-disposition of thinking it must be the vaccines to think their case now has this as evidence to support their position. If I could be bothered I would look up the stats for a myriad of other diseases and causes of death that have risen and posit an opinion as to why the increase is nothing to do with vaccines, but my lunch break is only half an hour long.

He was, and is heavy on suggestion, leading people up the garden path to add 2+2 and nudging them in the direction of 5.

He'll probably make loads of money doing so too.

People made up their minds on Covid long ago and it's a waste of time discussing it thinking anyone will change their opinions now.


Probably had his eyes opened that nudge was big business during covid

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2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

OK - fair point. So I watched the whole thing, and it was exactly what I expected it to be. 

Sometimes you don't have to sniff your shoe to know you've trodden in something the dog did

I’m probably a bit more conditioned to feel that way about our so called politicians and experts , having grown up , lived and worked as a working class man all my life ,,, if something looks like poo and smells like poo the chances are it is poo and there’s been a lot that looks and smells like poo over the last 3 years and doesn’t seem to be showing signs of stopping , covid was the start of a crazy helter skelter 

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2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

he doesn't come out and say it - because that would quite rightly get his channel flagged for misinformation, but it's clearly what he's driving at. I mean here more or less says it here

"we had this mass vaccination campaign, we had people bouncing up and down about it politicians and medical officers and scientific officers strutting over the Telly every night and now we've actually got higher levels of death so no one seems to be commenting on it at all it is utterly bizarre and inexplicable"

If his point really is just "there needs to be an investigation into this" then why make a 17 minute long video when you could just say. "There is an investigation - look here https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/"

He's just a grifter trying to monetise people's worst fears. Sorry if you liked his video.


It would be fantastic to have a balanced unbiased inquiry into covid reaction and policies and I say that in a non partisan genuine way , I’m sure there were many many needless covid deaths ( mainly in the care sector) and non covid deaths then and going forward but let’s be honest it’s not going to happen and us masses will be left forever squabbling from different sides of the fence while those above who were either incompetent or downright dishonest or used covid to push political and financial agendas walk away with big grins and fatter wallets,

as we kinda agreed earlier on there’s not much we can do about this stuff so no point letting it affect us too deeply or else it would drive you mad and you end up like the kind of person who fire bombs refugee centres or pours poo over statues ??‍♂️

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3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Don't really have an opinion on his video, other than it provides some stats on excess deaths. Something we had rammed down our throats on a daily basis for over a year but now, when the figures are even higher, complete radio silence. Strange don't you think?

Apart from the articles I saw on on several news sites earlier 



Radio silence aye. Strange


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42 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

interesting one of the articles states there aren’t enough nhs staff to deal with the ever rising tide of heart problems 

admissions, permanent heart damage, disability from heart failure, and early death. There aren’t enough NHS staff to deal with the ever-rising tide of heart problems, and those that remain are overstretched, overwhelmed and close to leaving.”

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