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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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57 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

And if the numbers do drop ?

From my experience, due to waning immunity of the vaccine, the vaccinated are just as easily spreading it amongst themselves now. So I don’t believe there will be a noticeable drop just from taking a very small number of unvaccinated people out of the cycle.

Edited by QuitYourJibbaJivin
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2 hours ago, Archied said:

Will that be ok to move to next if they don’t comply?

No one has mentioned custodial sentences - only fines


The government says police will carry out spot checks in public spaces to determine the vaccination status of individuals, and issue fines to those caught breaking the rules.

Austria's health ministry says anyone who violates the lockdown for the unvaccinated could be fined €500 (£426; $572), while a penalty of €1,450 could be incurred for refusing to participate in checks.


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1 minute ago, Stive Pesley said:

No one has mentioned custodial sentences - only fines


Steve that’s now , what next if they don’t go and get vaccinated?

with the response in posts above yours I do have to say I’m beginning to think ,two years into this , 60 years old ,bloody tired ,, maybe I should just not give a duck what kind of world we are creating for our kids , let them deal with it ,

feel and say that here it’s all good , say it in cop 27 topic not so good ??‍♂️
one things for sure though , the last few decades are the best people have had in country s like ours , where we are headed now I dread to think 

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14 hours ago, ramit said:

These draconian measures being meted out in Austria are clearly not to protect people's health, keeping in mind that the Covid infection rate is highest in countries where most people are jabbed.  We have 82% double jabbed here, yet set records every day in infections and two thirds of the seriously ill are double jabbed.

Vaccinated infect others too, yet somehow the non vaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated who received their vaccinations as a protection against the virus seriously damaging their health.

Thank you for highlighting your complete and utter inability to understand the stats to prove exactly the opposite to what you were trying to above. 

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38 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

We will see 

Several studies have now shown the vaccinated can catch and spread covid as easily as the unvaccinated.  There is virtually no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated re. transmission 12 weeks following your jab - I posted a study about this a while back.

There is also this Guardian article from a couple of weeks ago referencing a different study;




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4 hours ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

From my experience, due to waning immunity of the vaccine, the vaccinated are just as easily spreading it amongst themselves now. So I don’t believe there will be a noticeable drop just from taking a very small number of unvaccinated people out of the cycle.


There is a worryingly large transmission rate amongst the fully vaccinated, but you are around 50% less likely to infect household members if you are fully vaccinated than unvaccinated. 

If you stop thinking about individuals and think about the whole population, think how to control the rate of reproduction, you start to understand these measures are positive and will help limit the spread.

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2 minutes ago, GboroRam said:


There is a worryingly large transmission rate amongst the fully vaccinated, but you are around 50% less likely to infect household members if you are fully vaccinated than unvaccinated. 

If you stop thinking about individuals and think about the whole population, think how to control the rate of reproduction, you start to understand these measures are positive and will help limit the spread.

That is the same study as the one quoted in the Guardian article I posted.  For the sake of accuracy the 40-50% reduction in transmission referred to the Alpha variant. Delta variant stats are as follows;

'a fully vaccinated contact has a 25% chance of catching the virus from an infected household member while an unvaccinated contact has a 38% chance of becoming infected.'

'the analysis further suggests that whether an infected individual is themselves fully vaccinated or unvaccinated makes little or no difference to how infectious they are to their household contacts.'

'What we found, surprisingly, was that already by three months after receipt of the second vaccine dose, the risk of acquiring infection was higher compared to being more recently vaccinated'


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55 minutes ago, maxjam said:

That is the same study as the one quoted in the Guardian article I posted.  For the sake of accuracy the 40-50% reduction in transmission referred to the Alpha variant. Delta variant stats are as follows;

'a fully vaccinated contact has a 25% chance of catching the virus from an infected household member while an unvaccinated contact has a 38% chance of becoming infected.'

'the analysis further suggests that whether an infected individual is themselves fully vaccinated or unvaccinated makes little or no difference to how infectious they are to their household contacts.'

'What we found, surprisingly, was that already by three months after receipt of the second vaccine dose, the risk of acquiring infection was higher compared to being more recently vaccinated'


What's your chance of transmission if it was 38% and it fell by 40%?

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:


There is a worryingly large transmission rate amongst the fully vaccinated, but you are around 50% less likely to infect household members if you are fully vaccinated than unvaccinated. 

If you stop thinking about individuals and think about the whole population, think how to control the rate of reproduction, you start to understand these measures are positive and will help limit the spread.

There certainly is and it’s blown a massive hole In things like vax passports and shown them up for what they really are, a tool for coercion. My father in law infected his wife and my dad on the same day and they’ve all had both jabs. I’ve had neither but was the only who didn’t get it, mainly because I’d already had it a few weeks earlier. 

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37 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

What's your chance of transmission if it was 38% and it fell by 40%?

There is a lot of data in the article and the 40-50% reduction in transmission refers to the alpha variant, not the delta variant.  In fact, it doesn't refer to the transmissibility of the delta variant at all.   

The article actually states 'the analysis further suggests that whether an infected individual is themselves fully vaccinated or unvaccinated makes little or no difference to how infectious they are to their household contacts.' 

The 38%-25% refers to how likely you are to catch covid re. your vaccination status; 'a fully vaccinated contact has a 25% chance of catching the virus from an infected household member while an unvaccinated contact has a 38% chance of becoming infected.'  And that wouldn't be 40-50% anyway, just 13%.  To have 50% less chance of catching covid it would have to be 100-50%, 90-40%, etc

Lies, damn lies and statistics - I remember that from my school days ?  

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48 minutes ago, maxjam said:

There is a lot of data in the article and the 40-50% reduction in transmission refers to the alpha variant, not the delta variant.  In fact, it doesn't refer to the transmissibility of the delta variant at all.   

The article actually states 'the analysis further suggests that whether an infected individual is themselves fully vaccinated or unvaccinated makes little or no difference to how infectious they are to their household contacts.' 

The 38%-25% refers to how likely you are to catch covid re. your vaccination status; 'a fully vaccinated contact has a 25% chance of catching the virus from an infected household member while an unvaccinated contact has a 38% chance of becoming infected.'  And that wouldn't be 40-50% anyway, just 13%.  To have 50% less chance of catching covid it would have to be 100-50%, 90-40%, etc

Lies, damn lies and statistics - I remember that from my school days ?  

I've pretty much give up trying to look at stats on this stuff as it's pretty apparent that so much boils down to the individual's immune system and what it's up to on any given day - all these studies are just drawing broad strokes based on relatively small samples

Using them to try and argue with strangers on the internet is rarely productive. Chances are that both of you and neither of you are right at the same time

But anyway - booked my booster for 27th. Stick that baby in me


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58 minutes ago, maxjam said:

There is a lot of data in the article and the 40-50% reduction in transmission refers to the alpha variant, not the delta variant.  In fact, it doesn't refer to the transmissibility of the delta variant at all.   

The article actually states 'the analysis further suggests that whether an infected individual is themselves fully vaccinated or unvaccinated makes little or no difference to how infectious they are to their household contacts.' 

The 38%-25% refers to how likely you are to catch covid re. your vaccination status; 'a fully vaccinated contact has a 25% chance of catching the virus from an infected household member while an unvaccinated contact has a 38% chance of becoming infected.'  And that wouldn't be 40-50% anyway, just 13%.  To have 50% less chance of catching covid it would have to be 100-50%, 90-40%, etc

Lies, damn lies and statistics - I remember that from my school days ?  

I think you need to go back to maths class if you think that's a drop of 13%. 

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